PET Scan Yesterday - Waiting on results

I had a PET scan yesterday, waiting on results.  I know the radiologists read them and fax at least a puliminary report same day.  It is so aggravating to wait when I know my results are there.  I called and left nurse message, nothing yet.  Does anyone have access to results online?  i also have a job interview Monday.  My family and I moved 6 months ago and I have been home since the move, more time to think bad things.  I guess we will see!



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Next day

    Often times I have my Dr.s appointment the day after a scan, as I have to travel over 300 miles to get there. The Dr. requests the scan be read early, I can't remember what they call it, not STAT, but the next quickest. 

    Saying that, I am one of the lucky ones who doesn't fret scan resutls. Earlier this year, I had a scan and then went on holiday. I had a great time, and when I got back, I found out I had a tumour in the liver. I'm glad I went on holiday first. HA!

    I hope you are able to relax a little until you get the results. And I hope the results are all you want them to be (as in NED). 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    My doctor calls the day after

    My doctor calls the day after the scan.  No results online until she calls me though.  She'll only post bloodwork immediately if the results are good.  Waiting is the worst=( 

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Scan results can be read almost immediately if they are told especially if they know patient or doctor is waiting for them.  Don't be afraid to call in the morning as they should have them by then.  Wishing the best results possible as the wait is the worst thing.  If they still don't have the results, tell them you will wait on the line until they have an answer for you.


  • zx10guy
    zx10guy Member Posts: 273 Member
    I just had my 2 year scan

    I just had my 2 year scan done last week.  So I get the anxiety of waiting for results.  I don't know where you got the scans or if the place you got them from will allow this, but you can go to the radiology place and request the radiologist report.  With the place I get my scans done, I can get the report the next day at the latest.  Last week, the staff was kind enough to endure the constant phone calls to see if the report was available that same day.  It was and I was able to go pick it up hours after I had the scan done.

    My follow up appointment with my oncologist was this past Monday (a few days after the scan) and I can say it would drive me crazy to wait till I met with him to find out the results.  I also went into the Oncology clinic yesterday morning and requested a copy of my bloodwork report because I wasn't getting a call back from the nurse or doctor.  At some point, if the waiting is killing you, you should just be proactive and get the results yourself.  I would think any medical professional would understand.

    Also, when you get the report, I would also request copies of the scan.  I always request a CD and in my case printed copies of the chest X-rays.

  • Cathleen Mary
    Cathleen Mary Member Posts: 827 Member
    zx10guy said:

    I just had my 2 year scan

    I just had my 2 year scan done last week.  So I get the anxiety of waiting for results.  I don't know where you got the scans or if the place you got them from will allow this, but you can go to the radiology place and request the radiologist report.  With the place I get my scans done, I can get the report the next day at the latest.  Last week, the staff was kind enough to endure the constant phone calls to see if the report was available that same day.  It was and I was able to go pick it up hours after I had the scan done.

    My follow up appointment with my oncologist was this past Monday (a few days after the scan) and I can say it would drive me crazy to wait till I met with him to find out the results.  I also went into the Oncology clinic yesterday morning and requested a copy of my bloodwork report because I wasn't getting a call back from the nurse or doctor.  At some point, if the waiting is killing you, you should just be proactive and get the results yourself.  I would think any medical professional would understand.

    Also, when you get the report, I would also request copies of the scan.  I always request a CD and in my case printed copies of the chest X-rays.

    My results are posted on a

    My results are posted on a patient portal 5 days after give onc a chance to see and contact patient in person.  My onc makes an appt with me 3 days post scan.

    Waiting is difficult but knowing the routine is helpful to me. If I was overcome by anxiety or had a job riding on it, I would not hesitate to call ahead for results.

    Best wishes that all is well.


  • zx10guy
    zx10guy Member Posts: 273 Member
    zx10guy said:

    I just had my 2 year scan

    I just had my 2 year scan done last week.  So I get the anxiety of waiting for results.  I don't know where you got the scans or if the place you got them from will allow this, but you can go to the radiology place and request the radiologist report.  With the place I get my scans done, I can get the report the next day at the latest.  Last week, the staff was kind enough to endure the constant phone calls to see if the report was available that same day.  It was and I was able to go pick it up hours after I had the scan done.

    My follow up appointment with my oncologist was this past Monday (a few days after the scan) and I can say it would drive me crazy to wait till I met with him to find out the results.  I also went into the Oncology clinic yesterday morning and requested a copy of my bloodwork report because I wasn't getting a call back from the nurse or doctor.  At some point, if the waiting is killing you, you should just be proactive and get the results yourself.  I would think any medical professional would understand.

    Also, when you get the report, I would also request copies of the scan.  I always request a CD and in my case printed copies of the chest X-rays.

    Something else I wanted to

    Something else I wanted to add.  The radiologist report is pretty understandable to me.  As such, if there are any issues/items identified in the report, I will at least be prepared to ask the appropriate questions when I meet with my oncologist, versus being caught off guard.

  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Waiting is the worst!

    I think a lot of times it's the oncologist who is slow to call the patient. I know radiology has told us that the results would be sent within 24 hours, but the nurse doesn't call untill 5 days later. I used to call after 24 hours for the results, but these days I think I'm too afraid to get my brother's results and try to put it out of my head. Nothing fazes my brother! I find that I get vety anxious if I think about it too much, so I try to keep busy with other things in the meantime!

    Let us know how it goes!
