Ready, set and go!


 Started Chemo and radiation on Monday the 10th of November. A 180 minute session of chemo and then radiation for 15 minutes. ( Of course some of the radiation time is getting me in the mask.) Will have 33 radiation treatments and I believe 8 total chemo. So far, so good, only a headache, and dry mouth.  Was nice having the power port to hook me up. Going today for my third Rad session, I really hate that mask, and they didn't count on the port placement as I had it put in after the mask was made so that makes it a bit uncomfortable as well. 

Doc put me on Percocet 5-325 for headache, only taking half pills for now. And Xanax .5 for the mask. I am actually breathing better, strange but true, still not breathing good through my nose, but I think that will improve as the tumor shrinks. Doc worried about a sore throat later, but will handle that when it happens. One day at a time!.. I am so ready to get well!


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,723 Member
    smooth ride


    We each find our own “best procedure” for getting through treatments, you will find yours.

    For me:

    • Magic mouth wash in the parking lot

    • Lorazapam

    • Drink swish & spit

    • music

    Good luck,


  • Goyca
    Goyca Member Posts: 220
    Like ur attitude:) go and get

    Like ur attitude:) go and get ready of this treatment soon it will be over.

    xanax and music were my good friends. And trust me ull get used to the mask. Stay strong:)

    best of luck.xoxo

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    You are correct, one day at a time and that's TODAY

    You ars so correct that it's one day at a time and today is what matters. Your up-beat attitude is what will get you through this. Keep up the attitude and it will get you through this. When you have a bad day, and you will have some, remember tomorrow is a new day, and we're here to give you support when needed and help celebrate as well.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Ask if they'll cut

    a hole out for your port, Kritter.   That's what they did for mine.  I can't imagine having that pressure on my port for even 10 minutes....beyond uncomfortable, down right painful!!  You stick close to here, and we'll tuck you under our arms and walk you through the next 6 weeks.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    on your way

    Glad to hear things are underway. All that hurrry and wait is over. Now you will get into a steady flow and daily pattern of treatment. Sounds like you are communicating well with the staff to get what you need to be comfortable. One day at a time. Remember - Nutrition - Hydration - Pain Management. Not saying it is easy by any means but it is that simple. Good luck. Don

  • Kritter
    Kritter Member Posts: 147

    Well my smooth ride turned into a wild roller coaster ride... and No I dont like being on them.. UGH!..Got really sick over the week-end and PEG hurt so bad I almost pulled the thing out myself. After I threw up it quit hurting.. darn thing hurt all day and into Sunday before things got bad... had a bucket in front and toilet behind, finally things quitened down and I started feeling better. Until a few hours later when the sore throat really hit me. Have tried everything I can think of yesterday and today, to ease pain. Had my second Chemo today along with radiation following it. Stopped at drug store and picked up a few items nurse mentioned.. no luck...still hurts to swallow. Seeing Doc tomorrow so maybe he can help with something. 

    Now they want me to start drinking 6 bottles of Ensure complete a day... start slow ( 2)  and get there by Friday (6). Worried about my weight.. I have only lost 12-13 pounds since diagnosed in July. And more water and use PEG as needed. As long as i can cry and swallow I won't use the PEG unless to hydrate and clean it. 

    I haven't been able to smell or taste since the first of the year. Well, this morning I did taste and smell, and now I wish I couldn't again! Everything tastes like it was soaked in brine salt... and perfume smells like backed up sewage! Need a soft coated clothes pin for my nose.. ~smile~.

    Thanks for the replies, but they say they can't cut my mask to accomodate the port, but I get around that by having them leave the last clamp undone by promising not to move. So far no rash from the Erbitux, or loss of hair from rads. Just sore throat and mouth. No longer on Percocet, caused me to throw up, with or without food. So no pain meds at all right now. 

    Prayers and Hugs!.... Kritter

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    kritter, you have the right

    kritter, you have the right attitude, one day at a time.  you will get thru it and deal with problems as and if they happen.  hopfully you will have very few.  let us know how you're doing.  praying for smooth sailing.

    God bless you,


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Kritter said:

    Well my smooth ride turned into a wild roller coaster ride... and No I dont like being on them.. UGH!..Got really sick over the week-end and PEG hurt so bad I almost pulled the thing out myself. After I threw up it quit hurting.. darn thing hurt all day and into Sunday before things got bad... had a bucket in front and toilet behind, finally things quitened down and I started feeling better. Until a few hours later when the sore throat really hit me. Have tried everything I can think of yesterday and today, to ease pain. Had my second Chemo today along with radiation following it. Stopped at drug store and picked up a few items nurse mentioned.. no luck...still hurts to swallow. Seeing Doc tomorrow so maybe he can help with something. 

    Now they want me to start drinking 6 bottles of Ensure complete a day... start slow ( 2)  and get there by Friday (6). Worried about my weight.. I have only lost 12-13 pounds since diagnosed in July. And more water and use PEG as needed. As long as i can cry and swallow I won't use the PEG unless to hydrate and clean it. 

