Scan Day today....increased from 3 mo to 4 mo...

dhs1963 Member Posts: 513

Today is my scan day:  MRI of the abdomen and Chest CT.  This is my first (and probably only) 4 month scan.  Next, if all goes well, six month scans.  It is just about two years from my first post-nephrectomy scans, which showed a solitary met to my lungs.  

My Onologist, Dr. Hammers has told me that, with the agressiveness of my tumor, 2 years NED is a biggie, as agressive tumors do not often spread late.  

On the psycological front, I am more worried about traffic going from VA to Baltimore than from the scans.  I get the results on Friday.  

I am also more worried about my wife, who has something on her back that looks bad (and deep).  I can't get her to go to the Doctor.


  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member

    All the best with your scans today DHS, and hope the traffic causes no problems then, lol! Your wife sounds as stubborn as my other half, he always carts me off to the doctors when I have a problem but will never go himself. I hope you get her to change her mind.


    Djinnie x

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    All the best for your scans -

    All the best for your scans - and the traffic!! It sounds very hopeful!

    Let your wife know that you need her to be healthy - or - make the doctor appointment for her!



  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member
    good luck on your scans;

    good luck on your scans; interesting comment about aggressive cancers not spreading much after 2 years.

    have never heard that before but it makes some sense. Let us know your results 


  • Great news for you.  Tell

    Great news for you.  Tell your wife to get that checked out.  Let's go Mets!

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    All the best with Scan day,

    All the best for Scan day, Come and give us good news on Friday


  • dhs1963
    dhs1963 Member Posts: 513
    Followup: seeing the Dr later today....

    My scan reports are up on the JHU patient portal, and show no changes since last scans.  Since those were NED, that should mean these were NED.  I meet with Dr Hammers this afternoon to talk to him.  I wonder if this is a waste of both of our times (I can read the scan report too).

    However, we need to know what to do going forward.  I am now NED for 22 months.  Previously, we talked about extending the scans to every six months.  

  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member
    dhs1963 said:

    Followup: seeing the Dr later today....

    My scan reports are up on the JHU patient portal, and show no changes since last scans.  Since those were NED, that should mean these were NED.  I meet with Dr Hammers this afternoon to talk to him.  I wonder if this is a waste of both of our times (I can read the scan report too).

    However, we need to know what to do going forward.  I am now NED for 22 months.  Previously, we talked about extending the scans to every six months.  


    I know you were pretty confident in the outcome dhs, but it's great news. Congratulations! I hope it will spurr your other half to go for a check up now!

