Surgery Monday morning

Just a quick check in.  I will be going in for my surgery Monday morning - 7:30 a.m.  I am scared and nervous but ready to put the surgery behind me and move on to recovery.  Can anyone tell me how long it took before they received the pathology report?  Also, for those with an open procedure, how long did you remain in the hospital?  My doctor has told me I will be in for two days unless they have to convert to open.  

Thank you for all of your comments along the way on this journey.  I hope to come back strong and be able to share my experiences with those who have yet to join this community.




  • Debbie, I had an open partial

    Debbie, I had an open partial nephrectomy. Surgery Thursday morning, home Saturday morning.  I don't remember exactly when I got my report, but it was within 5-7 days.  The anticipation is worse than the surgery itself.  Best of luck to you.

  • angec
    angec Member Posts: 924 Member
    You will be fine and on the

    You will be fine and on the road to recovery very soon! The report took my mom about two weeks to get.  They sent her tumor out to get a second opinion since they could not identify her type of cancer.  Sometimes it comes in within five days.  Praying all goes smoothly and you get fantastic results...

  • vccortes713
    vccortes713 Member Posts: 51
    angec said:

    You will be fine and on the

    You will be fine and on the road to recovery very soon! The report took my mom about two weeks to get.  They sent her tumor out to get a second opinion since they could not identify her type of cancer.  Sometimes it comes in within five days.  Praying all goes smoothly and you get fantastic results...

    It took me a month to get the

    It took me a month to get the parhology report and have been in the hospital for five days when I had my open radical nephrectomy. Good luck....

  • myoung790
    myoung790 Member Posts: 75
    I did not get my pathology

    I did not get my pathology report until 2 weeks later.  My surgeon went over them with me and gave me a copy of the report at my 2 week follow up appointment. I'm sure he had them sooner than that though.  

    Good luck with your surgery.  I had a robotic so can't offer you any information in regards to an open.  

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    myoung790 said:

    I did not get my pathology

    I did not get my pathology report until 2 weeks later.  My surgeon went over them with me and gave me a copy of the report at my 2 week follow up appointment. I'm sure he had them sooner than that though.  

    Good luck with your surgery.  I had a robotic so can't offer you any information in regards to an open.  

    I had an open partial in

    I had an open partial in March and had the same surgeon as Positive_Mental. Mine was Monday morning and I was home Wednesday. Pathology took a week. Get up and walk as soon as possible. They had me out of bed Monday evening and walking. Drink as much water as possible also as soon as you're off the IV and can take in food/liquids. Best advice, take a pillow and a large plastic garbage bag for way home. The garbage bag will make it easy to slide in and out of the seat of the car and the pillow will cushion the seat belt so it's not against your incision. Best of luck to you. As PM said, the anticipation was a lot worse than the actual surgery and recovery.

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    APny said:

    I had an open partial in

    I had an open partial in March and had the same surgeon as Positive_Mental. Mine was Monday morning and I was home Wednesday. Pathology took a week. Get up and walk as soon as possible. They had me out of bed Monday evening and walking. Drink as much water as possible also as soon as you're off the IV and can take in food/liquids. Best advice, take a pillow and a large plastic garbage bag for way home. The garbage bag will make it easy to slide in and out of the seat of the car and the pillow will cushion the seat belt so it's not against your incision. Best of luck to you. As PM said, the anticipation was a lot worse than the actual surgery and recovery.

    Piece of Cake



    In no time you will be a survivor, having conquered the Beast.



  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    Debbie , i stayed for two

    Debbie , i stayed for two nights at hospital and it took me three days to have the primary pathology report but almost two weeks to have final report which identified the sub type of Tumor. I had open radical nephrectomy and I'm 37 years old and healthy otherwise. The nurse told me it's normal to stay for three or four nights at hospital for open radical. I walked as soon as they asked me and did it a lot. That helped the healing process. I didn't like to eat but made myself to eat and drink water and that helped me to gain power again. You'll be a surviveor, take care



  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,309 Member
    I didn't have an open

    I didn't have an open procedure, but was in from Monday to Thursday. I had the procedure done on December 2 of last year and got the pathology report on December 20. That was a long wait.

