Expiration date

KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member

I know that we don't have an expiration date.  I plan on enjoying my days.  I have another recurrance in my Maxillary Sinus, scattered, not a well defined tumor.  No surgery, no more radiation.  I am looking into a trial medicine or a chemo combination to keep the monster at bay.  It would be wonderful if it would shrink.  Doctor says 2 months to 2 years, I vote for years.

I do no want to frighten newbies.  I have been in this battle since August, 2010.  Cancer found on the inside of my lip, surgery followed by radiation.  Recurrance on lymph node on left side of neck.  Neck dissection August 2011 followed by radiation.  Sept 2012 I started to notice vision changes, double vision.  After many tests, SCC had traveled up the nerve and onto optic nerve.  Novenber 2012 my eye was removed.  Chemo and radiation.  They knew that they did not get all of the cancer.  Cyberknife in Sept 2013,  Thought I was finally finished.  I have perineural invasion and spindle cell varient, very aggressive.  MRI was clean in July but I had a fissure in my mouth that opened to sinus.  I had had almost continual sinus infections from May to September.  I went for 30 HBOT dives to try and close the fissure.  Fissure got larger.  Wisdom tooth fell out by itself.  Back to Stanford.  Poked, prodded, scanned.  Biopsies and cultures.


HPV negative.  Non smoker.  Non drinker.  Very aggressive cancer.  I will continue to fight.


I appreciate each and every one of you for your support, prayers and humor.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member

    Dearest Bev,

    As one of my first responders I have always felt a closeness to you. 

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.



  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428
    That Sucks!

    My prayers are with you and your family.

    I have had 2 cancers so far.  Also HPV negative, non smoker, and non drinker.  The 2nd was treated w/ just surgery in January of this year.

    I scares me and worries me that we are getting multiple head & neck cancers when the risk factors are low.  I have a friend who is on #4 and is also HPV negative, non-smoker and non-drinker.  I guess some of us are just pre-disposed.  After this second one, I gave permission for the my biopsies and blood samples to be used by the cancer center for a study on these aggressive cancers.  Hope someday they find something and can do something about it to help others.

    I am trying to get in shape to prepare for the next battle.  Don't know when it is coming...  I have my PET scan next Friday - hoping and praying for all clear.

    Again prayers for you and your family


    2007 & 2014

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    So sorry to hear that...

    Knowing Stanford I really was hopping for much better news. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers. Go for the years.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

    well crap...the fight goes on!  You've been a part of my life going on three years, so I'm going with the "years" prediction, too.  They kind of gave you a weatherman's idea of "prediction"....."it might rain, and it might not"....You hang in there.....I know what a fighter you are, you show'em how this is done!

    Keeping you tucked as always....wish I could hug you!



  • Ladylacy
    Ladylacy Member Posts: 773 Member
    No such thing as Expiration Date on Humans

    Doctors don't know and can only guess as to expiration dates.  Thankfully my husband's doctors never said you only have this amount of time and if they had, he has already outlived their quess.  His secondary is rare and survival rate without or without treatment is only supposed to be 25 months, he did have treatment, radiation and chemo, but it reoccurred and spread into his right lung almost 2 years ago.  And without any further treatment he is still here and still able to do for himself.  So from the time his secondary was found until today it is 31 months.  But he has been fighting head and neck cancers since July 2010. 

    Wishing you peace and comfort -- Sharon

  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    Ladylacy said:

    No such thing as Expiration Date on Humans

    Doctors don't know and can only guess as to expiration dates.  Thankfully my husband's doctors never said you only have this amount of time and if they had, he has already outlived their quess.  His secondary is rare and survival rate without or without treatment is only supposed to be 25 months, he did have treatment, radiation and chemo, but it reoccurred and spread into his right lung almost 2 years ago.  And without any further treatment he is still here and still able to do for himself.  So from the time his secondary was found until today it is 31 months.  But he has been fighting head and neck cancers since July 2010. 

    Wishing you peace and comfort -- Sharon

    So Much

    I have no idea how you have been able to cope with all that.  My cancer + treatment pales in comparison to the rocky road you've had to travel.  So many questions and not enough answers.


    May your days be long on this earth.  Go do whatever you need to do in the years you have left.  (that goes for all of us) Thank you for keeping the faith after so many disappointments. You're in my prayers and thoughts.



  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    So Much

    I have no idea how you have been able to cope with all that.  My cancer + treatment pales in comparison to the rocky road you've had to travel.  So many questions and not enough answers.


    May your days be long on this earth.  Go do whatever you need to do in the years you have left.  (that goes for all of us) Thank you for keeping the faith after so many disappointments. You're in my prayers and thoughts.



    Just not fair

    Bev, so sad to hear you have to go to battle once again. You have been so strong and if anyone can do this, you can! I always return to the story of my cousin who was told to get his affairs in order. He did a clinical trial and has been cancer free ten years now. Hope, my friend, have hope and faith. 

    God bless,


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    damn, Bev, this is one of

    damn, Bev, this is one of those things that really make me mad and makes me ask WHY????  why does all this bad crap happen to good people?  why does it have to happen at all???  i'm so sorry the docs didn't have better news.  I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.  the docs only know science, they do NOT know GOD'S plan, so keep fighting.  You can still WIN!!  I am praying for God to bless you with years and years.  I don't know what else to say, I'm really, really sorry and wish I could do more than pray.

    God bless you, Bev,


  • Goyca
    Goyca Member Posts: 220
    dear Bev

    You were there for me during my battle, giving me advice and support... I want u to know that my heart and prayers are with u.. Keep going ktracher keep fighting no matter what.


    much love sent ur way




  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Rats, Bev. I am praying and

    Rats, Bev. I am praying and still believing in miracles.

    Blessings, Debbie

  • Katie10485
    Katie10485 Member Posts: 41
    jim and i said:

    Rats, Bev. I am praying and

    Rats, Bev. I am praying and still believing in miracles.

    Blessings, Debbie

    Thinking of you

    I am new here but sounds like you have been trough a lot.  You can do this.  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.