Agent Orange and Kidney Cancer
kidney cancer/agent orange
I was diagnosed in Dec 2013 that I had cancer in my right kidney. Had kidney removed as cancer was contained inside of kidney. I'm service connected with type 2 diabetes. Have just filed claim with VA for renal cancer. I was in country Aug 65 - July 66. Hopefully VA will approve only time will tell. If nothing else its on the record.
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Kidney cancer/Agent Orange
I am a cancer surviver x 15 years. I lost my Right Kidney in april 1998, then ten years later I lost my left kidney
in april 2008. Both times I filed and was denied, there reason was that the Kidney is not part of the Renal track.???????
REALLY????????. I was on Dialisis for about a year. Then my youngest Daughter gave me one of her Kidneys, and we just
celebrated our five year aniversary. I am not sure what is going on with the VA and the denial of all the veterans that have
had Kidney cancer. If anyone Knows of a class action law suit. that is on going or getting started, I am all in. please contact
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DenialLarry Dabb said:kidney cancer/agent orange
I was diagnosed in Dec 2013 that I had cancer in my right kidney. Had kidney removed as cancer was contained inside of kidney. I'm service connected with type 2 diabetes. Have just filed claim with VA for renal cancer. I was in country Aug 65 - July 66. Hopefully VA will approve only time will tell. If nothing else its on the record.
Sorry Larry I hope you have luck with it but I dont think you will. I HAVE TRIED FOR 15 YEARS AND STILL DENIED. LAST REQUEST
was aug 2013. just recieved my denial 2 days ago. Good Luck.
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Precedence for AO connection with kidney cancervfwjmartin said:Kidney cancer/Agent Orange
I am a cancer surviver x 15 years. I lost my Right Kidney in april 1998, then ten years later I lost my left kidney
in april 2008. Both times I filed and was denied, there reason was that the Kidney is not part of the Renal track.???????
REALLY????????. I was on Dialisis for about a year. Then my youngest Daughter gave me one of her Kidneys, and we just
celebrated our five year aniversary. I am not sure what is going on with the VA and the denial of all the veterans that have
had Kidney cancer. If anyone Knows of a class action law suit. that is on going or getting started, I am all in. please contact
This person fought a long battle but VA finally gave him service connection for his kidney cancer.
I intend to include this decision when I file with VA.
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txbarton said:
Precedence for AO connection with kidney cancer
This person fought a long battle but VA finally gave him service connection for his kidney cancer.
I intend to include this decision when I file with VA.
I have a heariang this coming Friday (10/24/2014) before the Law Judge. My husband died of RCC back in 2008 and I have been fighting with the VA ever since. I have printed out this decision and will present it at the hearing. He had diabetes for years. My argument is that the Diabetes contributed to his RCC. The last appeal was denied because they stated that Hypertension was not due to Agent Orange exposure. I NEVER brought this up at the original hearing nor did I ever mention his hypertension in any of the forms filed since the start in 2008. Wish me luck
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agent orange/kidney cancervietvet said:Agent Orange & Renal Cell Cancer: VA Disability
The Pamelaquaz post is one of the most comprehensive posted on this site. However, let me provide everyone with my perspective. I am a USMC Vietnam Vet from 1966. I had my right kidney removed in August 2009 after a CT scan for a hernia revealed a 10+ cm tumor. This month makes 3 years since I filed my original disability claim with the DVA. Per various sources, it appears that I have approximately 2 more years until this claim is finalized.
First, let me say to all of you that decided not to file a claim and instead wait for RCC to be added to the DVA's "Presumptive" list..... you will not receive any disability payments for those years that you didn't file a claim. Payments are retroactive back to a Veteran's original file date. Currently, 100% disabled benifits pay for a single Veteran is $2,769.00 per month. If you compute this over the expected 5 year cycle of a disability claim approval, you get a total sum of $166,140.00, tax free dollars. I guess you know what I would suggest.
Secondly, many of the various Veteran Service Officers that represent your respective State, or service organization; e.g., DVA, VFW, etc., are always helpful, but not extremely effective. My suggestion is that you take control of your own destiny, and handle your own case. Become involved! The Internet has unlimited resourses for you to use, including blog sites, such as this one.
When you begin to craft a strategy, think about this one.... first, understand that there is NO way to prove what the causative factor was for your RCC; thus, you must DISPROVE the probability of any other known causative factor, except for Agent Orange. Remember, the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims has ruled that "a veteran need only demonstrate that there is an 'approximate balance of positive and negative evidence' in order to prevail". Therefore, you strategy is simply to establish the principle of reasonable doubt, that any other causative factor, except AO, could have been responsible.