    I will be thinking about you on Monday!  And yes!! Lots of walking!!

    Try not to worry too much - it is easier said than done, but worrying never helped anyone!!



  • jason.2835
    jason.2835 Member Posts: 337 Member
    Good luck!

    I didn't see my pathology until I saw my surgeon about 2.5 weeks after the surgery.... I'm sure they had it done before that but I think he wanted to go over it with me personally so i didn't hear anything about it until then.  THAT was the single most nerve wracking part for me.  I was terrified that it would be some kind of rare, agressive tumor.  In the end, i was had the "run of the mill" clear cell RCC.  Some places will call you when it's ready, some will mail it... every hospital seems to be different.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member

    Good luck!

    I didn't see my pathology until I saw my surgeon about 2.5 weeks after the surgery.... I'm sure they had it done before that but I think he wanted to go over it with me personally so i didn't hear anything about it until then.  THAT was the single most nerve wracking part for me.  I was terrified that it would be some kind of rare, agressive tumor.  In the end, i was had the "run of the mill" clear cell RCC.  Some places will call you when it's ready, some will mail it... every hospital seems to be different.

    Seems you are getting

    Seems you are getting yourself psyched up and are ready to go!! Remember, you'll have lots of drugs to help you. Also don't forget to use ICE on the incision. THAT helps with swelling which presses on the nerves and reduces that inflammation better than all those drugs. I also wore a lumbar velcro wrap I bought at the drug store. It holds in all those sore muscles. Even wore it to bed and put the dry ice (stays cold longer than ice cubes) inside the wrap.. felt too good!

    Now is your surgeon going to do the robotic/laproscopic incisions first then maybe do an open? It is much easier to heal up more quickly. I had not that much pain and already had a robatic abdomnial surgery before my kidney one.

    I also used a bed railing to help me get up and out of bed easier. Some folks like to sit/sleep in a recliner. The more you can walk the better and it helps that gas get out!! They pump your abdomen up with this gas so they can SEE!!! It often gets trapped and no med can get to it for relief it seems. Movement does though. And warning: often it traps by the shoulder and that was the worst pain. Now it it won't kill you, but just beware of it. It lasted a good 5-7 days I think. REST is important, eating properly and drinking water is necesssary.

    You'll be okay and I cannot wait till you write to us and let us know how things are going. I will be thinking of you on Monday.. sending you warm, healing thoughts!!! Best to you and yours~

    Warmly, Jan

  • Ree_Maryland
    Ree_Maryland Member Posts: 161 Member
    Jan4you said:

    Seems you are getting

    Seems you are getting yourself psyched up and are ready to go!! Remember, you'll have lots of drugs to help you. Also don't forget to use ICE on the incision. THAT helps with swelling which presses on the nerves and reduces that inflammation better than all those drugs. I also wore a lumbar velcro wrap I bought at the drug store. It holds in all those sore muscles. Even wore it to bed and put the dry ice (stays cold longer than ice cubes) inside the wrap.. felt too good!

    Now is your surgeon going to do the robotic/laproscopic incisions first then maybe do an open? It is much easier to heal up more quickly. I had not that much pain and already had a robatic abdomnial surgery before my kidney one.

    I also used a bed railing to help me get up and out of bed easier. Some folks like to sit/sleep in a recliner. The more you can walk the better and it helps that gas get out!! They pump your abdomen up with this gas so they can SEE!!! It often gets trapped and no med can get to it for relief it seems. Movement does though. And warning: often it traps by the shoulder and that was the worst pain. Now it it won't kill you, but just beware of it. It lasted a good 5-7 days I think. REST is important, eating properly and drinking water is necesssary.

