Parted ways with peg tube today.

Robyn64 Member Posts: 124
edited November 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1


Just parted ways with my peg tube an hour ago. It feels so weird not having anything dangling in front of me hahaha.

I was weighed first and then bought in to Dietician.   I had unfortunately lost another 2 kgs and thought they will definitely not remove it today. But the dietician asked if I used it anymore and I stopped long ago. She said against her better judgement they would remove it and she went and got my lovely Dr. 

I was told a few different procedures by a dear friend who is also a member on here, turned out the procedure they used was quite different to remove it. Maybe your peg tubes in USA or UK are different to aussie ones ?

Dr said he was basically going to hold my stomach and pull the whole thing out, hurt like hell for about 30 seconds. Was fine after that and no bleeding either. The end of my tube was like a very very soft flexible rubber ball.

So now to maintain my weight, am eating more and my stomach is starting to grumble again. Still have the croaky voice and sometimes sore throat but manageable.

I hope it gets better, but am happy now finally.

Thank you so much to all on here who have helped me through this xxxxxxxx You are all angels.



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    say good bye to your drinking buddy


    Tell my wife I am an angel.

    Congratulations on popping that PEG!  Now you can roll over on your tummy and not worry.


  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Hey Robyn, super congratulations on saying goodbye to your peg tube.  I am all too familiar with the yank-it-out procedure, so I'm glad you only had to have all that fun once.  Eat on....  Keep It Mov'in Forward!


  • Robyn64
    Robyn64 Member Posts: 124

    Thanks everyone,

    Yes, civilmatt, tell your wife that I said you are an angel lol, all are for the support I got these past 6 months or so.

    thank you,


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    It' always good to here you lost PEG

    Glad to here it's gone now you need to eat often. Snack on pudding and Ice cream, milkshakes, and anything you can get down to start the gain weight process. Just be well...........


  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    wmc said:

    It' always good to here you lost PEG

    Glad to here it's gone now you need to eat often. Snack on pudding and Ice cream, milkshakes, and anything you can get down to start the gain weight process. Just be well...........



    Go Robyn.....

  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member
    Peg out

    I don't know what this yanking the peg out, doesn't it come out easy once the water in the balloon is out or are you talking about another peg tbe type.

  • Robyn64
    Robyn64 Member Posts: 124

    Peg out

    I don't know what this yanking the peg out, doesn't it come out easy once the water in the balloon is out or are you talking about another peg tbe type.


    Hi Jackflash,


    I have never heard of water in a balloon ? Maybe the peg tubes here in Australia are slightly different to your country ?

    There was a soft balloon like end to it and it was very very flexible. They do have to tug on it to pull it out. But thats basically what he did, it only hurt for about 30 seconds, after that , no pain and all good. I have heard of snipping the tube and getting rid of the other end in stomach "naturally" , but I find that really weird.

    I'd say just different methods in different countries.



  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Robyn


    I am waiting for the day that I can do what you did and say good-by to Mrs. Peggy but for now it looks like we are married for a long long time. Take care and enjoy your new normal


    Tim Hondo

  • Robyn64
    Robyn64 Member Posts: 124
    Hondo said:

    Hi Robyn


    I am waiting for the day that I can do what you did and say good-by to Mrs. Peggy but for now it looks like we are married for a long long time. Take care and enjoy your new normal


    Tim Hondo

    Hiya Tim

    Hi Tim,


    You will get there when you are ready. I am sort of missing it a bit , which is weird lol. I got so used to it. I have nothing to fall back on now, peggy was sort of my security blanket :-(

    Still not quite used to it yet. 

    Take care of yourself Hondo .


    Robyn :-)

  • thennies61
    thennies61 Member Posts: 285
    Robyn64 said:

    Hiya Tim

    Hi Tim,


    You will get there when you are ready. I am sort of missing it a bit , which is weird lol. I got so used to it. I have nothing to fall back on now, peggy was sort of my security blanket :-(

    Still not quite used to it yet. 

    Take care of yourself Hondo .


    Robyn :-)

    Had mine pulled out a couple

    Had mine pulled out a couple of months ago after my first first pet scan came back clean.We were just talking and he yanked it out.Hurt alittle but really much.Have gained around 12 pounds since.Am eating just about everything but do put some in a grinder and mix with mac and cheese or potatoes.Voice is a bit like yours but hoping it will improve as time goes on.Tend to slur some words but doctor will check next month and if the swelling around tounge and gums have gone enough he is sending me to a denist for customized teeth that will help in eating and speaking

  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710

    Had mine pulled out a couple

    Had mine pulled out a couple of months ago after my first first pet scan came back clean.We were just talking and he yanked it out.Hurt alittle but really much.Have gained around 12 pounds since.Am eating just about everything but do put some in a grinder and mix with mac and cheese or potatoes.Voice is a bit like yours but hoping it will improve as time goes on.Tend to slur some words but doctor will check next month and if the swelling around tounge and gums have gone enough he is sending me to a denist for customized teeth that will help in eating and speaking


    High in cals. Gos down easily. Good recipe BBC website. G.

  • Robyn64
    Robyn64 Member Posts: 124

    Had mine pulled out a couple

    Had mine pulled out a couple of months ago after my first first pet scan came back clean.We were just talking and he yanked it out.Hurt alittle but really much.Have gained around 12 pounds since.Am eating just about everything but do put some in a grinder and mix with mac and cheese or potatoes.Voice is a bit like yours but hoping it will improve as time goes on.Tend to slur some words but doctor will check next month and if the swelling around tounge and gums have gone enough he is sending me to a denist for customized teeth that will help in eating and speaking


    Hi Thennies61,


    Good to hear that you are eating a lot of things. I dont hope to put weight back on, was actually overweight. I just hope now to maintain how I am now.

    Yes , still a croaky , hoarse voice, hope this improves in time for both of us.




  • Robyn64
    Robyn64 Member Posts: 124
    Guzzle said:


    High in cals. Gos down easily. Good recipe BBC website. G.


    Ooh Thanks Guzzle, will have to try it. I haven't had carbonara in ages, used to make it.

