Confused about colonscopy diagnosis

Due to bright bleeding, I went in for 2nd colonscopy. The first colonscopy found hemorrhoids, as did the second one I had today. 


The last colonscopy was in Aptil 2013. Todays colonscopy 12/22/14 stated this in discharge paper:


Diagnosis: hemorrhoid, scattered mild colitis in rectum (biosed), most likey due to infection. Small lesion near the cecum which needs CT scan for further evaluation.


I had horrible anxiety, which lead me to Dr. Google and cecum cancer has horrible survival rate.


I asked GI doctor after colonscopy and he just shrugged his shoulders and said they are going to to do CT scan and it could possibly be kidney rubbing against the cecum or something to do with the way I was positioned during exam. Last year exam I had biospy  near appendix area but biosy was clean.


I know you are not doctors but any insight would help greatly. I've had IBS symptoms for over 10 years (bloating, gas, IBS/D) and for the past 4 years I would have occasional bleeding. However I had 2 ct scans in 2011 which showed nothing. Ultrasound in 2013 which was also clear. I am truly scared.



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    The first thing I would tell you is to stay away from Dr. Google, he brings nothing but bad news. Let the CT Scan and Doctor's decide if there is anything to worry about, until till then take a DEEP BREATH and have a HAPPY Christmas season. 

    Welcome to the forum. We are a GREAT bunch of people. Saying that, you probably will have no reason to visit with us after you get your clear scan, but until then, we're here to help ease your mind. 

    Sue - Trubrit


  • Akroger
    Akroger Member Posts: 88
    Trubrit said:


    The first thing I would tell you is to stay away from Dr. Google, he brings nothing but bad news. Let the CT Scan and Doctor's decide if there is anything to worry about, until till then take a DEEP BREATH and have a HAPPY Christmas season. 

    Welcome to the forum. We are a GREAT bunch of people. Saying that, you probably will have no reason to visit with us after you get your clear scan, but until then, we're here to help ease your mind. 

    Sue - Trubrit


    Truth (about Dr. Google)

    S/he diagnosed me with cancer a few years ago because I had unexpected weight loss and elevated WBCs.


    It's excruciating (I have horrible anxiety issues too), and I'm not going to tell you not to use Google at all for this (I still do for my own health questions) but try not to take any of what you find too seriously. Your doctor's analysis is the only thing you should trust.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    I've never heard of Dr. Google, but please don't let the internet diagnose you.  Wait for the CT scan and go from there.  It probably is nothing and they just want to make sure of it.  Let us know how it goes.


  • mike082102
    mike082102 Member Posts: 3


    I've never heard of Dr. Google, but please don't let the internet diagnose you.  Wait for the CT scan and go from there.  It probably is nothing and they just want to make sure of it.  Let us know how it goes.



    Thanks for the warm support. Just worried about the lesion.

  • mike082102
    mike082102 Member Posts: 3
    CT scan results back but now I have another concern
    So for weeks I was wondering why GI doc did not do biopsy on bump seen near cecum, he only did biopsy in where he seen colitis which was negative.

    I finally got this email response, let me know if you think I should be concerned about lymph nodes. I am concerned now of lymphomia now. I hate dr. google. Here is his response:

    "Hi Mr. xxxx

    I did NOT see a tumor. All I saw was a bulge on your colon. There was NO signs of obvious tumor therefore there was NOTHING to biopsy.

    Your CT scan result also came back which did NOT show any tumor. 

    You did have a few lymph nodes around that region which could have pushed on your colon leading to a bulge. 

    These lymph nodes likely are from your recent infection which should resolve by itself.

    Hope this answered your question

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    CT scan results back but now I have another concern

    So for weeks I was wondering why GI doc did not do biopsy on bump seen near cecum, he only did biopsy in where he seen colitis which was negative.

    I finally got this email response, let me know if you think I should be concerned about lymph nodes. I am concerned now of lymphomia now. I hate dr. google. Here is his response:

    "Hi Mr. xxxx

    I did NOT see a tumor. All I saw was a bulge on your colon. There was NO signs of obvious tumor therefore there was NOTHING to biopsy.

    Your CT scan result also came back which did NOT show any tumor. 

    You did have a few lymph nodes around that region which could have pushed on your colon leading to a bulge. 

    These lymph nodes likely are from your recent infection which should resolve by itself.

    Hope this answered your question

    I think you can relax

    It sounds like you have nothing to worry yourself about. If there was a chance of Lymphoma, your Doctor would be ruinning test for that; and seeing he hasn't means he doesn't think there is a concern. 

    If you still can't relax after the email from your Doctor, maybe you should look into getting a second opinion and then you will know one way or the other. 

    Good luck!

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Sounds like they are not concerned from what they saw.  I've always felt that most doctors can tell if something doesn't look just right and would get extra texts "just to make sure, and just in case scenerio".  It's always recommended to get a second opinion if you are concerned.  Glad it doesn't sound like anything to be alarmed about but you have to feel comfortable with the answer from the doctor.  Thanks for the update.


  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Good news

    Sounds like you're good to go!