    You'll be okay and I cannot wait till you write to us and let us know how things are going. I will be thinking of you on Monday.. sending you warm, healing thoughts!!! Best to you and yours~

    Warmly, Jan

    Shoulder pain

    Just a short comment for Debbie . I forgot about the pain in the shoulder from the gas they used to fill me up to see the kidney . It hurt like the dickens for 5 days or more . like Jan said it will not kill you. and I did not get my report back at least 3 weeks . I forgot to mention this to Debbie

    in my message to her on here.. 

  • Ree_Maryland
    Ree_Maryland Member Posts: 161 Member

    Debbie ,

    I know it is hard to not worry and be scared ,but it will be ok . I had RCC and had a lap? took out the whole Kidney, I was up and walking around couple hrs afterwards . came home the next day, pain not that bad for me ,just fatgued and little sore .I was afraid at first the prep for the surgery is what scared me , you know the waiting to be wheeled in the operating room. but I was asleep before I got there.I was so glad to get it over with . I had my surgery in April of the year. I feel pretty good only took me a couple days  to get back on my feet . not working but was walking up and down my driveway with my daughters help . 

     So just think Monday evening it will be behind ya. GOOD LUCK IT WILL BE FINE AFTERWARDS . REE

  • sblairc
    sblairc Member Posts: 585 Member
    Everyone will have a different experience

    I just wanted to add my well wishes, and make sure that you know that experiences will be somewhat variable and not to worry if yours is different than what others say here. My husband had a lap robotic full kidney removal but didn't go home until a full 5 days later, from what I recall. Basically, taking a bowel movement is a big deal after surgery and they will watch for that. Very important to make sure you tell them so they can put it on your chart. 

    Also, don't be afraid to advocate for getting the pathology report copy for yourself. Sounds like every hospital is different with when you get reports. Ask your surgeon what to expect, and ask more than once if you feel the need. We were very lucky with a surgeon that was so caring and wonderful he hand delivered it three days later to the hospital room and went over it with us before the weekend. I guess you never know what to expect unless you ask. 

    Good luck, you will do great. 

  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member
    Good thoughts


    good luck on your upcoming surgery; you will do fine as others have told you and as I recall, you have experienced surgery before 

    as to the pathology report, my husband's surgeon reviewed it with him 10 days later. His PA let us know the grade and margins; she went so far as to read entire paragraphs to us before his visit.

    Check in when you are able and rest with plenty of drugs.


  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Srashedb said:

    Good thoughts


    good luck on your upcoming surgery; you will do fine as others have told you and as I recall, you have experienced surgery before 

    as to the pathology report, my husband's surgeon reviewed it with him 10 days later. His PA let us know the grade and margins; she went so far as to read entire paragraphs to us before his visit.

    Check in when you are able and rest with plenty of drugs.


    Pathology report

    Just wanted to add that my surgeon gave me the basic impressions of Path report while I was still in hospital. The actual report was presented to me at my 1 week post-op check up by Urologist/surgeon. I can get my own copy ahead of time, usually 3-5 days from Medical repords. It is dictated rather quickly if you want to know ahead of your own appointment with your surgeon.

    Again, good luck!


  • BellaBinksMom
    BellaBinksMom Member Posts: 78
    Thank you everyone

    I am getting ready to go to bed and will be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow.  Your words are very helpful and I am sure the Ativan the doc has given me to take in the morning will help with my nerves Undecided.  I will post as soon as I am able.  

  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member

    Thank you everyone

    I am getting ready to go to bed and will be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow.  Your words are very helpful and I am sure the Ativan the doc has given me to take in the morning will help with my nerves Undecided.  I will post as soon as I am able.  

    All the best today!

    All the best with your surgery Bellabinks, once you have taken the Ativan you will be in a much more relaxed state of mind. The events will unfold very quickly and before you know it you will be away with the fairies.

    You will do just fine, soon you will be on the old recovery road:)


    Djinnie x