Hey Everyone

debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member

Been up for over 36 hours, been to Houston, on a friday, in the rain, and I'm pooped!  Just letting you all know  I had my 4 1/2 year check up today.  Ca125 went from  from 15.8 to 15.0, weight came down seven pounds{ugh!}. heart is ok, but the valve is closing again, but it and the lung and thyroid nodes are on wait and see in May.  And so I continue my Karnel Knowledge of NED!  Off to bed...can't pull those all nighters any more!  Best, Debrajo 


  • AWK
    AWK Member Posts: 364 Member
    Yay for you!

    Keep healing and thriving.  You inspire me as do all of our peaches.  Hugs!

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    AWK said:

    Yay for you!

    Keep healing and thriving.  You inspire me as do all of our peaches.  Hugs!

    Well there you are, Debrajo

    I was about to come looking for you.  Glad to hear you and NED are still an item but sorry to learn about the heart valve acting up again.  Is it causing you any problems at this point?  Also, jog my memory about the nodes.  I don't recall you mentioning that.  

    Hope you got a good nights sleep.  Take it easy today.

  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member
    ConnieSW said:

    Well there you are, Debrajo

    I was about to come looking for you.  Glad to hear you and NED are still an item but sorry to learn about the heart valve acting up again.  Is it causing you any problems at this point?  Also, jog my memory about the nodes.  I don't recall you mentioning that.  

    Hope you got a good nights sleep.  Take it easy today.

    Good to hear from you, Debrajo

    You must be exhausted!  I hope the situation with your heart valve is being treated promptly. Like Connie, I don 't remember you mentioning a concern about your nodes. Your ca 125 is good. Take good care of yourself, and please keep us posted.

    Take Care,


  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    ConnieSW said:

    Well there you are, Debrajo

    I was about to come looking for you.  Glad to hear you and NED are still an item but sorry to learn about the heart valve acting up again.  Is it causing you any problems at this point?  Also, jog my memory about the nodes.  I don't recall you mentioning that.  

    Hope you got a good nights sleep.  Take it easy today.

    Thanks all!

    Sorry, so much going on I don't remember if I ever mentioned the nodes.  Since this all started in '09 I have two nodes in my lungs that get a yearly exray and have not changed one bit.  They are tentively calling them "body junk".  Back in May of this year an internist found a node on my thyroid{always had trouble with my thyroid}, but was too small to biospy so it's a wait and see.  I was supposed to have an ultra sound done yesterday...nope, he didn't even do a check.  Just wanted to gripe at me because I refused to take the Fosamax he ordered{on the advice of a dr. I trust}.  Said he might have to "insist".  Really, uhmmmm I don't think so!  So I am going to email my gyn/onc Monday to see what she wants me to do.  No one seems to be worried about it, and really,  I'm just sick and tired of the whole mess!  Just venting...I get cranky when a MAN treats me like a wayward child!  See y'all later and thanks Connie!  Best Debra 


  • cheerful
    cheerful Member Posts: 261 Member

    Hi Debrajo:

       Congratulations on remaining with No Evidence of Disease.  You must be really happy and I am very happy for you.  You only have another 6 months to go and then you will be cancer free and reach your 5 year mark and that is so important and that is a huge milestone - so keep up the great work!

        I just went for my bloodwork and it was 7 and it is up to 9.9 so it went up a little, but still well considered within Normal range. So glad and happy about that.  It will be 4 years for me in February that I was diagnosed.  I just hope to continue to remain cancer free. So far so good.

      I hope you get your heart valve situation resolved and keep on top of it.

      Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.


    a/k/a Jane



  • ioanna
    ioanna Member Posts: 43
    debrajo said:

    Thanks all!

    Sorry, so much going on I don't remember if I ever mentioned the nodes.  Since this all started in '09 I have two nodes in my lungs that get a yearly exray and have not changed one bit.  They are tentively calling them "body junk".  Back in May of this year an internist found a node on my thyroid{always had trouble with my thyroid}, but was too small to biospy so it's a wait and see.  I was supposed to have an ultra sound done yesterday...nope, he didn't even do a check.  Just wanted to gripe at me because I refused to take the Fosamax he ordered{on the advice of a dr. I trust}.  Said he might have to "insist".  Really, uhmmmm I don't think so!  So I am going to email my gyn/onc Monday to see what she wants me to do.  No one seems to be worried about it, and really,  I'm just sick and tired of the whole mess!  Just venting...I get cranky when a MAN treats me like a wayward child!  See y'all later and thanks Connie!  Best Debra 


    Congrats on your NED!!!

    Congrats on your NED!!!