I rang that BELL !!!!!!

I rang that Bell loudly...even my hubby got to ring it for me. There were tears of joy in all our eyes. And the Doc was so proud of me as he said people who do chemo/rad have a very tough time. So Bell has rung finishing that step, now to see what the scans tell us, if it is NED.


I asked my hubby if he wanted to watch one session and he said no, he sees me in enough pain without seeing why. Matt you were blessed your wife sat in on a session.


MRSBD I was wondering the same thing, if my stomach was stopping working due to the chemo or the pain pills I was on. I am on the same medication you mentioned in your reply. They said if I can eat by mouth and gain a few pounds they will take it out. I hope they do but hard to eat when throat so sore can't swallow medicine. I go back in to the the GI doc on the 21st.


Phrannie, my normal weight is around 30 pounds...I gained up to 156, as doc suggested they wanted me to gain more before treatment started, now I am down to 126 and they think I should gain about 10 pounds. My brother went from 172 down to 120 and now back around 140.


Bill, I feel like a little engine that could, as several times I begged my hubby to let me stop and it was so hard on him to help me get dressed and force me to go, I am glad he did, and I tell him everyday how sorry I am and for him not beat himself up, as he loves me so much.


Hondo, there were so many tears of joy when I rang that bell and when I walked into the lobby they were all clapping and wishing me well. I told them I knew I was a pill and thanked each and everyone of them for putting up with me. Delayed stomach is when the stomach muscles stop or slow down and won't let the food drain down like it should, so what ever I put in my PEG tube just sits and sours. Until I either get sick or drain it.



Debbie start doing that happy dance as I completed all of phase on they said. Tests soon to see if the they got it all or I may need the surgery, my face rather swollen yet and my neck is so horribly burnt.



I would not have made that trip with out the support of God,  my family, my friends and all of on here whom I call my friends as well. Everyone on this site is just amazing, and as beautiful inside as you are outside !


Prayers and Hugs !!! Kritter


  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    Rang that bell!

    Great news! I'm so happy for you. It's a relief to be done with those daily treatments, isn't it? You still have some healing to do, so be patient with yourself. It is 3 months and 2 days for me ☺ and today I actually felt almost normal. I'm looking forward to the NED you will share with us in three months!

    Beth  (MrsBD)



  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Ring that Bell proudly

    We're all proud of you for sticking to it and now that is behind. You will slowly start to feel better, you keep cooking for a few weeks they say, but you did the one day at a time and only think about today. Now you get to think about all the tomorrows to come. You might still have a few bumps but you know we're all still for you. 

    Your husband did great as well. I know how hard it was on my wife and son who stayed at the hospital for so many days. Allways wondering how I felt. All I could was write on a dry board for 17 days. I think they felt more pain than I did. The next words you will get to here is NED. We'll keep you and your family in our prayers. Thanks to you for being so strong.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    Rang that bell


    Congratulations on making it through treatments!  Remember to stay hydrated and get your nourishment, your body needs it.

    If I had known you had an empty seat to watch I would have come.

    Heal on and feel better soon (it takes time).  Welcome to the start of your “new normal”.


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    The Bell the Bell its Ringing

    When I seen your post this morning I knew it was over and the bell was ringing, glad you made it to the finishes line. Please understand that for the next few weeks the radiation is still at work but little by little things will start to get better and you will get back to your new normal you. Soon you will be able to eat again and get rid of Mrs. Peggy

    It is a blessing to have a good caretaker who stands by your side; I would have been lost without my Wife caretaker. She still today 13 years later is my caretaker best friend and Wife.

    God s Blessing to you both

    Tim Hondo

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    You done good, lady....

    and I couldn't be happier for you!  As BD said.....go easy on yourself in this healing phase.  It takes longer than getting over the flu, that's for sure.  Eat, drink (water), and be merry....you don't have to look that rad machine in the eye again!  You did amazing on your weight, in my opinion. 

    The best thing for me for those two weeks was not having to get up and dressed and head out everyday when I felt so tired....celebrate with a day in your pj's....hell, TWO days in your pj's! :) 

    I had a cheerleading hubby, myself.....he was so good at keeping my spirits up and my feet on that dusty road till treatment was over.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    You done good, lady....

    and I couldn't be happier for you!  As BD said.....go easy on yourself in this healing phase.  It takes longer than getting over the flu, that's for sure.  Eat, drink (water), and be merry....you don't have to look that rad machine in the eye again!  You did amazing on your weight, in my opinion. 

    The best thing for me for those two weeks was not having to get up and dressed and head out everyday when I felt so tired....celebrate with a day in your pj's....hell, TWO days in your pj's! :) 

    I had a cheerleading hubby, myself.....he was so good at keeping my spirits up and my feet on that dusty road till treatment was over.