    I haven't been able to smell or taste since the first of the year. Well, this morning I did taste and smell, and now I wish I couldn't again! Everything tastes like it was soaked in brine salt... and perfume smells like backed up sewage! Need a soft coated clothes pin for my nose.. ~smile~.

    Thanks for the replies, but they say they can't cut my mask to accomodate the port, but I get around that by having them leave the last clamp undone by promising not to move. So far no rash from the Erbitux, or loss of hair from rads. Just sore throat and mouth. No longer on Percocet, caused me to throw up, with or without food. So no pain meds at all right now. 

    Prayers and Hugs!.... Kritter

    Kritter, so sorry you are

    Kritter, so sorry you are having such big problems.  was hoping you'd be a little more lucky than that.  i hope you wont' have the need for pain meds.  glad they're able to leave the bottom of mask undone.  praying you get thru the rest of tx without any more upsets.  hang in there and know we're pulling for you.

    God bless you,


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Kritter said:

    Well my smooth ride turned into a wild roller coaster ride... and No I dont like being on them.. UGH!..Got really sick over the week-end and PEG hurt so bad I almost pulled the thing out myself. After I threw up it quit hurting.. darn thing hurt all day and into Sunday before things got bad... had a bucket in front and toilet behind, finally things quitened down and I started feeling better. Until a few hours later when the sore throat really hit me. Have tried everything I can think of yesterday and today, to ease pain. Had my second Chemo today along with radiation following it. Stopped at drug store and picked up a few items nurse mentioned.. no luck...still hurts to swallow. Seeing Doc tomorrow so maybe he can help with something. 

    Now they want me to start drinking 6 bottles of Ensure complete a day... start slow ( 2)  and get there by Friday (6). Worried about my weight.. I have only lost 12-13 pounds since diagnosed in July. And more water and use PEG as needed. As long as i can cry and swallow I won't use the PEG unless to hydrate and clean it. 

    I haven't been able to smell or taste since the first of the year. Well, this morning I did taste and smell, and now I wish I couldn't again! Everything tastes like it was soaked in brine salt... and perfume smells like backed up sewage! Need a soft coated clothes pin for my nose.. ~smile~.

    Thanks for the replies, but they say they can't cut my mask to accomodate the port, but I get around that by having them leave the last clamp undone by promising not to move. So far no rash from the Erbitux, or loss of hair from rads. Just sore throat and mouth. No longer on Percocet, caused me to throw up, with or without food. So no pain meds at all right now. 

    Prayers and Hugs!.... Kritter


    Not cutting the mask to accomodate the port but leaving the clamp undone does not sound right at all. Talk to the medical physicist if necessary, the RO, the dosimetrist. The most critical thing is to have the mask absolutely secure to ensure your head is completely immobile. The RT machines work in millimeters. Good god. please get that sorted right away. Good luck, don

  • Sailor123
    Sailor123 Member Posts: 97
    Kritter said:

    Well my smooth ride turned into a wild roller coaster ride... and No I dont like being on them.. UGH!..Got really sick over the week-end and PEG hurt so bad I almost pulled the thing out myself. After I threw up it quit hurting.. darn thing hurt all day and into Sunday before things got bad... had a bucket in front and toilet behind, finally things quitened down and I started feeling better. Until a few hours later when the sore throat really hit me. Have tried everything I can think of yesterday and today, to ease pain. Had my second Chemo today along with radiation following it. Stopped at drug store and picked up a few items nurse mentioned.. no luck...still hurts to swallow. Seeing Doc tomorrow so maybe he can help with something. 

    Now they want me to start drinking 6 bottles of Ensure complete a day... start slow ( 2)  and get there by Friday (6). Worried about my weight.. I have only lost 12-13 pounds since diagnosed in July. And more water and use PEG as needed. As long as i can cry and swallow I won't use the PEG unless to hydrate and clean it. 

    I haven't been able to smell or taste since the first of the year. Well, this morning I did taste and smell, and now I wish I couldn't again! Everything tastes like it was soaked in brine salt... and perfume smells like backed up sewage! Need a soft coated clothes pin for my nose.. ~smile~.

    Thanks for the replies, but they say they can't cut my mask to accomodate the port, but I get around that by having them leave the last clamp undone by promising not to move. So far no rash from the Erbitux, or loss of hair from rads. Just sore throat and mouth. No longer on Percocet, caused me to throw up, with or without food. So no pain meds at all right now. 

    Prayers and Hugs!.... Kritter

    Hi Kritter:
    I feel for you.

    Hi Kritter:

    I feel for you.  Your in the thick of it right now.  Try not to get discouraged.  I promise it will get better.  I would use that PEG tube.  That is your ticket to not losing too much weight.  Plus if you have enough food in your stomach you will be stronger to fight the fight.  Just my two cents.  I remember everything tasting like salt water and bug spray.  It will pass.  I put liquid medicine in my PEG tube along with a couple of cans of Ensure.  That enabled me to have pain meds and not be nauseas.
