Any updates on our Craig? Update posted by Craig!



  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Nana b said:

    Always thinking and praying

    Always thinking and praying for you. 

    Thanks Everybody!

    I'm fighting so many battles at once.....very difficult these days but still trying.

    Wish I could find a solution for any of it.  

    I'm sort of dreading Tgiving right now...just me and Kim and I really can't eat like I used it's hollow and lonely for her on this day while her family celebrates....hoping to catch the Cowboys game at least.

    I do however wish you all the best for your holiday if you're able.

    Blessings and thanks for the post:)


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    So sorry you aren't doing better but I'm hoping that you will soon.  You are missed on the boards, especially all your humor and wisdom.  Hope that you have as good as Thanksgiving as you can.  You are always thought of.


  • sharpy102
    sharpy102 Member Posts: 368 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Thanks Everybody!

    I'm fighting so many battles at once.....very difficult these days but still trying.

    Wish I could find a solution for any of it.  

    I'm sort of dreading Tgiving right now...just me and Kim and I really can't eat like I used it's hollow and lonely for her on this day while her family celebrates....hoping to catch the Cowboys game at least.

    I do however wish you all the best for your holiday if you're able.

    Blessings and thanks for the post:)


    Well, I feel super ashamed as

    Well, I feel super ashamed as I have not been here for a decade and was not aware that you are back on the cancer fighting mode, Craig! Last time I was here, you were busy finishing up your book and being happy about being done with this mean thing (or at least that is what I remember, but my memory isn't as good as it used to be so I may be wrong). Either way, I am sad to hear you are at your witz end with cancer, and thinking back all your post, I really miss that strong, positive Craig who used to leave his footprints here. Please, get strong, keep the fight! Like your profile image, be strong like a lion and fight! You are an inspiration to many! I will keep you in my thoughts, and will try to come on here a bit more often than a decade! I promiise! Don't disappear; please keep us posted!!!

    Hugs to you!

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Thanks Everybody!

    I'm fighting so many battles at once.....very difficult these days but still trying.

    Wish I could find a solution for any of it.  

    I'm sort of dreading Tgiving right now...just me and Kim and I really can't eat like I used it's hollow and lonely for her on this day while her family celebrates....hoping to catch the Cowboys game at least.

    I do however wish you all the best for your holiday if you're able.

    Blessings and thanks for the post:)


    Don't know how I missed this update...

    we miss you here on the board, Craig, it's just not the same without you.  Wish we could wave a magic wand and get you back that old life.  It's all just very unfair.  Why can't cancer kick the sh** (did those asterisks for you, CSN) out of the people who actually deserve it?

    I'll be thinking about you on Thanksgiving.  I hope you and Kim find some comfort in being together, even if it's not the way it should be.

    Big hugs~AA

  • tanstaafl
    tanstaafl Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Hey Jen

    Pain is out of control still every second for the last sixteen months.....pretty incredible stamina and endurance.  Still giving to the trial but so far they have abandoned my requests for another s surgery.  Today I met with trial doctor and hes talking to someone responsible in trial to stick up for me and say i need treatment.  I gave freely to the trial and risked and now need help and he came here to help patients not hinder them.  we'll seenwhat he comes up with.

    That's what Santa to slip under the tree.......a surgery that will help me to points untaken.  I look to maybe be able to do an eight or sixteen.  I'm just hanging on and pushing myself where i can or have to.  Things are so hard to do right now.  Appts aremjust murder but they get me to a bed when I'm there.

    Still in chemo.......doing avastin, lecuovoron, flouracil bolus, and 46-hour pump.  Three bad reactions of oxy put me into life saving interventions all three times.  Had the nurses and even main nurse scared to death.  You could see the looks in their eyes....I'll never forget.

    CEA is dropping....around 120 I think.  Growth appears stable at this time so that's good for now.  But ultimately I know this path is a short walk.  I've run through most of the available drugs we use...we have so few.  Regofenarib or however pronounced plus that cancer trial would be what I got left.

    Kinda scary, huh?

    Really glad you have not forgotten about me and took the time to post......we're sorta joined at the hip you know:)

    Hospital appts are my social life these days.....otherwise mostly tied to rides are difficult as well but I just suck it up.

    I can't eat anymore....know the old saying "what goes in must come out?  Just cannot process anymore.  It's been very difficult.  I nibble and drink water and some chocolate milk to stay alive.  I'm about 152 lbs. now........size 31 waist and medium shirts.  I can fit into anything and look great in anything......what a great feeling......110 lbs lost but i'm a new man.  But I miss food but it's not totally necessary to live.  Our society gravitates around food and it's the currency we run our lives aroind.

