Shall I do a Happy Dance now ???

Robyn64 Member Posts: 124
edited November 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hi there ,


Just had to write this... I had my pet scan yesterday and was not getting results till next tuesday. Today I had an MRI. I asked my radiation dr after the mi if he could give me an update on my progress through the mri's. He was all smiles and said " You have responded very well to treatment". Took me into his office and showed me the scans and said looks like the cancer is gone ( he didnt want to commit at this point ). He asked when was my pet scan scheduled for, said I had it yesterday. Oh , he said " I can look this up on the computer now and tell you what it says". So he looked up my pet scan results ( I had the selaed envelope at home waiting to see Oncoligist next tuesday. He read the report and with a big smile said " Your cancer is all gone ". WOWOW !!

I am over the moon !!! I still have a lot of healing to do with my throat. I have had my on and off days with swallowing food. Yesterday was an off day with trying to swallow food. They have picked up on all scans that I still have inflammtion and swelling , cant wait for this to go. I have still been losing a fair bit of weight though. I was weighed before Pet scan yesterday and it seems I have now lost a total of 29 kgs which I think is 63 lbs. So I dont see my peg coming out just yet, although hubby insists I should get them to take it out which will make me eat more. Think thats wrong , when throat wont co operate some days , not a good idea to remove tube I think. Even though he thinks he is helping lol. Seeing I have lost a fair bit moe since I saw my dr last , he will not remove either I think. My dietitician will not be happy when I see her next week either.

Still have thrush in my mouth/tongue and I hope they can do something more with this , hurts and sometimes affects my ability to swallow or chew properly. Its been a long time with Thrush and so many different medicines that dont seem to work.



Am a happy lass today.





  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    good news


    With news like that I would say you are having an “on” day with a Happy Dance in order.

    Keep moving forward,


  • Robyn64
    Robyn64 Member Posts: 124
    CivilMatt said:

    good news


    With news like that I would say you are having an “on” day with a Happy Dance in order.

    Keep moving forward,



    Thank you so much Matt :-)

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Yes, Dance.

    You are a SURVIVOR and NED. That is such good news, be proud.


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    Dance away

    I think your entitled. My first PET Scan, I waited 2 weeks for the results and it drove me crazy. Isn't that feeling when they tell you its gone the best ever? Trust me when I tell you it makes the day to day healing process moving forward a little easier. Your right about the tube, let it in a bit longer until you feel more comfortable swallowing but keep drinking it's great practice for swallowing food.


  • Sailor123
    Sailor123 Member Posts: 97

    Hi Robyn:

    That is wonderful news! What a relief.

    Im with you on the tube. I'm eating more and more now. Just turned a corner at six months out but I still have days where I just don't want to eat. That can last a while for some of us. The good news is it keeps improving. Last night I could taste a few things. only the first bite or two but I know that is what will ultimately restore my appetite. Progress is slow but steady it seems. February is quick turn around for another scan. I thought they were every six months. i guess better safe than sorry. 

    Best of everything to you. How wonderful it is to be on the road to normalcy.


    I went for a beer with a friend last night. That was fun but won't touch greasy bar food again for a while. Yuck! After having nothing but quality food in my system for months I sure didn't feel good afterward. The beer was good though.

  • KB56
    KB56 Member Posts: 318 Member
    great news

    Robyn, that is fantastic news!     Congratulations!


    All the best,


  • KB56
    KB56 Member Posts: 318 Member

    Robyn, i'm about 17 monts out of treatment and have just now got my Thrush kind of under control.    I used dyflucan forever and just had an ongoing refill.    I started using a probiotic called "Pearl" and the one I buy supposedly helps control yeast (which is what causes Thrush as well) and that is the only thing I am doing different and I haven't had it in 5 weeks now which is a record for me.   

    I also started using an All Natural Oral Mist Spray called Rain (by Spry) and I use that at night and through the day which helps keep my mouth moist.   I actually just noticed it's by Spry as I chew their gum a lot as it really seems to help me with saliva.

    I know the Thrush can be a real pain to deal with in more ways than one and I just now seem to have it somewhat in contol.

    Good luck it sounds like you're doing fantastic!


  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member
    Good on Ya!

    Congrats on the great news from your scans--nothing better than getting NED news the first time around!



  • Sonja.K
    Sonja.K Member Posts: 80 Member
    Mikemetz said:

    Good on Ya!

    Congrats on the great news from your scans--nothing better than getting NED news the first time around!




    Congratulations on your good news! 

  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,034 Member
    If you haven't danced yet,

    I'll do a Happy Dance for you, I am glad you can't see me do it as I dance like a big old BearSmile

    Outstanding news, and you are smart to not have the PEG removed just yet. Your throat still needs a little time to allow the swelling to go down. I had a few choking episodes shortly after having my PEG removed.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here

  • josh r.
    josh r. Member Posts: 264 Member
    Great news!

    Hi Robyn,

    Let's start the music. Happy for you, josh r.

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    Yes indeed - time for happy dance. All clear is always super good news.

    The PEG will not be coming out until you at least stabilize your weight loss. I do support the idea of working very hard to get all your intake orally then supplement with PEG juice. You have to build up sufficient oral intake to start adding even the slightest amount.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Robyn

    Happy for you me friend, it was a long hard battle but was all worth it to be Ned


    Tim Hondo

  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member
    WOW I can feel your joy from

    WOW I can feel your joy from here congratulations

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Yes....I hope you did a happy

    dance....and keep in mind it's just the first of many to keep those dancing shoes handy :P.


  • Robyn64
    Robyn64 Member Posts: 124
    thanks everyone

    Thank you all for your messages. Am over the moon. Still yet to tackle thrush and a few minor things, but seems to be improving. Now to stay positive and hope to be here with my husband at least another 30 years fingers crossed :-) Will keep the dancing shoes handy and MarineE5 you can dance like a big old bear if you want, will join you lol

    thank you


  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    Robyn64 said:

    thanks everyone

    Thank you all for your messages. Am over the moon. Still yet to tackle thrush and a few minor things, but seems to be improving. Now to stay positive and hope to be here with my husband at least another 30 years fingers crossed :-) Will keep the dancing shoes handy and MarineE5 you can dance like a big old bear if you want, will join you lol

    thank you


    Dance Away....

    Robyn listen to this Roxy Music classic honey! Regards Gary x

  • Laralyn
    Laralyn Member Posts: 532

    So glad I logged in tonight! Congratulations! :-)

  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    Time to dance

    All the best


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    robyn, congrats on the

    robyn, congrats on the scans!!! i'm doing a happy dance too.  i just love doing this dance.  praying the side affects end soon and you are well and back to living life fully.  hope the thrush is gone soon now that tx is over and its been a while.  hang in there, it will all get better.

    God bless you,
