
jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member

having a problem today...all day....sick stomach and my ensure food rushing towards my throat like I'm going to be sick but I have a stricture in my throat and nothing passes. I've taken soluble anti acid tablets and anti sickness medicine but it isn't helping. Every time the acid and food rushes towards my throat it burns and feels terrible. I don't normally get this... Any ideas. Should I open my peg tube over the toilet and get the acid and ensure out that way. I haven't been able to stomach anything since early morning now it's nearly mid night.


  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    if it burns it is stilll acidic

    my bet is it won't help much to empty things out, you still have the acid problem.  use more antacid, and use a proton pump blocker.  I take famotidine twice a day, 20mg AM and 40mg PM.  That's the only way i can avoid this nasty result.



  • ErthWlkr
    ErthWlkr Member Posts: 60
    Acid kickback

    There could be any number of things that can cause this. As much as you don't want yet another doctor in your life, you may need to speak with an ENT and have an endoscopy done. Reflux can be damaging expecially if it becomes chronic. Over-the-counter antacids won't do the job you might need done. Get in touch with at least your oncologist as soon as possible. The doc who inserted the PEG may also be a resource.

    Try using baking soda (1 tsp per 8 ozs of water) or even honey. If you have apple cider vinegar - not regular vinegar - that might be a help. But not a replacement for an exam.

    I faced a similar issue about 2 years out of treatment and it turns out I had developed Barrett's Esophagus which affects the lower part of the esophagus. Painful kickback. Only treatment was prescription medication (ompeprazole). Doesn't mean this is what you have going on - just a possibility.

    Please see a doc - both radiation and chemo changes the game when it comes to diagnosis. Have someone take a look...

    - Jeff


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Acid Reflux or GURD

    I have to agree with the others. This sounds like acid reflux and you need to call your Doctor and let then know. I had acid reflux or GURD before my surgery but it got much worse after. They now say Acid reflux is a cause of some throat cancer. I'm not a Dr. but it sounds like you need a Proton pump blocker and not antacids. The blocker stops you from producing acid and that is what you need. The acid in the stomach is as strong and stronger when you have reflux as battery acid. Battery acid is a 2 on the Ph scale and upset stomach acid is a 1. For now until you can get with your Dr the antacids like tums or baking soda will nutralize the acid. Best of luck as I do know how it can burn. Also do not sleep on your left side it just makes it worse, only the right side, and elevate the head of the bed 15 degrees will help as well.


  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member

    I had a reasonable night last night. This morning my stomach is tender but so far I haven't had heartburn. I'm just pouring ensure through my tube and I'm hoping it won't start my stomach churning again. yesterday I couldn't take food all day and even water hurt. I did drain out some contents of my stomach before going to bed ( before I got your advise) it was a thick blackish green. Usually if I get a stomach leak from my tube accidentally it's the same colour as the ensure. I don't normally get this problem I've had a good trouble free year with tube feeding. I only ever have Ensure and water and medication. The anti acid I was prescribed is Ranitidine hydrochloride. Sorry to put these grim details down but I have confidence in your advice. Getting an appointment with a general practicioner doc is a waiting game in Uk you don't get an appointment immediately. My daughter had to wait a week before she got an appointment, it turned out she had shingles.mines not quite as bad as that.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    PEG and Acid

    I been on the PEG for over 2 ½ years now and yes if I feel acid I drain my stomach completely out and start over. The lady in the hospital told me different but she does not live on a PEG.  I have learned to do what works for me and I been doing very well handling problems with Acid reflux and stuff. I don’t use Ensure all that much it gives me to much mucus, I eat anything anybody eats, I just blend it up as good as I can and down the PEG its goes. I was on the Ship last week and cook had some of the best Mexican dinner I ever see. I filled my Nutrbullet cup added some water and down Mrs. Peggy it went, later that night I had to drain what was left as I could feel a little acid building. I ate some fruit and Corn Flake with almond milk  that night and no problems with any reflux.


    Tim Hondo

  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member
    Hondo said:

    PEG and Acid

    I been on the PEG for over 2 ½ years now and yes if I feel acid I drain my stomach completely out and start over. The lady in the hospital told me different but she does not live on a PEG.  I have learned to do what works for me and I been doing very well handling problems with Acid reflux and stuff. I don’t use Ensure all that much it gives me to much mucus, I eat anything anybody eats, I just blend it up as good as I can and down the PEG its goes. I was on the Ship last week and cook had some of the best Mexican dinner I ever see. I filled my Nutrbullet cup added some water and down Mrs. Peggy it went, later that night I had to drain what was left as I could feel a little acid building. I ate some fruit and Corn Flake with almond milk  that night and no problems with any reflux.


    Tim Hondo


    thanks Hondoo, you know exactly how I'm feeling, I feel if I could get rid of my stomach contents I'd feel better. I've contacted the surgery and they are going to get the doc to ring me. The way I feel at the moment I wouldn't want to wait in a surgery, I'd put people off with my wretching. Maybe he can prescribe something stronger for acid. I feel that this is a minor thing and if I wasn't on a PEg I'd be able to manage it. Everyone gets a tummy bug now and then. 

  • josh r.
    josh r. Member Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks to all

    Hi to all,

    I too have had this problem recently and I appreciate all of your suggestions. It is definetly no fun. Thanks again, josh r.