cancer bout number 4 coming up

LOUSWIFT Member Posts: 371 Member

Well I had my 6 month CT/Scan yestrday. Bad news came back after over three years. A node blow my gall bladder lit up very close to my small intestine. Also although a area of my liver did not lite up it did show increased vascular activity whcih has convinced my doctor along with my tumer maker tests and CEA that it is cancer as well. He says that is slow growing and not as big a concern as the node. He is worried that the node will grow into my small intestine and then I become terminal. So Pet scan tomorrow and hopefully surgey of the node within the next two weeks. If that goes okay he is going to remove my gall bladder since it is loaded with stones and attempt to repair an umbilitical hernia since he he'll be in the neighborhood. I'm tryng to convience my doctor to do it lapscoptically. He says he will try but may need to do a lateral cut which will take weeks to heal and greater risk of infection. If the node id not attached or deeply attached to my small intestine he will continue with the surgery but if connected deeply in the outside wall he will quit and I'll maybe have a year of life left. The next step is to insert redioactive springs into what they believe is a tumor on my liver. I have chemo induced cirrhosis from my fun with folfox a few years back. So any additional damage to my liver is not welcomed. Apparently there is no certainity that the radioactive treatment if they can actually do it may not kill all the cancer cells and it more or less a delaying action. Best case I have 3-5 years on average. Doctor thinks my liver cancer is a result of my cirrohosis but the node is metastasize from my colon cancer back in 2010. So no good news and bout four with cancer seems like I've had enough. It will just come back again even if they get it all. Chemo damaged my hands:feets; nerves in my legs; my liver; my pancreas and kidneys. I'll never do chemo again wish I never had. I am not suggesting you don't do chemo it works for some but not for me. Especially when you add in incompetent arrogant doctors who see ou as just a temporary billing number. Well we'll see what the pet scan says tomorrow. Take Care all Lou


  • fatbob2010
    fatbob2010 Member Posts: 467 Member


    Sorry to read of the recurrence and your previous poor experiences with doctors and treatment.  When it comes to Chemo some still think the jury is out as to benefit vs risk.  But, for now it is the best option for many of us.

    With any luck the PET will help to further clarify the extent of infection if there is any.  

    Hang in there, Art

  • Luv2lunch
    Luv2lunch Member Posts: 270

    Hi Lou,

    I don't post much but wanted to say how sorry I was to hear your news. Mom and I will be saying prayers for you with the hope things will turn around for you. I'm just sorry for your problems and pain.

    Please take care. We are thinking of you.


    Linda and Miss Ellie

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Cyber hugs

    I am so sorry to hear this.  It makes my heart ache to hear of reoccurance. Its never really gone from our minds or lives, but a certain living comes back to us when we are NED, and then POW, your socked in the gut by the news that it is back and the scans, and bloods and appointments and chemos and evertyhing. It stinks! 

    I have been reading up on cancer, I've been reading up on it since I got it, but I try to forget the statistics. How depressing they are. 

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.  We're here for you. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    Geez Lou

        That is crap. I have a saying on life , A really good day is when nothing really bad happens. Seems to me that you have very few really good days. For what it is worth good luck and I hope something goes your way. All the best Ron.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Sorry to hear that you are

    Sorry to hear that you are back in the fight again but I don't think any of us stageIV folks are really ever out of the fight. Even when we are fortunate enough to be NED we know the beast is just hiding and gaining strength to attack again.

  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    Hi Lou, truly sorry to hear

    Hi Lou, truly sorry to hear what happened. My husband and I also had a long year to battle with the beast again unfortunately. The treatment was very aggressive and he just had 9 surgeries at one time (pelvic exenteration and reconstruction). I know the feeling of being in this battle again, it is really mixed and very hard for me to say, even until today. Hope things will work out for you.Best luck with everything. Take care.

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member

    Hi Lou, truly sorry to hear

    Hi Lou, truly sorry to hear what happened. My husband and I also had a long year to battle with the beast again unfortunately. The treatment was very aggressive and he just had 9 surgeries at one time (pelvic exenteration and reconstruction). I know the feeling of being in this battle again, it is really mixed and very hard for me to say, even until today. Hope things will work out for you.Best luck with everything. Take care.

    Lou, so sorry to hear this.

    Lou, so sorry to hear this.  I'm also dealing with reoccurrence after NED for 3 years.   What can we do, not much but try and stay positive, live the life we have left the best we can and pray. 


    Group hug to us all. 

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    I'm sorry to hear of this new recurrence.  You have been through so much especially after being NED after almost 4 1/2 years out.  I'll never forget your post.  I'm thinking and praying that your new treatment will work for you. 


  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member
    So sorry to hear of your

    So sorry to hear of your recent news .. but try to remember that sometimes when they actually get in there things are better than expected and maybe this node is just a node.  I can tell you this did happen to me once .. scared us all .. but it was just a benign node .. no cancer .. 

    I hope to hear this is the case for you as well. 

    Hang in there .. stats are just stats ... not your personal story. 

  • Aikman007
    Aikman007 Member Posts: 2
    I'm one behind you, Lou

    Sorry for your news, Lou. I found out last month that my colon cancer has returned after two years. I start chemo this week. This will be my second chemo for colon cancer and I had chemo and radiation 34 years ago for Hodgkins Disease. Having a recurrance made me feel worse than having a new kind of cancer. Having a second opinion from another hospital helped me feel better about my diagnosis and treatment plans from my main oncologist. Stay strong Lou. Folks are praying for me, and I'll pray for you. Jon


  • Yolllmbs
    Yolllmbs Member Posts: 360 Member
    Aikman007 said:

    I'm one behind you, Lou

    Sorry for your news, Lou. I found out last month that my colon cancer has returned after two years. I start chemo this week. This will be my second chemo for colon cancer and I had chemo and radiation 34 years ago for Hodgkins Disease. Having a recurrance made me feel worse than having a new kind of cancer. Having a second opinion from another hospital helped me feel better about my diagnosis and treatment plans from my main oncologist. Stay strong Lou. Folks are praying for me, and I'll pray for you. Jon


    My prayers

    and positive energy. Please look for a doctor that feels like they are part of your team. It's tough to feel like you have to fight the world and your doctor.

