Lymphoma...and trusting doctor


I am 25 years old, male. I was freaking out because I found a 1 centimetre enlarged lymph node behind my ear, its been there for about 4 months. I thought for sure it was cancer/lymphoma. My family doctor told me  it was probably nothing to worry about, but would send me to a specialist because I am worried.

I went to the Ear nose throat doctor and he told me its just a lymph node and many times said it is not lymphoma. I felt great that day and the next day, but now a week later, I still have my doubts about it. Why can't I trust these doctors?


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    go to another ent for a

    go to another ent for a second opinion.  if it were me, that is what i'd do. good luck.


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Sorry you got scared, but you are OK.

    That was very nice and careing of your family to send you to an ENT specialest for a second opinion. That is great news that both doctors agree, you do not have anything to be woired about and DO NOT HAVE LYMPHOMA. Your lymph gland is just doing it's job and some times they get slitely larger, and take some time to go down. Take a big breath and let out a sigh of relief, you are very lucky you don't have it.

    Trust your doctores, they might have done blood work, but most likely, just had to feel your neck and ear area to rule it out. You'le be just fine. 
