What IS 'Miracle Mouthwash' ?! :)


I keep seeing 'Miracle Mouthwash'. As far as I know, we don't have it over here. But you're all saying it's really good.

As you know, I'm going in on 14th November to have even more of my tongue taken away Tongue Out

Here is what I do have prescribed, and 'in stock' in my ever bursting medication cupboard:

  • Xylocaine (Lidocaine) oral spray
  • Difflam oral rinse
  • Fluoriguard oral rinse
  • Caphosol A & B mouth rinse (had this for the mucositis with radio)
  • Plus about half a dozen different kinds of artificial saliva.

I am listing all these, because I've been able to glean that 'Miracle Mouthwash' is some combination of other products; I'm hoping to be able to make it for myself for after this surgery. Yes, Xylocaine numbs everything - but I also remember from bitter experience, that Xylocaine stings like hell. If you guys think this Miracle Mouthwash would help post-operatively, I'd be very, very, very, very, very, very grateful Kiss

Estelle x x x


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    MMW worked for me


    Magic Mouth Wash is provided by a compounding pharmacy and may have many of the ingredients you mentioned.   The vintage I came to love worked very well to aid in the treatment of throat, tongue and mouth discomfort.  I went through 6 bottles and sipped, swished and           swallowed every drop.

    On my expressions page I am holding a bottle and there are no ingredients listed.



  • CivilMatt said:

    MMW worked for me


    Magic Mouth Wash is provided by a compounding pharmacy and may have many of the ingredients you mentioned.   The vintage I came to love worked very well to aid in the treatment of throat, tongue and mouth discomfort.  I went through 6 bottles and sipped, swished and           swallowed every drop.

    On my expressions page I am holding a bottle and there are no ingredients listed.



    Ahhh I never saw the

    Ahhh I never saw the Expressions pages before! I love your kitty cat. So sweet ^____^

  • Sonja.K
    Sonja.K Member Posts: 80 Member
    Estelle_H said:

    Ahhh I never saw the

    Ahhh I never saw the Expressions pages before! I love your kitty cat. So sweet ^____^

    My bottle says

    My bottle says:

    Antacid/Diphen/Lido 1:1:1 Mouthwash

    It is Maalox Plus/Lidocaine/Diphenhydramine

    Hope that helps.  It does work wonders, I don't think I could eat ot drink without it! 



  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    MMW worked for me


    Magic Mouth Wash is provided by a compounding pharmacy and may have many of the ingredients you mentioned.   The vintage I came to love worked very well to aid in the treatment of throat, tongue and mouth discomfort.  I went through 6 bottles and sipped, swished and           swallowed every drop.

    On my expressions page I am holding a bottle and there are no ingredients listed.



    Hi Estelle


    I am going to jump in there with Matt; it was a live savior to me.


    Tim Hondo

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    My formulation of MM was

    Lidocaine, Nystatin, and Malox....it was numbing I had to wait 10 or 15 minutes in order to swallow.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    There are numerous things put in it depending on the local recipe; there is no standard. What works really well is lidocaine and Benydryl. Usually there is a third item like Maalox but the first two are the workhorses. Lidocaine helps the pain and Benydryl helps the inflammations.

  • Thank you all for your advice

    Thank you all for your advice about this. I'm going to try to make some. I see that the mix is 1:1 which makes it easy for me to make up myself. I'm going to try Lidocaine:Difflam - which I think is approximately what the majority of you are describing - one part topical anaesthetic/one part topical NSAID.

    Some have said Nystan (anti-candida) and Benadryl is an antihistamine.

    I've got these in too, so it should be easy enough for me to "experiment" ;)

    Goodo xxx

  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member
    Estelle_H said:

    Thank you all for your advice

    Thank you all for your advice about this. I'm going to try to make some. I see that the mix is 1:1 which makes it easy for me to make up myself. I'm going to try Lidocaine:Difflam - which I think is approximately what the majority of you are describing - one part topical anaesthetic/one part topical NSAID.

    Some have said Nystan (anti-candida) and Benadryl is an antihistamine.

    I've got these in too, so it should be easy enough for me to "experiment" ;)

    Goodo xxx

    Miracle mouthwash

    BE CAREFUL..... could you go to a chemist and asked for them to mix some for you, tell them the ingredients. Interested if it works though.

    Good luck.

  • Ah it's ok :)
    Most of these

    Ah it's ok :)

    Most of these ingredients are pretty innocuous, if anything the acidity of the Difflam would reduce the effectiveness of some of the other things :)

  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    I used the stuff

    My oncologist had her own special recipe, similar to the ones described above.  I would swish for minutes at a time, but I couldn't swallow the stuff.  I couldn't stand that much benadryl and the other ingredients nauseated me.  But, if I held it in my mouth long enough, it had a good effect.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Estelle_H said:

    Ah it's ok :)
    Most of these

    Ah it's ok :)

    Most of these ingredients are pretty innocuous, if anything the acidity of the Difflam would reduce the effectiveness of some of the other things :)

    no worries

    Since you are a medical professional you should be fine, especially since these are swish and spit treatments. When my mouth got really bad I would swish for awhile then let it trickle down to give more of my throat some relief. I did have a conversation with a RO nurse who made some statement about daily lidocaine dosage. I read up and it did not seem a big deal. That was when I was using liquid lidocaine straight rather than the MM. 

  • I got through shedloads of

    I got through shedloads of Lidocaine during my 6 week wait for the surgery. Then after radio, it hurt too much to use it LOL

    If you can bear that initial sting, it's the business :)

  • laleh
    laleh Member Posts: 6
    Estelle_H said:

    I got through shedloads of

    I got through shedloads of Lidocaine during my 6 week wait for the surgery. Then after radio, it hurt too much to use it LOL

    If you can bear that initial sting, it's the business :)

    Baking Soda and salt in water mix


    This is must have mouthwash during Rad/chemo to relief mouth sore, infection and even pain. It is easy to make. Add 1/4 teaspoon baking soda and 1/8 of teaspoon salt in a cup of water. Wash your mouth with the mix, swish around your mouth. It instantly relief discomfort and beside keep your mouth basic. During my NPC treatment with chemo/rad, this was my number one mouth wash. I was making 2-4 cups batch to have it handy. Dr also prescribed me magic mouthwash which was a combination of antibiotic/Lidocaine/antifungal/other filling. However, baking soda/salt instantly neutralizes the acidic mouth. I remember I was not able to even use plain water, it was burning my mouth.