    Congrats! I agree, ringing the bell is very emotional.

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    I am so happy you made it through. I knew you could just as much as I know how hard it is. I was ready to quit after the third day because I was having symptons they told me I would get after 10 days. So like I've always said, if I can do it anybody can.

    Heal on and know that it doesn't happen fast.


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    kritter, i'm so very, very

    kritter, i'm so very, very happy for you.  here is my HAPPY DANCE........



  • Kritter
    Kritter Member Posts: 147
    MrsBD ( Beth ) Yes it is a relief, but I have never been known for having patience. I have always been up and busy as a bee and this new life I have now I don't understand very well. People who know me are shocked as well. But I know this is the new life I will lead and will adapt somehow. I am so glad you are doing so much better.


    Bill.. when I read your words somehow it is like you are sitting here talking to me and I can feel the emotion you are putting into words. Right now I am going day to day and not thinking about tomorrow. Learning I have a new life in a way , and so are my hubby and nephew who are with me constantly. I don't know what I would have done without them caring for me. I am so waiting on the NED!!!!


    Matt..Thank you for your sweet words. I am trying to stay hydrated but my body not liking it one bit. If I had known you were available I would have welcomed you to help us ring that bell! I guess New normal suits me since I always thought normal was a setting on my dryer.


    Tim Hondo....Oh I know what cooking feels like. I am still burnt to a crisp on my neck, it is worse than my face was. Looks like we both got lucky in the spouse department, I adore my hubby had him almost 24 years and he's almost house broke! ((Just smile, he loves when I say that,not being mean to him))...I hope you are doing great and finally rid of that pneumonia...


    Phrannie..Oh you are so right girl!.. I would gladly take the flu or what I am dealing with now. But I also know it will come to an end soon and I will start to feel human again. And by the way on the days when I only had my Radiation sessions I generally wore my PJ'S.. Doc even laughed and said you go girl!..We are so lucky to have great caretakers...


    HWT... very emotional.. we both cried all the way home.. now waiting on NED.. which will come... I am sure!


    Jeff....That was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. So many times I begged to quit and had to see the tears in my hubby's eyes as he begged me to try to please go, and I would go and come home to bed once more and repeat until 6 days ago. Slowly going one day at a time.. and you did good as well!


    Debbie.. Love your happy dance pic!..You certainly put a smile on my face.   



    Prayers and hugs... Kritter
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Kritter said:

    MrsBD ( Beth ) Yes it is a relief, but I have never been known for having patience. I have always been up and busy as a bee and this new life I have now I don't understand very well. People who know me are shocked as well. But I know this is the new life I will lead and will adapt somehow. I am so glad you are doing so much better.


    Bill.. when I read your words somehow it is like you are sitting here talking to me and I can feel the emotion you are putting into words. Right now I am going day to day and not thinking about tomorrow. Learning I have a new life in a way , and so are my hubby and nephew who are with me constantly. I don't know what I would have done without them caring for me. I am so waiting on the NED!!!!


    Matt..Thank you for your sweet words. I am trying to stay hydrated but my body not liking it one bit. If I had known you were available I would have welcomed you to help us ring that bell! I guess New normal suits me since I always thought normal was a setting on my dryer.


    Tim Hondo....Oh I know what cooking feels like. I am still burnt to a crisp on my neck, it is worse than my face was. Looks like we both got lucky in the spouse department, I adore my hubby had him almost 24 years and he's almost house broke! ((Just smile, he loves when I say that,not being mean to him))...I hope you are doing great and finally rid of that pneumonia...


    Phrannie..Oh you are so right girl!.. I would gladly take the flu or what I am dealing with now. But I also know it will come to an end soon and I will start to feel human again. And by the way on the days when I only had my Radiation sessions I generally wore my PJ'S.. Doc even laughed and said you go girl!..We are so lucky to have great caretakers...


    HWT... very emotional.. we both cried all the way home.. now waiting on NED.. which will come... I am sure!


    Jeff....That was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. So many times I begged to quit and had to see the tears in my hubby's eyes as he begged me to try to please go, and I would go and come home to bed once more and repeat until 6 days ago. Slowly going one day at a time.. and you did good as well!


    Debbie.. Love your happy dance pic!..You certainly put a smile on my face.   



    Prayers and hugs... Kritter
    House Broken

    It took my caretaker Wife 40 years to get me house broken, but every now and then I still have an accident.

    What a blessing She is

    Tim Hondo

  • avisemi
    avisemi Member Posts: 172
    Congratulations! And many

    Congratulations! And many blessings and NEDs for you in the future. you are such a strong woman. Your posts encouraged me because of your attitude and strength.