Gerson Institute

Nana b
Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member

November 2008, Diagnosed Stage 4. Thanksgiving 2008 in hospital.  Mestasis to liver. Had liver resection Apr 2009. 


Thanksgiving 2014, I will be at the Northern Baja Health Center - Gerson Therapy In Mexico.  I will be  heading there for the Gerson treatment for 3 weeks. I'm excited but also know that the next two years won't be easy.   You can't be cured on the Gerson Diet before 2 years, you must follow all the juicing, enemas, supplements and eating green for 2 years with no reoccurrence. A commitment, I made and is now just around the corner.  You do get to eat some soups and cooked potato.  The center in beautiful and right on the beach, but it's a bit cool right now  still the beach is fun to walk when you are bundled up. 


The more I read about Cancer, and also read the natural healing way, I just don't think conventional medicine is giving us hope much less a cure especially for us stage 4. There are so many people in pain  and they want it to be over. I may not live long but of what I do get, I'd like sone quality of life, and if this can help me enjoy my kids longer all the better.  There is going to be a shift soon, American can't keep giving billions of money to cancer where there is no cure  we need our immune system to beat Cancer and they are killing our immune system  I know some of you are thankful for another day, but if I have to sit in a couch exhausted and unable to concentrate, that's it, I'm done. To heck with chemo. And my apologies for those doing chemo.   I figured this out on my own after 4different cocktails My ONC  was worried about the CEA numbers so he kept trying chemos, I only had one spot in liver, why not go after liver, because you now have a two lesions in lungs.  Yea, but I didnt a year ago. And they won't do surgery with more then one organ affected. Great, got second opinion, another ONC said lets send you to Stanford, they took me off conventional chemo to give me a much needed break  I decided to do chemoemolization   So glad I did, or I would have been on systemic chemo  Last treatment was harder then the first  My back really hurt  I go to stanford on the 19th to get my numbers and results  then I am off to Mexico.   

My grandaughters asked me yesterday why I had on so much makeup, I went and looked and it was ok.  I asked my sister she sad my make up was fine  I went around the corner, and my granddaughter 8 was talking to my other granddaughter 6, "Nana doesn't need makeup, she is just so pretty without it and it takes her energy to put it on.  My daughter walks in the room as I beckon her over, and the girls say, Mom, you should tell Nana that she needs to rest and she doesn't need to wear makeup  lol  



Keep me in your thoughts as I will surely keep you in my thoughts and prayers.  Ps, put some makeup on me.  Lol 


I'll be in Tahoe for a week, not sure I have wifi up there. Hope so. 


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    I admire you

    Honestly Nana, I really admire you. There are things about the Gerson that don't sit well with me, but you know what they say 'each to his own'. 

    I admire your strength and determination. People think that just because we have Cancer, we 'can do everything' that it takes to stomp it down, but thats just not true. I don't have the strength to give up certain foods, and that may be the end of me. So yes, I really do admire you in so many ways. 

    I've had the wonderful pleasure of meeting you. And no, you don't need make-up, but if it makes you feel good, then go for it. Just make sure that there are no chemicals in that make-up. We all know those toxins come at us from every angle. 

    Lake Tahoe is practically on my door-step. 

    I do so hope that you are able to post while you are down in Mexico. 

    Blessings and many hugs!

    Sue - Trubrit



  • toyfox
    toyfox Member Posts: 158 Member
    Wishing you the best

    Wishing you the best. My husband's doctor told us
    that exercise  and a healthy diet was helpful in
    preventing a recurrence. It's not easy to eat healthy
    all the time, but it beats dealing with side effects
    of chemo. Keep us informed on how you are doing
    if possible.
    Take care....linda

  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    Have a great adventure.

    You have been in our prayers for quite a while.  We hope that all works well for you. We used to vacation near the Gerson hospital quite a bit.  You will love it!  The locals are very friendly also.  They do a lot of glass art and metal art near the beach.


    Best Always,   mike

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member

    You've got to do what you've got to do. I wish you the best!


  • Yolllmbs
    Yolllmbs Member Posts: 360 Member
    You have my

    prayers and good thoughts. Your perseverence is admirabl. Good luck with your journey. No need for makeup! Beauty comes from inside. 



  • lilacbrroller
    lilacbrroller Member Posts: 412 Member
    thxmiker said:

    Have a great adventure.

    You have been in our prayers for quite a while.  We hope that all works well for you. We used to vacation near the Gerson hospital quite a bit.  You will love it!  The locals are very friendly also.  They do a lot of glass art and metal art near the beach.


    Best Always,   mike

    good luck!

    HI, Nana. Good luck with the treatment and I hope it works out for you. Will they, or a stateside Dr, check your CEA levels and order scans as you go along with the treatment, or will you have to get those in Mexico as well?  Or does Gerson not track progress in this way? Just wondering how the results are measured.  Obviously if you are still alive that is in an indicator -  heh - but in all seriousness, how do they do it?

    cheers and all the best



  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    Yolllmbs said:

    You have my

    prayers and good thoughts. Your perseverence is admirabl. Good luck with your journey. No need for makeup! Beauty comes from inside. 



    I get my scans this Wednesday

    I get my scans this Wednesday and  also get blood levels checked at Stanford.   That will be my starting point.  I will ask my PCP to run some labs when I get back, the center will also draw their own before and after.   In two months, I hope to be able to have stanford check my lesions via CT scan as I want to see the results of the chemoembilization.  Although they will be detoxing my liber of that that chemo, at the center.   I will be 6 weeks out since I had the treatment. 

    I'm very fortunate that I am able to do this and look forward to seeing the outcome and sharing it here with you all, no matter if positive or negative     I am not afraid, just using all that is available,  it is what is and will be what it will be  :) 





  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    Good luck on your new adventure

    Best wishes and keep us posted. If anyone can adhere to a strict diet you can. You're right, quality of life is very important and it needs to be balanced with the harsh treatments we're given. You're brave.


  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    Nana b said:

    I get my scans this Wednesday

    I get my scans this Wednesday and  also get blood levels checked at Stanford.   That will be my starting point.  I will ask my PCP to run some labs when I get back, the center will also draw their own before and after.   In two months, I hope to be able to have stanford check my lesions via CT scan as I want to see the results of the chemoembilization.  Although they will be detoxing my liber of that that chemo, at the center.   I will be 6 weeks out since I had the treatment. 

    I'm very fortunate that I am able to do this and look forward to seeing the outcome and sharing it here with you all, no matter if positive or negative     I am not afraid, just using all that is available,  it is what is and will be what it will be  :) 





    Nana b

    i,m glad you are not afraid.  It will work out one way or another.  God loves you and will take care of you according to His plan.

    Good luck to you for the outcome you want>