Something new

Had an appointment at the dermatologist today, wa\nted him to look at a couple of things on my neck. They were nothing, something called keratosis, however I have had a dark spot on my arm for a few years now and he wanted to take a closer look. He used a magnifying glass and a small tool to prick it. He then said that it is melanoma, he might be wrong but thinks not. he sampled the tissue and it will be biopsied, results in 7 to 10 days, underneath the sample he took it was nice and pink and he feels that is a good sign. Here I go again, another diffrent cancer to deal with if it is indeed melanoma.


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    All I can say is this.

    All I can say is this. Doctors make mistakes. They told my mom they were almost positive the lump in her lung was cancer. Proved not to be. It was a peanut that tissue had grown around. I am praying this doctor is wrong too.


  • rush1958
    rush1958 Member Posts: 223 Member
    Something New

    Hang in there man. I'm pulling for you!


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    something may be nothing


    I am sticking by the words “good sign” and wish you the best.

    Good thoughts,


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    The waiting is the hardest

    Lets hope it's nothing to be concerned with.

  • denistd
    denistd Member Posts: 597
    wmc said:

    The waiting is the hardest

    Lets hope it's nothing to be concerned with.

    Something new

    Made an appointment with my GP this morning, he is also a skin specialist, and saw him at 11:30. he said it probably is melanoma and gave me a small booklet on it. He also stated that it looks like the melanoma is very superficial and easily excised. I sent an e-mail to my oncologist in Penn State Hershey last night telling him what was going on. His nurse, Holly, a fantastic human as well as nurse, called me at 9 this morning, they have referred me to the dermatology dept in Hershey. She wanted the name of the place that is doing the pathology. They are going to call them and have the tissue samples sent them also. When they have done their own study I will see them. So things are moving along, just wish I could get through a year without new cancers popping up.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I'm kind of like Debbie...

    Melanoma isn't known for how easy it is to diagnose just eyeballing it.  Biopsy is the only way.  I'd hold my nerves down until I knew for sure.  You know the drill ain't cancer till it's proven.


  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    denistd said:

    Something new

    Made an appointment with my GP this morning, he is also a skin specialist, and saw him at 11:30. he said it probably is melanoma and gave me a small booklet on it. He also stated that it looks like the melanoma is very superficial and easily excised. I sent an e-mail to my oncologist in Penn State Hershey last night telling him what was going on. His nurse, Holly, a fantastic human as well as nurse, called me at 9 this morning, they have referred me to the dermatology dept in Hershey. She wanted the name of the place that is doing the pathology. They are going to call them and have the tissue samples sent them also. When they have done their own study I will see them. So things are moving along, just wish I could get through a year without new cancers popping up.

    Good Thoughts

    Denis - I'm hoping for the best possible outcome for you.
