UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member

I had my own colonoscopy today and all was fine. No polyps or cancer. Yay! I always worry since my brother has CRC.

My brother seems to be doing okay so far now that he is back on some chemo. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping it helps.



  • Akroger
    Akroger Member Posts: 88

    This is one of those instances where no news is very, very good news. I'm going to be doing my own first colonoscopy next year. At 30 years old, it's relatively early, but it's what my mom wants.

  • mukamom
    mukamom Member Posts: 402
    Akroger said:


    This is one of those instances where no news is very, very good news. I'm going to be doing my own first colonoscopy next year. At 30 years old, it's relatively early, but it's what my mom wants.

    Good for you!!

    My insurance, BCBS, won't cover a colonoscopy until I'm 60!!!!! Surprised I'm 55.  They covered my mammogram, but when I called to insure they would cover the colonoscopy, they said no.  But the 3300.00 out of pocket cost would go against my deductible. Ok, thanks anyway.

    I hate it, but what can you do??


    Congrats on your clean results!



  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member

    Great job!

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Glad to hear that.

    Glad to hear that.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Glad that you are having yourself checked and also good that your brother is doing better.  You can now breath a sigh of relief. 


  • Goldie1
    Goldie1 Member Posts: 264 Member
    mukamom said:

    Good for you!!

    My insurance, BCBS, won't cover a colonoscopy until I'm 60!!!!! Surprised I'm 55.  They covered my mammogram, but when I called to insure they would cover the colonoscopy, they said no.  But the 3300.00 out of pocket cost would go against my deductible. Ok, thanks anyway.

    I hate it, but what can you do??


    Congrats on your clean results!



    I'll never understand this...

    Instead of doing a procedure that can detect colon cancer early, they make you wait.  And, then if cancer is found, the insurance company will have to pay way over and above for treatment than what a single life saving test will cost.  Just so mind boggling and it makes me very angry that a insurance company can hold your life in their hands.  


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Bet you're glad its over.

    I hate that stuff you have to drink. I'm always VERY glad to get it done and over with. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    Angela, that's crazy! If there's a family history, why can't they do an early screening. It saves them money in the long run!

    Since I am with my brother all the time, I know what he's going through. The screening is a piece of cake in comparison. I feel great today!

    Tomorrow is dad's 89th birthday, so they're both coming over for dinner. Tuesday they do a brain scan on dad to see if the memory loss is structural or Alzheimer (we are pretty sure it's Alzheimers).  My brother is dealing with a little diarrhea from the chemo, but he feels fine otherwise. He never complains, though. I am in awe of how he handles all of this.

    God bless all of you.



  • Phil64
    Phil64 Member Posts: 838 Member
    Congratulations on a clean

    Congratulations on a clean colon! Remember to promote colonoscopy to your friends and family. Too many don't go and they need to know this crc cancer can be prevented if caught in pre-cancerous polyps. And hearing this from a non crc patient may be just what they need to motivate them to do the right thing.

    Wishing you and your brother the best!

  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Phil64 said:

    Congratulations on a clean

    Congratulations on a clean colon! Remember to promote colonoscopy to your friends and family. Too many don't go and they need to know this crc cancer can be prevented if caught in pre-cancerous polyps. And hearing this from a non crc patient may be just what they need to motivate them to do the right thing.

    Wishing you and your brother the best!

    Thanks Phil!

    I am a pain in the neck when it comes to getting a colonoscopy. I make sure I tell everyone to do it. My friend is 57 and is having hers for the first time because I have been nagging her for 2 years. I hate to be a nag, but nagginig is what got my brother to a new doctor AND what found his CRC. It was a doctor's negligence that caused me to make him change doctors. Anyway, my family has all done theirs and everyone is clear. Smile


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    mukamom said:

    Good for you!!

    My insurance, BCBS, won't cover a colonoscopy until I'm 60!!!!! Surprised I'm 55.  They covered my mammogram, but when I called to insure they would cover the colonoscopy, they said no.  But the 3300.00 out of pocket cost would go against my deductible. Ok, thanks anyway.

    I hate it, but what can you do??


    Congrats on your clean results!



    You should ask about the stool sample test

    see if they will at least cover that.  If you're not in a high risk category, my HMO recommends a yearly sample, no colonoscopy until 60.

    It's about a bazillion times cheaper, of course, and it does seem to be pretty effective at picking up problems.

    And congrats, Lyn!  You must have been breathing a big sigh of relief to get that out of the way.

  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    mukamom said:

    Good for you!!

    My insurance, BCBS, won't cover a colonoscopy until I'm 60!!!!! Surprised I'm 55.  They covered my mammogram, but when I called to insure they would cover the colonoscopy, they said no.  But the 3300.00 out of pocket cost would go against my deductible. Ok, thanks anyway.

    I hate it, but what can you do??


    Congrats on your clean results!




    is there any way your doctor will call the insurance co to fight for you?

    There are laws in place that make insurance companies cover it (unless they are grandfathered in). Check the above URL and see if you can find info. 

    You should not have to put it out of pocket. Maybe your doctor will call and fight for you. Some doctors will.
