Checking in

mrs_blkjak Member Posts: 103

Hi everyone. I haven't been back in about six months, since my husband passed away. I intended to stick around and pay the support you all showed me forward, but ended up feeling too overwhelmed to come back. I think about all of you often and was happy to see posts by some of you I remember. And I think I'm ready now to offer what I can to all of you fighting. Please let me know how you are all doing!


  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Well hello and welcome back

    Well hello and welcome back home!

    Now you don't know me, but I followed your husband's posts when I heard he passed.

    I am a widow but my husband had brain trauma. I kinda lost him while he was still alive, ya know?

    I am doing fine post radical nephrectomy, but I know there will be many on here who'll be soo glad

    you returned!

    How wonderful that you came here and now want to give back! I admire you so much. But how the heck are you doing.. honestly?

    Sending you a warm hug~

    Warmly, Jan

  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member
    Good to hear from you:)

    Hey Mrs_blkjak, How are you? It is good to see you back on here and kindly offering your support. I have thought about you many times wondering how you were.

    Many people on the whole are doing pretty well after their ops, thankfully! Others of us are still fighting to keep going on the meds and remaining hopeful and optimistic. 

    Looking forward to talking to you and very grateful for your support, I know how difficult this must be for you so your offer is so much more precious.


    Take care:)


    Djinnie x 

  • alice124
    alice124 Member Posts: 896 Member
    Hi Mrs. B – So happy to see


    Hi Mrs. B – So happy to see you as I’ve  wondered about you often since we lost Mr. B. I'm sure you have much you can offer this great group, and I'm glad you've come back home.


     P.S. I admit to also being away for too long, while continuing to lurk on occasion. Losing so many in such a relatively short time was so painful, and I needed to step away. 


  • danbren2
    danbren2 Member Posts: 311

    Mrs. Blkjk and Alice,

         Missed you both, so very nice to have your warmth and support! I have scans coming up on Nov. 14 and results on Nov 21, the scanxiety never gets easier, but I am doing well.  Hope you both are also well!


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    danbren2 said:


    Mrs. Blkjk and Alice,

         Missed you both, so very nice to have your warmth and support! I have scans coming up on Nov. 14 and results on Nov 21, the scanxiety never gets easier, but I am doing well.  Hope you both are also well!


    Seems like old times


    Glad to see some old (younger than me) faces from back in 2013.



  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Nice to see you here again,

    Nice to see you here again, Mrs. Blkjak! And Alice! We have missed you. It does feel good to have the "oldies" check in again. You are always in our thoughts. It can't be easy coping with all you have been through. And yet you continue to think of us here.

    A lot of us are doing well and a lot have met with some challenges with grace and strength.

    And, sadly, we are always welcoming new members.



  • alice124
    alice124 Member Posts: 896 Member
    danbren2 said:


    Mrs. Blkjk and Alice,

         Missed you both, so very nice to have your warmth and support! I have scans coming up on Nov. 14 and results on Nov 21, the scanxiety never gets easier, but I am doing well.  Hope you both are also well!




    No it doesn't get easier. Sometimes I think that constant knot in my gut is normal?*?*  John's (one putt) next scan is December  10. Will be sending out positive thoughts in group form. 



  • alice124
    alice124 Member Posts: 896 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Nice to see you here again,

    Nice to see you here again, Mrs. Blkjak! And Alice! We have missed you. It does feel good to have the "oldies" check in again. You are always in our thoughts. It can't be easy coping with all you have been through. And yet you continue to think of us here.

    A lot of us are doing well and a lot have met with some challenges with grace and strength.

    And, sadly, we are always welcoming new members.



    Thanks Ice and JoJo for your

    Thanks Ice and JoJo for your kind words.

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    alice124 said:

    Thanks Ice and JoJo for your

    Thanks Ice and JoJo for your kind words.

    Thanks from me too

    Mrs. Blkjak, thanks for caring and coming back to check in on us. I hope you are doing well. It must be difficult.

    Alice, You have also been missed. Certainly by me. There are many "one and done " people who ask questions then disappear. It has gotten hard to keep enthusiastic answering the same questions. I think I've been here too long. But I guess that is good news.

  • angec
    angec Member Posts: 924 Member
    Hey Mrs. B. Good to see and

    Hey Mrs. B. Good to see and hear from you again. I know it had to be hard to come back, but you are a trooper. I haven't been here much myself.  Sometimes the sadness can be overwhelming, while at the same time, we need to be here for each other.  Sending hugs!