Baby after male on temodar

hsomers85 Member Posts: 2

I would like to know if anyone has had a baby after the male was on temodar. I haven't found anything online about anyone having a baby that had issues. But I would like to be safe on how long we wait. I've heard windows of 3 months to 3 years. We would really like to have another child. Any stories will be helpful, thanks.


  • Sten
    Sten Member Posts: 162 Member
    A window of 6 months is


    A window of 6 months is what the doctors recommend here in Sweden.


  • hsomers85
    hsomers85 Member Posts: 2
    Sten said:

    A window of 6 months is


    A window of 6 months is what the doctors recommend here in Sweden.


    Thank you. That really helps.

    Thank you. That really helps. Our doctor originally said 2 years, then 1 year. Then he told us that there really isn't enough information on the drug to give us an amount of time we will be officially safe. And that we have to just make our own decision. I've never heard of a story of something being wrong with a child after temodar. I just don't want to make the wrong decision.


  • legerbecky
    legerbecky Member Posts: 2
    another child

    we are kind of going through the same thing. Our dr told us about a year after. Since then my husband has had carboplatin chemo and radiation so it's still up in the air. We desperately want another child. Ours are 3 and 5. His tumor has been stable for about 6 months now. There is so much to weigh when making this decision, as I'm sure you know.

  • KhanMan
    KhanMan Member Posts: 1
    I have been diagnosed with AA

    I have been diagnosed with AA of the right frontal lobe and have been through surgery, radiation and chemo. while planning my radiotherapy, the doctor wanted to know if we were planning to have more children AND i SAID "i'd like to retain the capacity to" and my doctor said that we should plan as follows.

    1) wait till you are off temodar for atleast an amount of time that ensures that the sperms exposed to temodar are no longer in circulation and then plan on conceiving. I suppose that translates to six months between last temodar dose and actual conception.

    hope this helps.




    THe KHAN Man