How to make 3 years feel like 30 years

edbravo Member Posts: 63
edited January 2015 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hi everyone. Just found out that my npc cancer had mets to my bone after less than a year, so i probably have about 3 years left. Therefore, can you guys provide some suggestion on how to make 3 years feel like 30 and anyone with the same experience share their treatment for npc bone mets. Appreciate it.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member


    BAM!   That is me running into brick wall on your request.  What I have seen on here are those who have beaten the given timeline and I hope you are one of them.



  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member

    Sorry to hear this.  I have a different type of cancer, no more surgery or radiation available.  I am on palliative chemo.  Enjoy each day, we don't have an expiration date on our foot.  Do what you want and eat what you can.

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    I'll try...

    There is no guarantee in life, so don't give up the fight and I will give you reasons why.

    1. My Father was given six months to live with lung cancer, he lived six YEARS. [10 times]

    2. My Greataunt brok her upper leg at the age of 80. Doctors and everyone else,[except me] said she will never walk again. So she exercised her leg while in a cast with my jumprope, I was 12 at the time. I was the only one who belived in her so I was the only one she let sign her cast. Not only did she walk, she drove her car for six years and continued to walk until she passed, at 92. 

    3.  My wife has fibromyalgia so sever we were told for her to not exersise as it will not help and might just make her joints worse. She was supposed to be confined to a weelchair just over 25 years ago, and is almost stage 4 with kidney failure. [she drops one more number and she is stage 4]. She walks one to two miles every day, and rides a bicycle every other day up to 5 miles. [She is not even close to needing a wheelchair] and has had kidney failure for over 20 years.

    4. Me, I have had lung problems since I was 28. My right lung collasped twice at 31 and I now have stage 3 emphysema and cronic bronchitis, Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, and smoked 42 years and still get 98% O2 on the meters. [Doctor can't explain my numbers, I should be down around 91%]. I Had [past tence] throat cancer and lost my voice box. Only five people thought I would make it, [My wife, myself and my doctor, and two friends only], I did, and have been NED for 15 months.

    So try to live each day to the best you can, but never give up hope or faith. Spend as much time with your loved ones and ask, and answer, questions they have while you can. Take nothing for granted, but live to the fullest, and be at peace.

    You just might see all 30 years. I'll keep you in my prayers.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    sorry to hear


    Very sorry to hear about the cancer. When I recovered I put in my soul and mind that EVERY SINGLE will be lived and enjoyed as if it was my last day. If tomorrow never comes, I leave without any regrets. Make every day count than numbers don't matter.

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    This might help to read, It's from a post Jan 2012

    That will take you to the start of the post on CSN Jan 14,2012 By LYLHA about her mother;

    This is a copy of the last post from her on this post: March 7, 2014 "Mom's last scan was NED!

    Mom's scan was NED, actually twice now, Oct 2013 and January 2014. Thanks everyone for all your encouragement and support and prayers! May God bless you more.

    27 months later and this was hes second NED............There is hope!



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    ed, i agree with the others. 

    ed, i agree with the others.  the doctors can only speak from a science perspective but they do NOT know God's plan for you.  there are several here who were told to get their business in order years ago and are still here today.  i am praying they are just as wrong about you and you will live out that 30 years and then some.  i'll be praying and in the meantime, please don't give up.  there is hope up to the last minute.

    God bless you,
