Update - * I survived Hurricane Odile * Cabo San Lucas OT

VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
edited October 2014 in Breast Cancer #1

My husband, and I along with a Diane and Max ventured to Cabo San Lucas September 14th - a trip the 4 of us had planned for 5 months.

Hearing about a potential Hurricane we check with weather burea, Alaska Airlines and our travel agency.  All clear... Excited we boarded our flight from LAX, we at that time were amazed that 3 seattle passengers from a later flight boarded along with us -- once in the air inbound to Cabo International airport it was annouced that we were the last flight into Cabo due to pending Odile hurricane -.

Once we landed -- we were hurried thru customs (airport empty), then onto shuttles to be taken to our hotels. Shoot - we may be in trouble.

Our hotel registered us and suggested we get something to eat, as guest maybe asked to go to their rooms to ride our storm (not hurricane) ..  2 hours of freedom, 1 alcholic cocktail later Resort Staff asking all guest to get to their rooms.   A Resort Staff would be coming around in an hour to provide us with snack and water --  ...  Hurricane hit at 8 pm, and that was the last time we saw any resort staff (6pm) ..

I have posted several photo's on my expression page - **

We were abandoned - no Food, no Water, No power,  No cell towers available for 5 days --  back up sewage, dirty diapers, sand fea's as wells bugs were our companions for those 5 days.  Devastation, dehyrdation and hunger pains keep us on our toes. 

No America,  No Red Cross rescue or aid... Mexicana Fideralites came by took all the booze at the various outdoor bars - and promise to come back with food, and water.  Not the case, at all.

On Friday we decided to venture to Cabo airport to see if any plane flying tourist out (later found out there were 29,000 of us stuck in Cabo) ..  We left with the clothes on our back - 18 hours of standing in line outside the damaged Cabo International airport - and we were on a plane headed back to USA.

It took a few weeks, and several rounds of antibotics to grasp the severity of our mis-adventures in Cabo San Lucas - but, we 4 are okay.   We meet some wonderful people along the street while waiting for flights out of Mexico - who shared water, crackers and words of encouragement.

We had no choice of where how we left Cabo - Military just gathered folks at random - and placed us in various lines -  

One tourist was munching on a candy bar, when a Military guard took her candy bar - finished eating her candy bar in - and threw the wrapper at her.  Another man, Charlie and his wife had been in Cabo celebrating their 35 anniversary - he had heart pain in line - once on a flight back to USA he passed away -- 18 hours in the hot sun of 92 degrees with 80 percent humidity took it toll on many.

Nice to be back in USA - getting stronger each and every day.


Vicki Sam 


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member


  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member



    Oh, Vicki

    What a story. What a nightmare. And how frightening it must have been for all of you. 

    So glad you're back here, safe and sound. 



  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    OMG!  I can't believe that

    OMG!  I can't believe that you went through all of that.  I am so happy that you are home, safe and sound!  Big hugs!!!

  • Puffin2014
    Puffin2014 Member Posts: 531 Member
    thanks for posting

    so sorry you had to go through all that, must be such a relief to be home and safe.


  • Pixie Dust
    Pixie Dust Member Posts: 424 Member
    Glad you are still alive !!!

    Vicki, seen your pictures on Expressions  Gallery and reading about what you wrote on your adventure  to hell and back I am glad that you, your husband and  your friends has made it back alive. Sorry about your bad trip but I know that you and everyone else are just happy to be back home safe. Interesting story to read but also it was sad.  ( HUGS )  Pixie

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member

    Vicki I am so glad you made it home safely and are well!  Very scary for sure, so sorry to hear of the gentleman that passed! 

  • Clementine_P
    Clementine_P Member Posts: 518 Member

    Hi Vicki Sam,

    That sounds like a true nightmare!  I am so sorry you had endure such an ordeal. Thank goodness you made it back in one piece and are doing okay now. I hope your next vacation is better than all the ones before it just to make up for what you dealt with this time around. 



  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member


    Hi Vicki Sam,

    That sounds like a true nightmare!  I am so sorry you had endure such an ordeal. Thank goodness you made it back in one piece and are doing okay now. I hope your next vacation is better than all the ones before it just to make up for what you dealt with this time around. 



    I did find out - when traveling to Mexico it is best

    to contact our American Consulate to share your travel plans.  This way they can act if a hurricane, earthquate etc occurs.   Shoot, I did not know this.

    Looking back at the photo's I posted on my expression page -  I can not BELIEVE what we lived thru.  God's hand was on us thru our entire trip. 

    Love you gals lot's!!

    Vicki Sam


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    VickiSam said:

    I did find out - when traveling to Mexico it is best

    to contact our American Consulate to share your travel plans.  This way they can act if a hurricane, earthquate etc occurs.   Shoot, I did not know this.

    Looking back at the photo's I posted on my expression page -  I can not BELIEVE what we lived thru.  God's hand was on us thru our entire trip. 

    Love you gals lot's!!

    Vicki Sam


    How awful

    How awful to get through this situation which suppose to be a dream vacation you have been waiting for a very long time! Sorry to hear about it.

    I am glad that you all are home , safe and sound. I hope you will never face similar situation again.


  • lucascy
    lucascy Member Posts: 17
    VickiSam said:

    I did find out - when traveling to Mexico it is best

    to contact our American Consulate to share your travel plans.  This way they can act if a hurricane, earthquate etc occurs.   Shoot, I did not know this.

    Looking back at the photo's I posted on my expression page -  I can not BELIEVE what we lived thru.  God's hand was on us thru our entire trip. 

    Love you gals lot's!!

    Vicki Sam


    What a nightmare!


    I wouldn't have know either.  I think it is amazing that you are so positive about the whole thing.  I guess surviving breast cancer teaches us how to look at things like this in a different light. 





  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member
    Vicki & Your Mexico Experience***

    Wouldn't you know I would miss the best story when I don't get on here?  Believe me when I say I totally understand what happened to you.......we once LIVED in Mexico for over two years.............granted it was on the other coast...not Cabo....but we did manage to leave Washington State just before Mount St Helens blew in 1980....after puting all our furniture into storage up there....we were driving a loaded pickup truck and headed to Vera Cruz for a two year assignment when my husband's company got the contract from the Mexican Gov to build their first nuclear power plant.

    I was 44 years old and not at all prepared for Mexico.    I could share a dozen stories here..but needless to say....I do understand your awful experience.....and I'm glad that you made it back alive.  The one time I got hit by a hurricane down there my husband had gone back to the states on business for a week........it was my Week in Hell in Mexico....and I too did not think I would live to tell about it.   Back in the 1980s Mexico was a lot safer than it is today and I honestly wonder why in the world you would have chosen to go there with all of the terrible things that are reported about that AWFUL COUNTRY.