Counts too low

Went for my 3rd and final chemo (one day of cisplatin & 5 days of 5FU) after finishing up 35 radiation treatments last week.  My white blood cells count was 600.  Extremely too low to do any chemo treatment.  My treatment plan does not allow me to do any type of treatment to help with the counts.   So they canceled the treatment all together.  This is heart breaking.  The chemo has to be timed with the radiation, it helps the radiation work.  This last chemo was also suppose to attack any cells that where left behind by the radiation.  So now we just have to wait until January to see what the pet scan shows.... 

we had great hope the original treatment plan would have gotten all the tumor... Now I'm scared that we where not able to do the last chemo.... That we might not get it all.... Scared :(


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I almost skipped my last chemo...

    because 5FU made me sick, and it ripped my mouth apart.  I was only getting the pump for 4 days....There are MANY people who couldn't do the last treatment, and are around to tell about it.  Don't let that be the focus for the next couple months....let healing be the focus.  They'll be keeping track of your blood count for a while....if your WBC's go back up, maybe they'll let you squeeze that last one in if you ask??


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member


    Not to worry, your team knows what they are doing and if they can squeeze in more chemo they will.  Anyway, you got all the rads and most of the chemo, which is most likely enough.

    Sending you good thoughts.


  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    missing your last course of chemotherapy

    will not dramatically  lower your life expectancy.   Receiving chemotherapy when your counts are so low, might.  Don't sweat this detail, its just not that important.


    best to you/



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    tina, sorry about the last tx

    tina, sorry about the last tx but Pat says its not as serious as the low count is so you should be fine.  i do understand you being scared tho.  try not to worry and believe the tx did its job.  good luck.

    God bless you,


  • Sailor123
    Sailor123 Member Posts: 97
    Hi Tina:
    Are you kidding me?

    Hi Tina:

    Are you kidding me?  You made it through 35 rads and two chemos.  Your a rock star.  I didn't do my last radiation treatment and my husband and doctor were very worried about it.  My feeling was that if 32 rads didn't get it 33 wasn't going to either.  I would relax about this and have peace going forward.  Harboring this fear in the back of your mind will not be good for you.  Believe you are well and that its all gone.  You had plenty of treatment.  I only had two cisplatins.  My friends husband couldn't take the third chemo either.  He has been NED for two years now!

  • Tinadink
    Tinadink Member Posts: 5
    Thank you :)

    Thank you all!!! 

    Yesterday was a blow.  My doc tracked my husband and myself down to reassure us we are on the right track.  As you all know, you want to do as much as you can to beat this.  Your support means a lot... Going back on thur. to recheck the counts. Hopefully they are back up so I can at least get out and about :0)