    It's amazing what cancer has taken from me this time:(

    I'm lonely alot but often times not up for visitation....such a cruel side effect of the disease.

    I just want some aspects of my life to return.  I was cruising with the mag article and was hoping I would be clear but cancer changed that for us all.   What I really miss is helping folks and interacting with you all here.  That's one of my regrets but I'm fighting to try and return.  Most days are so painful though.

    If they won't let me back on trial drug I may be forced to have the inter-catheral pump installed this year.  Big decision.

    Any time when I feel "better" I try and push as far as I can go.

    For example. all my wardrobe was 2x and I looked terrible wearing them.  So finally pushed hard enough to shop for something to wrap around the new skinny me:)

    I found some good old fashioned Levi's blue's bee years and oh they make me look so good.  And we got a pair of sweatpants and top that fits it.  So I look much better and healthier with clothes that are tailored to your size.  I noticed the stock of smaller sizes were in short supply whereas the bigger skzes had more quantity.

    I can see clearly now how the girth of America has expanded in correlation with this trend.  Have you noticed the GROSS combinations the food establishment has come up with these days?  It's truly disgusting and unnhealthy....doesn't even look appetizing does it?

    I'm enjoying football this year....Longhorns and Cowboys.  TV is my best friend and mostly all I got.  Enjoy the History channel...Pawn Stars, American Pickers, and Counting Cars are a few that I enjoy.  I've caught a few movies that have been good and some downright terrifying.

    All in all I'm trying my best everyday.  I've got alot of issues and I just fight them.  Doing my best to stay out of the hospital.  Very grateful that we can still stay in our home...that's a Godsend.  Finances have been a struggle since I lost my job.....and of course Life's breakdowns always occur when you're down as there have been plenty of them to say the least.

    It's like they get together and say 'break' at the same time:)

    I'm still alive though and fighting to find some kind of semblance of the life that was stripped away from me.

    Where o'where is it?

    I've just got to get better somehow, you know?

    Take care, Jen and thanks much.

    Big hugs!



    C sharp

    I don't want to sound dogmatic about this but IV vitamin C might help with some of your problems.  

    To the end, Renw would get a day or so of pain relief from IV vitamin C. Our alternative doctor uses IV vitamin C for pain relief in end stage pancreatic cancer patents too.

    Vitamin C destroys excess histamine.  Allergic reactions become worse in advanced cancer because of histamine producing tumor mass growing, histamine build up higher, and gross vitamin C depletion due to cancer, surgery and drugs.  My wife is a histamine producer that had many allergies, including penecillin.  Not anymore.  Any time she starts getting allergic to environmental stuff, it means time for her next IV vitamin C infusion with magnesium. End of that.  (moved this post to current, bottom)

  • tanstaafl
    tanstaafl Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    C sharp

    I don't want to sound dogmatic about this but IV vitamin C might help with several of your problems like infection, wounds and sores, pain and allergies.  

    To the end, Renw would get a day or so of pain relief from IV vitamin C. Our alternative doctor uses IV vitamin C for pain relief in end stage pancreatic cancer patents too.

    Vitamin C destroys excess histamine.  Allergic reactions become worse in advanced cancer because of histamine producing tumor mass growing, histamine build up higher, and gross vitamin C depletion due to cancer, surgery and drugs.  My wife is a histamine producer that had many allergies in her life, including penecillin.  Not any more.  Any time she starts getting allergic to environmental stuff, it means time for her next IV vitamin C infusion with magnesium to clear the deck of histamine. End of that. 

  • Yolllmbs
    Yolllmbs Member Posts: 360 Member
    tanstaafl said:

    C sharp

    I don't want to sound dogmatic about this but IV vitamin C might help with several of your problems like infection, wounds and sores, pain and allergies.  

    To the end, Renw would get a day or so of pain relief from IV vitamin C. Our alternative doctor uses IV vitamin C for pain relief in end stage pancreatic cancer patents too.

    Vitamin C destroys excess histamine.  Allergic reactions become worse in advanced cancer because of histamine producing tumor mass growing, histamine build up higher, and gross vitamin C depletion due to cancer, surgery and drugs.  My wife is a histamine producer that had many allergies in her life, including penecillin.  Not any more.  Any time she starts getting allergic to environmental stuff, it means time for her next IV vitamin C infusion with magnesium to clear the deck of histamine. End of that. 


    is not the food you're eating it's the love you are sharing. I'm praying that things move to a better place.  I've always loved Lions. I'm a Leo!

