New to site uterine cancer help hysterectomy on 12/31/14

New to site uterine cancer and hysterectomy scheduled 12/31/14

Hello all

Diagnosed with uterine cancer and getting very nervous about my surgery. My endo biopsy showed endo adenocarcinoma suggestive of Figo grade 2. But it also showed high grade cytology atypica and significant p53 positivity which raises the concern for possible high grade endometrioid or serous differentiation. CA 125 was 6 so that seems good. CT scan showed 2 small nodes in andomem, a cyst each on liver and kidney, small mediastinal nodes on my lungs, and my uterus is bumpy, has nodularity in the anterior myometrium without a discreetly defined mass. Can someone help me decipher this jargon? I do smoke but quitting when I go in so lung issue may be result of this, but I am really getting scared and need someone to talk to. 



  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    Debbie D. Welcome to this site

    I hope that all goes well with your hysterectomy.  Do you know if it will be robotic or open Surgery?   I had robotic and was only in the hospital overnight.  If you have the open hysterectomy I was told a hospital stay about 5 days.  You really won't know much until your final pathology comes back.  I hope you have a gyn/onocologist doing the surgey.   My regular gynecologist recommended that I see a Gyn/onocologist when I had an abnormal PAP.   They are more skilled doing the surgery if they find Cancer.

    I have a cyst on my liver and some nodules in my lung.  Some people call it " body junk".  It is nothing to worry about.  Let's hope that is what yours turns out to be.

    I certainly understand you being scared.  Hearing that "Cancer" word is very scary.  Take a big deep breath and take it one day at a time.   Your CA-125 is normal, so that is a very good thing.  Come back with any questions you may have.  I will say an extra prayer for you on the 31 st.  In peace and caring.


  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member
    Welcome , Debbie

    I wish you didn't need to find this cancer board, but welcome. The ladies here are knowledgeable and supportive. I was in the hospital just over night, and the recovery for the robotic surgery seemed quick and easy. My biopsy also suggested a grade 2 uterine cancer , but it was not until I received the pathology report that I really knew what I was dealing with. Like Ro said , it is important to find a gynecologic oncologist to provide your treatment as they are the experts with this kind of cancer. Like you , I was terrified to discover that I had cancer but it gets easier to live with as time goes by. I have no evidence of disease  (Ned) at this time and it has been 14 months since my hysterectomy. i will be praying that all goes well for you on the 31st, Debbie.  Let us know how we can help. 


  • Debbie D
    Debbie D Member Posts: 3
    Ro10 said:

    Debbie D. Welcome to this site

    I hope that all goes well with your hysterectomy.  Do you know if it will be robotic or open Surgery?   I had robotic and was only in the hospital overnight.  If you have the open hysterectomy I was told a hospital stay about 5 days.  You really won't know much until your final pathology comes back.  I hope you have a gyn/onocologist doing the surgey.   My regular gynecologist recommended that I see a Gyn/onocologist when I had an abnormal PAP.   They are more skilled doing the surgery if they find Cancer.

    I have a cyst on my liver and some nodules in my lung.  Some people call it " body junk".  It is nothing to worry about.  Let's hope that is what yours turns out to be.

    I certainly understand you being scared.  Hearing that "Cancer" word is very scary.  Take a big deep breath and take it one day at a time.   Your CA-125 is normal, so that is a very good thing.  Come back with any questions you may have.  I will say an extra prayer for you on the 31 st.  In peace and caring.


    Hi Ro 
    I do have a gyn

    Hi Ro 

    I do have a gyn oncologist. He is going to try the robotic surgery, but will change to open if need be. Thanks for responding and for uour prayers

  • Debbie D
    Debbie D Member Posts: 3
    Abbycat2 said:

    Welcome , Debbie

    I wish you didn't need to find this cancer board, but welcome. The ladies here are knowledgeable and supportive. I was in the hospital just over night, and the recovery for the robotic surgery seemed quick and easy. My biopsy also suggested a grade 2 uterine cancer , but it was not until I received the pathology report that I really knew what I was dealing with. Like Ro said , it is important to find a gynecologic oncologist to provide your treatment as they are the experts with this kind of cancer. Like you , I was terrified to discover that I had cancer but it gets easier to live with as time goes by. I have no evidence of disease  (Ned) at this time and it has been 14 months since my hysterectomy. i will be praying that all goes well for you on the 31st, Debbie.  Let us know how we can help. 


