The most amazing group of people!!

So I have been diagnosed with hpv tonsil cancer and last week started radiation and my first chemo. I am so overwhelmed by this, but Thank God that I found this site. I am in awe of the caring and helpful ness of you all. Actually a couple of days ago I posted(in the wrong place) a bit about myself, but as Bill said I should have started a new thread so more people could read it.  My biggest problem at this point is breathing out of my left nostrel and ALL That GUCK stuck in my throat. The salt/baking soda rinse is become part of my life. I am learning so much about a topic I never knew anything of.  So probably you will hear alot from me and I wanted to thank you before hand for any advise, comments, butt-chewings or whatever.  God Bless.


  • JC F
    JC F Member Posts: 74

    ...a rough road lies ahead but there is light at the end of the tunnel...stay strong, you'll get through this...

  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member

    How come you are only able to breathe out of one side of your nose?  You might need to look into a sinus rinse.  I use a sinus rinse and an over the counter (but sometimes you need to ask the pharmacy) rinse, Alkalol.  It helps open up the sinus.  Stick around and we will help and listen.

  • sharon 1
    sharon 1 Member Posts: 50
    KTeacher said:


    How come you are only able to breathe out of one side of your nose?  You might need to look into a sinus rinse.  I use a sinus rinse and an over the counter (but sometimes you need to ask the pharmacy) rinse, Alkalol.  It helps open up the sinus.  Stick around and we will help and listen.

    Nose breathing

    The cancer is pushing itself into that area. The dr gave me some steroids and that seems to help a bit. Thanks for the info tho, I will ask about Alkalol. I still am very uninformed on this cancer business and everyday it seems like there is something new.

  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member

    Welcome! I was really thankful to find this site too. It's great to be able to get advice from people who have been there. I hope your treatment goes quickly and smoothly. In a few months you will be able to report back to everyone with a NED!

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    amazing times call for amazing measures


    Welcome to the H&N forum, so sorry you find yourself here.

    You are correct Bill is an ok guy and I hear if you are nice he’ll come make you dinner.

    The only butt-chewing I might give is if you don’t drink plenty of water and swallow, swallow, swallow.  It was the best and easiest advice this forum gave me…………..thanks guys!



  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Well, Welcome again.

    It is a bumpy road you will go down, but as you see, you're not alone. They're all here for questions, help and loads of support to help you get through this. I use the sinus rince as well, the Netty pot has really helped me with keeping my sinus cavity open when it gets pluged. 

    Just take one day at a time, and only today matters. As Matt said , water,and more water. You must keep hydrated as well as just keeping swallowing. Have a bad day, just write it down here, it does help just getting it out sometimes. It also helps as well when these people know what you are saying because we've been there.

    Have a better tomorrow;


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Sharon

    Don’t worry we all started just like you not know much but over time and being here on CSN H&N you will learn a lot about your C and many others.. I am just glad you found us in time to be of help to you. I also believe very strongly in the power of prayer, so will put you on my prayer list.


    God Bless

    Tim Hondo

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    So many of us found

    this site at a time when we truly had the rug of life ripped out from under our feet....Thrown into a world where we don't understand the language or the customs.....and then we find this little haven of people who are supportive, smart....and willing to help us understand the language and the customs.  I too, was SO grateful to find this safe haven.

    Stick with us, kid....we'll help get you through the next few months....



  • thennies61
    thennies61 Member Posts: 285

    So many of us found

    this site at a time when we truly had the rug of life ripped out from under our feet....Thrown into a world where we don't understand the language or the customs.....and then we find this little haven of people who are supportive, smart....and willing to help us understand the language and the customs.  I too, was SO grateful to find this safe haven.

    Stick with us, kid....we'll help get you through the next few months....



    Was such a big help starting

    Was such a big help starting about a year ago.Everytime something happen there was no trouble finding someone on this sight who either went though it or knew of someone.Which all in all makes this trip alittle easier.I's like they say the known makes it easier then the unknown .Just ask away and someone has had it happen.

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Sharon 1, welcome to our

    Sharon 1, welcome to our family but i'm so sorry you need to be here.  it is a great place to be though.  i didn't find it until after my rad tx so i didn't even know what questions to ask.  i learned about my cancer, stage, etc. after joining here and learned what I should know.  i've learned a lot from this site and i know you will too.  as the others said, be SURE you stay hydrated and swallow many times a day, EVERYDAY!  even when it hurts to swallow you must swallow or you can lose the ability to do so.  we will be here for you for whatever you need.  we allowing venting so if you find yourself needing to vent......vent away!!  we will be on the sidelines for you so let us know how you are doing or if you have any questions.  there are a few here who also had tonsil cancer so you will have first hand knowledge.

    God bless you,


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Sharon 1, welcome to our

    Sharon 1, welcome to our family but i'm so sorry you need to be here.  it is a great place to be though.  i didn't find it until after my rad tx so i didn't even know what questions to ask.  i learned about my cancer, stage, etc. after joining here and learned what I should know.  i've learned a lot from this site and i know you will too.  as the others said, be SURE you stay hydrated and swallow many times a day, EVERYDAY!  even when it hurts to swallow you must swallow or you can lose the ability to do so.  we will be here for you for whatever you need.  we allowing venting so if you find yourself needing to vent......vent away!!  we will be on the sidelines for you so let us know how you are doing or if you have any questions.  there are a few here who also had tonsil cancer so you will have first hand knowledge.

    God bless you,



    Welcome. Glad you found us. Ask away with your questions as they come up. Take it one day at a time and do not waste time worrying about side effects that you may never get. Hydration and nutrition are key.

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    Hi Sharon

    You found the right place. There are many on here that can help you through anything throat cancer throws at ya. Including Bill cooking and something Matt forgot to tell you, he will also come and do the dishes after Bill is done. I can't recall if we have one person good at butt chewings but don't worry if you start going off the deep end someone will step up to the plate with butt chewing remarks.

    It's not an easy road but the people on here will make it a smoother road and we will all celebrate the end of your treatment. Bill will bake a cke and Matt will churn homemade ice cream ( I think he forgot to inform you of that also). Whenever you feel overwhelmed just stop and look around the room there are many hands extended your way. I've said it many times...............If I can do it anybody can do it. Only thing I ask is once you go through it you sit back and say Jeff was right I did do it.

    It is well worth the fight.



  • sharon 1
    sharon 1 Member Posts: 50
    Duggie88 said:

    Hi Sharon

    You found the right place. There are many on here that can help you through anything throat cancer throws at ya. Including Bill cooking and something Matt forgot to tell you, he will also come and do the dishes after Bill is done. I can't recall if we have one person good at butt chewings but don't worry if you start going off the deep end someone will step up to the plate with butt chewing remarks.

    It's not an easy road but the people on here will make it a smoother road and we will all celebrate the end of your treatment. Bill will bake a cke and Matt will churn homemade ice cream ( I think he forgot to inform you of that also). Whenever you feel overwhelmed just stop and look around the room there are many hands extended your way. I've said it many times...............If I can do it anybody can do it. Only thing I ask is once you go through it you sit back and say Jeff was right I did do it.

    It is well worth the fight.




    Love to you all and even tho these are for sure trying times I have NEVER met such a great cheering squad!!!!