Finally read the report

AndyE Member Posts: 51

Well, after 4 days, I finally got to read the report that urologist who has referred me to another urologist in Pittsburgh wrote of my abdominal CT scan.  All it said was 4.5cm mass on right kidney with a possible enlarged lymph node, but apparently this node was on the opposite side of my abdomine.  Has anyone else had something like this?  Granted, it said "possible" enlarged node, so maybe it is nothing.  I know nothing about what happens if renal cancer gets into your they remove them? 


  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member

    Yes, if there is the slightest suspicion for reason for the enlargement, the node and that set (anywhere from 10-11 nodes, like beads on a string) will be removed and biopsied.  That will determine the staging.  With only a 4.5 cm tumor confined to the kidney it is Stage I.  With a metastasis, it jumps, possibly to a IV.

    Keep us in the loop and we'll help you along the path of discovery.  Sometimes its not a fun journey, but many have survived.  Good Luck.


  • AprilandChuck
    AprilandChuck Member Posts: 110
    Where are you being seen in Pittsburgh?

    Where are you bening seen in Pittsburgh?

  • dhs1963
    dhs1963 Member Posts: 513
    enlarged lymph nodes -- everyone has them

    We all have enlarged lymph nodes.  That does not mean they are cancerous.  It could be.  I have 4 or 5 in the lungs, but they are stable, and a bunch in the pelvis -- again they are stable. If it is stable (not growing), they are not going to do anything.  Even if it is cancer, a stable tumor will not hurt you.  Once it grows, they will do something.

  • AndyE
    AndyE Member Posts: 51
    UPMC Shadyside

    UPMC Shadyside

  • tyjsbtn
    tyjsbtn Member Posts: 50
    Andy, when my urologist read

    Andy, when my urologist read my ct scan I was told the same.  They did remove the lymph node and some of the surrounding and they were found to be clear.  I would try not to worry to much about it until after the surgery and the biospies are done.  I know that it easier said than done but try keeping positive thoughts in your head any time that you start to dwell on the negative.  We are here for you.

  • AprilandChuck
    AprilandChuck Member Posts: 110
    AndyE said:

    UPMC Shadyside

    UPMC Shadyside


    Hillman Cancer Center? Thats where my Mom is for her Small Cell Lung Cancer...I dont know how far away you live but the Family House right across the street is pretty amazing if you are required to do any treatments or anything they are very family friendly... it was our home away from home for most of the last 7 months... Enlarged Lymphnodes can happen for a varity of reasons most of them not from cancer... I know its hard but try not to stress untill you know for sure you need to... What are they doing for the mass in your Kidney? as to in Lymphnodes... Chucks has been in his Lymphnodes since it spread... I know its confusing.. we are dealing with lots of Cancer right now... Chuck has Clear Cell with Rhabdoid features at the margins...which makes it more aggressive...He had his Kidney Removed.. and the cancer spread to his Lungs Liver and Lymph nodes...HDIL2 Mixed and unsustained results from that... and has been on the Nivo+Ipi trial since April 2013... Which I credit with us still having him with us...I am going to tell you what his orig Urological Oncologist told us in 2012... if there is ever a good time to get Kidney Cancer its now!! So many New Drugs and Treatments are offering not only more time but improved quality of life... So Chin Up and Keep Hopeful and Positve.. I know thats hard when you are scared... but it really does help!! Sending well wishes and Positive Energy.. Hugggsss

  • DonMiller
    DonMiller Member Posts: 109
    tyjsbtn said:

    Andy, when my urologist read

    Andy, when my urologist read my ct scan I was told the same.  They did remove the lymph node and some of the surrounding and they were found to be clear.  I would try not to worry to much about it until after the surgery and the biospies are done.  I know that it easier said than done but try keeping positive thoughts in your head any time that you start to dwell on the negative.  We are here for you.

    Lymph nodes

    I had several lymph nodes that were enlarged and removed during surgery.  As best as I could understand the nodes were pissed off and inflamed from being near the tumor. They were clear.  Stage 3 Grade 3 October 5 2012===still NED