Prayers Requested

traceyd1 Member Posts: 79 Member

I am asking for prayers for my husband, Jim.  Yesterday he went in for his three month scan of his chest.  Last year his scans showed a 6-7 mm spot on his lungs and another smaller spot.  We have taken a wait and see approach, as we realize this could be anything and because it was too small to biopsy.  Well, the 6-7mm spot has grown to 13mm since September.  His physicians are meeting to try to discuss the next plan of action.  His primary surgeon doesn't think its a return of his sarcoma, as it has been slow to grow; however, his radiation oncologist is all gung-ho about zapping the spot with 5 radiation treatments--without, I might add, knowing exactly what it is.  He feels its a recurrance of the original jaw sarcoma.  Anyway, we are pretty unsure as to our next step, but know that prayers are always a movement in the right direction.  He has been NED for almost three years, so this has really shaken us up a bit.


Thank you.  God Bless and Merry Christmas,







  • Kritter
    Kritter Member Posts: 147

    Sending you lots of Prayers and hugs that decisions will be made soon and things will fall into place. Kritter

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Tracey

    Will keep your husband in my prayer, I know it is a hard thing to just sit and wait just hang in there. When my NPC came back a 3rd time my oncology doctor wanted to chemo me right away and with a bigger dose then before. We just waited and fought it a different way that we believed God was leading us in. Will keep you both in prayer


    Tim Hondo

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Prayers and positive thoughts going

    your way, Tracey....It's so hard to know what to do when the Drs. don't agree!  Will tuck Jim into my pocket for safe keeping...


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Xmas time

    So sorry to hear about the results, espcially at this time of year. At 13mm, they should be able to biopsy it. That is where I would focus. Just what is it? Can't really treat it properly unless you know with high certaintly what it is right? Push to get it fully diagnosed, then discuss treatment options. Good luck, Don

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912

    Hey Tracey !

    I would absolutely ask for a biopsy to confirm what this is in the lung.  Wondering why this hasn't been offered ?  Step back and make sure all the T's are crossed and i's dotted.  I would even consider a second opinion if the team is not on the same page with things.  Also ask for options of tx's that would be effective, without losing too much lung function.  I am keeping Jim in prayer and only sending positives your direction !  Please let us know what they decide and how you proceed with things.  Hugs sent !  Katie

  • traceyd1
    traceyd1 Member Posts: 79 Member
    Thank you all for your

    Thank you all for your support and prayers.  We began this journey at Christmas time in 2011, so it's kind of fitting that Christmas seems to be our time to get news, good or bad!  The doctors are conferring this afternoon to discuss the next step.  A biopsy hasn't been ruled out, but the tumor is very deep, so a bronchioscopy may not be an option.  I'm not sure they are ready to "stir things up" with a surgical procedure yet.  I think the next step will be a 4D MRI to get a definite picture, and then we are going to proceed from there.  His primary doctor doesn't want to jump into anything until all the ducks are in a row.  His primary sarcoma was rather fast growing, and his doctor feels that if the spot on his lungs is a sarcoma it's the "slowest moving sarcoma she's ever seen."  Hopefully we'll have some answers soon.




  • josh r.
    josh r. Member Posts: 264 Member
    Prayers on the way


    So sorry for the latest report. Keep the faith and prayers are sent to all of you. josh r.

  • traceyd1
    traceyd1 Member Posts: 79 Member
    The physicians met last night

    The physicians met last night to discuss his case.  They have decided the growth needs to come out so that they can biopsy it.  We see the radiation oncologist tomorrow and he will have a 4D scan right after that.  Hopefully we will see his head and neck specialist next week to discuss recommendations for a surgeon.  We would have liked to have this done by the end of the year since all our out of pocket maximums have been met, but I'm sure we are looking at January sometime.  Treatment, if any, will be determined by the results of the biopsy.  

    For those of you who have had this surgery (laparoscopy), is this an outpatient surgery or an overnight stay?

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    traceyd1 said:

    The physicians met last night

    The physicians met last night to discuss his case.  They have decided the growth needs to come out so that they can biopsy it.  We see the radiation oncologist tomorrow and he will have a 4D scan right after that.  Hopefully we will see his head and neck specialist next week to discuss recommendations for a surgeon.  We would have liked to have this done by the end of the year since all our out of pocket maximums have been met, but I'm sure we are looking at January sometime.  Treatment, if any, will be determined by the results of the biopsy.  

    For those of you who have had this surgery (laparoscopy), is this an outpatient surgery or an overnight stay?

    on the right track

    Sounds like a solid plan. It is especially comforting to know you have several doctors reviewing and ensuring it all make sense. Hope you get the surgery done this year, save money and get that thing out and biopsied. I've no idea about the recommended surgery. 

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    donfoo said:

    on the right track

    Sounds like a solid plan. It is especially comforting to know you have several doctors reviewing and ensuring it all make sense. Hope you get the surgery done this year, save money and get that thing out and biopsied. I've no idea about the recommended surgery. 


    Prayers for your husband

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    traceyd1 said:

    The physicians met last night

    The physicians met last night to discuss his case.  They have decided the growth needs to come out so that they can biopsy it.  We see the radiation oncologist tomorrow and he will have a 4D scan right after that.  Hopefully we will see his head and neck specialist next week to discuss recommendations for a surgeon.  We would have liked to have this done by the end of the year since all our out of pocket maximums have been met, but I'm sure we are looking at January sometime.  Treatment, if any, will be determined by the results of the biopsy.  

    For those of you who have had this surgery (laparoscopy), is this an outpatient surgery or an overnight stay?

    traceyd1, saying a prayer for

    traceyd1, saying a prayer for you and your hubby that it is not cancer and that  is a very Happy and Healthy New year for you both!

    God bless you,


  • traceyd1
    traceyd1 Member Posts: 79 Member
    Thank you for all the

    Thank you for all the prayers!  We met with a thoracic surgeon on the 19th, who will do a wedge resection of the lung hopefully in the next couple of weeks.  He has to do a lung test first to make sure his lungs are healthy enough for the biopsy.  He had a PET scan on the 26th that was negative, so they are optimistic that the growth is probably not malignant (YAY!).  Doctors still want the whatever it is out of him since it is growing.  I'll keep you all posted.  Right now we are heaving a cautious sigh of relief.