
Hi all! Maybe a question for the senior warriors. I am happy to say I am 5 years out and it seems my bloodwork is a bit strange. I had a full panel from A-Z done, and although I have no pain, it is showing I have rheumatoid arthritis. Also the first screening shows I a positive for Lyme disease, although I live in NYC! I really doubt I have been exposed to any deer ticks. Looking further into it, and more testing - it is negative for Lymes disease. I, as always, am not alarmed, as I know chemo & rads are the gift that keeps on giving, and also the Lord has got my back. Just wondering if there is a doctor who can deceifer this mess. I have read it can be ulcers or polyps, but I no longer choose to have my days filled with doctor appointments, as it has been in the last 5 years. I want to be a live - er! Lol! Thanks for listening! I wish you all the best, and know you are all in my prayers. 

Patty (getting Fatty)


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Patty


    I am so glad to see you back posting again, and I am glad to hear you made the five year mark. I went yesterday to see a gastroenterologist my appointment was for 9:30am I did not get in to see him until 12:35pm, all day wasted to see one doctor. So I know what you are saying, I would love not to have to see doctors anymore but for now I have to do what I have to do I guess. Like you all I can say is God has been so good to me through all this and I am still alive to be with my family.


    Tim Hondo

  • pattyanny
    pattyanny Member Posts: 544
    Hondo said:

    Hi Patty


    I am so glad to see you back posting again, and I am glad to hear you made the five year mark. I went yesterday to see a gastroenterologist my appointment was for 9:30am I did not get in to see him until 12:35pm, all day wasted to see one doctor. So I know what you are saying, I would love not to have to see doctors anymore but for now I have to do what I have to do I guess. Like you all I can say is God has been so good to me through all this and I am still alive to be with my family.


    Tim Hondo

    Hi Hondo!

    Yes, we are blessed! I have to see the gastro guy also, but I know what I need, yet they insist on seeing me for an office visit. It gets ridiculous as nothing has changed in the last 6 months! I have Rx's fpr 4 MRI's from a neurologist. Evidently the nerves have been effected by the treatment. ( What hasn't?)               Each MRI must be done separately as they will not get paid as much from insurance. Oh well - as they say, "No one's got time for that!" Lol!  I am still seeing Drs, of course, but it became overwhelming, and it became my life. I need to live a little. Life is too short, and although I do not have the stamina I once had, I am no longer lying in bed. It has been a looong 5 years. It is great to see you, and you are looking good! Yay! Know that I pray each day, and remember my fellow warriors. Please remember me in prayer also. Email me anytime. Dealing with peripheral nerve damage, so my feet are uncomfortable from keeping up with the seniors at our local center. Maybe I need some Geritol! Take care of yourself Hondo! XO 

    Love & Prayers,


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    I share your celebration of five years. In 4 days it will be 5 years I started my battle with surgery. Getting lime disease while living in New York is like winning the lottery, there's always that slight chance. Back when I drove truck I use to make it to New York City 2 to 3 times a month and use to get ticked off at the taxi drivers but never aquired lime disease (OK bad joke but its the best I can do before my morning coffee)

    Better to volunteer to go to the doctor rather than waiting till you don't have that choice and you have to go. I look at it as contributing to his/her kid's college fund. Besides, after they tell me they can't find anything that will kill me in the next 15 minutes I always tell them a good lawyer joke. When I'm with the lawyers I gotta switch it to doctors.

    They may be able to give you more specific tests which probably any doctor could prescribe.

    Enjoy the day


  • pattyanny
    pattyanny Member Posts: 544
    Duggie88 said:


    I share your celebration of five years. In 4 days it will be 5 years I started my battle with surgery. Getting lime disease while living in New York is like winning the lottery, there's always that slight chance. Back when I drove truck I use to make it to New York City 2 to 3 times a month and use to get ticked off at the taxi drivers but never aquired lime disease (OK bad joke but its the best I can do before my morning coffee)

    Better to volunteer to go to the doctor rather than waiting till you don't have that choice and you have to go. I look at it as contributing to his/her kid's college fund. Besides, after they tell me they can't find anything that will kill me in the next 15 minutes I always tell them a good lawyer joke. When I'm with the lawyers I gotta switch it to doctors.

    They may be able to give you more specific tests which probably any doctor could prescribe.

    Enjoy the day



    Hi Jeff, Congrats on your victory! Lol on the Lyme disease! Further testing came back negative, but could be gastro infection, Epstein Barrs, or some other crappola. Yes, driving to Mt Sinai is a white knuckle drive on the FDR! I am now qualified to drive for Nascar! I am just keeping up on tests at this point. I agree, it could turn into a lifestyle, as they LOVE those office visits and testing. I am sure they appreciate your jokes - Eeek! I am having ambulatory surgery on my hand Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas to ME! I have a cyst on my hand and went for sonogram. The Dr that read it writes "We don't know what it is. Advise a follow-up with doctor!"  I roared! So in I go for a specialist to dig around and see what it is. Unfortunately it is my right hand! I have to laugh, otherwise I would go nuts! My research tells me it is a ganglion cyst, and should be removed before it causes carpal tunnel. Oh Yay! Another malady to add to the growing list. I tell you Jeff, we are truly Warriors! If I did not have my faith....well, let's just say, it would not be pretty. Thank you for the post, and I will be celebrating with you in 4 days! That should make a happy holiday for you & your family. :) May God continue to bless you with good health!

    Love & Prayers,


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    take a dose of Patty a day, keep you smiling


    Thanks for the view into my next couple of years (maybe) “bloodwork goes bonkers but my humor stays intact”.

    Be happy, stay healthy,


  • pattyanny
    pattyanny Member Posts: 544
    CivilMatt said:

    take a dose of Patty a day, keep you smiling


    Thanks for the view into my next couple of years (maybe) “bloodwork goes bonkers but my humor stays intact”.

    Be happy, stay healthy,



    Good to see you Matt! Who knows about what is going to happen - geez! What an adventure! They also said I have rhumetoid arthritis. I asked "Where?" he said -"Well, where are you in pain?" I said nowhere! Lol! <sigh> Just because the bloodwork, tests, or doctors say something, does not mean it is true. I have to believe I have been healed in faith, and have more to do on this earth. Besides, "Only the good die young." CoolI agree with you, humor goes a long way. No "maybe" on the next couple of years, believe me - you aren't going anywhere! So glad you checked in! I miss my CSN family! Sending love & prayers, along with a big Merry Christmas! Stay strong Matt!


  • hawk711
    hawk711 Member Posts: 566
    pattyanny said:


    Good to see you Matt! Who knows about what is going to happen - geez! What an adventure! They also said I have rhumetoid arthritis. I asked "Where?" he said -"Well, where are you in pain?" I said nowhere! Lol! <sigh> Just because the bloodwork, tests, or doctors say something, does not mean it is true. I have to believe I have been healed in faith, and have more to do on this earth. Besides, "Only the good die young." CoolI agree with you, humor goes a long way. No "maybe" on the next couple of years, believe me - you aren't going anywhere! So glad you checked in! I miss my CSN family! Sending love & prayers, along with a big Merry Christmas! Stay strong Matt!


    Hey Patty

    Just wanted to say Merry Christmas and glad to hear you still pumping the positive vibes.

    Best, Steve