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I  had a CT scan yesterday and the results came in yesterday afternoon. The Onc called me last night and said that she wants to get things rolling ASAP, i have been on a watch and wait for a year and a half now, i have non hodgkins lymphoma stage 3, it is in my chest and now the lymphnodes are pressing on my lower right lung lobe and it has been making me wheezing badly, am on 2 different inhalers, the pressure on my lung can cause my lung to collapse or shut the supply of oxygen, so she will contact a surgeon so i can have a biopsy to see if it has changed to being aggressive, since the tumors have grown considerably in a short period of time, my bronchial airway is narrowing as well, will know more by Monday when i see her again, this is my 3rd diagnosis in 7 years, i am tired but i have to continue to fight this demon.


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    Chris, my own lymphoma was discovered because huge nodes were pressing against my heart, causing angina-like symptoms.

    Obviously, you have been through the wringer with this, and you qualify as one of those special cases that are emotionally simply hard to fathom. Dixiegirl (Beth) comes to mind.

    Bless your treatment. As you know, there are numerous success stories here among people who have relapsed one or more times. It is totally winnable !

    I have surgery in a few weeks for prostate cancer, which is not technically a "relapse" (medically, it is a "secondary cancer"), but I know what it is like for the worry to keep piling on.  In March, I have a CT to confirm that a lung nodule is not growing (so far so good; it appears to be benign).

    Assume the best for your future !


    A song for you. Feed on its energy, power, and hope:


  • Chris17
    Chris17 Member Posts: 175


    Chris, my own lymphoma was discovered because huge nodes were pressing against my heart, causing angina-like symptoms.

    Obviously, you have been through the wringer with this, and you qualify as one of those special cases that are emotionally simply hard to fathom. Dixiegirl (Beth) comes to mind.

    Bless your treatment. As you know, there are numerous success stories here among people who have relapsed one or more times. It is totally winnable !

    I have surgery in a few weeks for prostate cancer, which is not technically a "relapse" (medically, it is a "secondary cancer"), but I know what it is like for the worry to keep piling on.  In March, I have a CT to confirm that a lung nodule is not growing (so far so good; it appears to be benign).

    Assume the best for your future !


    A song for you. Feed on its energy, power, and hope:


    Thank you so much

    The song really lifted my spirits, i wish you all the best and hope you will recover quickly. Will be keeping good thoughts for you. 

    I see the surgeon Thursday so he can read my CDs and let me know if he can do the biopsy procedure or not. I am nervous but confident it will be ok. I have joined a couple of support groups which has really helped, good luck to you and i will post more as i find out.


  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    Chris17 said:

    Thank you so much

    The song really lifted my spirits, i wish you all the best and hope you will recover quickly. Will be keeping good thoughts for you. 

    I see the surgeon Thursday so he can read my CDs and let me know if he can do the biopsy procedure or not. I am nervous but confident it will be ok. I have joined a couple of support groups which has really helped, good luck to you and i will post more as i find out.



    So sorry Chris.  I will be thinking of you and hoping for the best.  Keep that good attitude, I know it's not easy.   I think about you and have been hoping that no news was good news.  Please know we care.