    Hi Cathy
    i will have gyn

    Hi Cathy

    i will have gyn oncologist and he will try robotic first and open if need be. It's so comforting to have people that can relate to what I am going through. Bless you

  • dshapiro
    dshapiro Member Posts: 28
    Hi Debbie, 
    I am still a bit

    Hi Debbie, 

    I am still a bit too new to all this cancer "stuff' to as I was diagnosed the first week of November with carcinosarcoma or MMMT.  I hate that you have to join us but I can tell you the women here have been really great and there are some things I am already starting to do in prep for my first round on chemo on Jan 7th.  Outside of the real life point of view from all the others here I can strongly recommend contacting your local American Cancer Society.  They have resources I would never have thought I might need and you may find something there to help you as well.  My family has already been "told" that I have no idea how this treatment is going to effect me and they are simply on their own....Period.  I will be there in my capacity as much as possible but on the days when I go down......they are responsible for themselves.  

    You may even want to let you mother know what is going on with you, if you haven't by now, and that until you are back up and running she will need to allow others to help her out.  It will feel really lousey doing it but right now you need to focus on you, your needs and yes, ask flat out for what YOU need.  You also might want to check into other area resources like local churches, Meals on Wheels and other Senior Care agencies out there to help you with your Mother's care, errands, doc appointments and so on.  But, once again, check into the American Cancer Society. It's free  and they have helped many. 

    I wish you all the best and keep clear open communication with your Physician and especially your chemo nurses.  Best meeting I've had to date about all this has been with my chemo nurses.  Most of my postings are under "Darn's MMMT under the uterine discussion boards where I will continue to post things that happen and things I discover as I enter chemo-land. 


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    Debbie, not much to say that

    Debbie, not much to say that the other wonderful women have not already said.  I would repeat though, take a breath.  This is a lot to wrap your mind around.  Perhaps your doctor can give you something to help you relax and sleep while you wait.  I wish I had.  I couldn't sleep, couldn't you I thought I would be having the robot surgery and if he had seen something he didn't like he was planning on a traditional hysterectomy. 

    This is a great place to vent and ask questions, but if you have a pastor, rabbi, priest, or if you have EAP you can call through your work that may help with advice as well. 

  • pinky104
    pinky104 Member Posts: 574 Member
    Debbie D

    I was diagnosed in May of 2010 after my gyn found a large polyp in my uterus.  He planned on doing robotic surgery, but ended up doing a full blown hysterectomy, removing the uterus, ovaries, tubes, the omentum, lymph nodes,  a piece of the small intestine, and having a gastroenterologist take out my gallbladder and appendix at the same time because of gallstones.  I was in the hospital 6 days and miserable.  I was diagnosed with stage IVb uterine papillary serous carcinoma, a very aggressive cancer in the worst stage there is.  I just want to say that I have had a liver cyst all along and it has been found to be benign.  Although I had a scare this year because a mass was found in me again, my gyn/onc now thinks it's nothing, as it hasn't grown. It may be a fluid collection from having the lymph nodes removed. He's going to do one more round of tests and another CT scan in June, then he's going to write it off as nothing.  So that means it looks like I'm cancer free, which is amazing after having a very aggressive stage IV cancer.

    You may not see this before your sugery today, but it might give you some hope after it.  My chemo wasn't half as bad as I'd expected it to be. The nurses at my hospital were great, and they became good friends every time I went in for treatments.  I hope you can beat this thing like I (hopefully) have.


  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hi Debbie

    Just want to say "hello" to you as I believe the other posters have said what I would have said.   Take a deep breath.   This is a place where you can vent.

    Sending you comforting hugs.   Thinking of you for your surgery today.

    My best to you.


  • Hopeful162
    Hopeful162 Member Posts: 82
    Kaleena said:

    Hi Debbie

    Just want to say "hello" to you as I believe the other posters have said what I would have said.   Take a deep breath.   This is a place where you can vent.

    Sending you comforting hugs.   Thinking of you for your surgery today.

    My best to you.


    Debby's, how did surgery go?

    Debby's, how did surgery go?