Without trying to split hairs, here are the universlly accepted suggestive causes of RCC: Hereditary/Genetic predisposition, Environmental Factors of the Work Place - (Exposure to coal dust, cadmium, asbestos, petroleum products, dry-cleaning solvents, radiation, and other toxins), Environmental Factors of Personal Health - (Obesity, hypertension caused by high blood pressure, diabetes disease, and smoking), Environmental Medical Factors -(Previously received treatments of Chemotherapy, Dialysis, and Radiation).
Take these suggestive causative factors and have them systematically elimated by having your doctor(s) overlay them with your medical history. Help these doctors craft a letter that demonstrates and opines that AO is the "More Likly Than Not" causative factor. In my case, I wrote the letters, put them on a flash drive, and took them to my doctors for his approval and/or minor editing. Not a single one said NO.
As for these letters of "NEXUS".... although it has been stated to get experts with notable, published, credentials, it is not necessary, although preferred. Just make sure that your doctors have their letter of opine signed and notarized with a copy of their resume, and a listing of any publications that they may have authored for medical journals.
I suggest that you solicit letters from a General Practitioner, Urologist, and Oncologist. It is also suggested that you look at the possibility of getting letters of opine from a known Epidemiologist that is well acquainted with Agent Orange. Just remember never get, unless you ask. You wouldn't believe how many AO and Toxicology experts are sympathetic towards our plight, and have a sense of patriotism for us veterans.
Go for it!Thank you for you information. I have been fighting for my kidney loss for 14 years, I lost both kidneys to cancer and my daughter gave up one of hers so that i may live, Anyone that would send me a copy of there disition showing that they recieved disiability and copinsation would be greatly appriciated.I am going to try and expose the va for allowing some to recieve diability while others are left to keep fighting or die trying.I am not sure how much longer i have, I am going on six years from my transplant and i will not go through dialisis again, But i will die trying to get what i am entitled too.Please forward anything that may help me in my fight. The va needs to be exposed for what they are (coruped).allowing only a few to recieve disability and not all who are sufering is irresponcible. Please contact me. Thank you for your service and God Bless.
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If you checked the new treatments for treating kidney cancer disease using a new molecular therapy that uses targeted peptides and proteins to restore cellular function.Its getting very popular and the success rate is very high.My relative tried it very recently and its giving faster recovery.
If you dont know much about it then i will recommend to do a Google search for the term "Peptide treatment", or the company named "Regenerative Cellular Therapy".Its a very innovative contribution and not too expensive.The best thing is that the results are very good.Thank you
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Sample LettersRoggy said:NOD
I filed a Notice of Disagreement on my kidney cancer claim from Jan. 2011...In Oct. 2012 I received a reply. They approved me with a rating of 60%...I had letters from doctors which helped with my claim. One of the letters was from a V A doctor....So it pays to fight for your disability.....Roggy,
I just had my Kidney removed in Dec 2014. I was in country in 70-71. I have a 10% hearing loss disability now. Can you e-mail or post your sample MD letters so i can get my MD and a VA expert to send in with claim.
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Sample LettersPamelaquaz said:Won my Kidney Cancer VA Case
My husband died in 09, today was the first day I looked at a kidney cancer board since. I hope I can help a little bit. I won his case and he got the 100%service connection for renal cell carcinoma due to agent orange.
I think all I can do is list the things I found out in winning my case. It is not easy. the bureaucracy makes it complicated.
First look at all the archived cases from the VA board of appeals. You will find them at the website. Last I checked there were a couple of dozen wins for Kidney Cancer. Search for that and search for renal cell carcinoma., then click on Search Decisions
It is not on the "list." All this means is you have to prove a Medical Nexus in addition to proving service in an Agent Orange location and proving that you do have Kidney Cancer.
To prove service connection to Agent Orange location you have to have a Viet Nam Combat Action Ribbon. If you don't, maybe there are other ways to prove that, check the archived cases.
To prove medical nexus you must first provide proof that your doctor who writes the letter is an expert in Kidney Cancer. Because the doc you see at the VA as part of the application for benefits won't find any reason to say that your cancer was caused by agent orange, until it ends up in a place "on the list" such as lungs. Which resets your date when you finally win, you don't wnat this to happen. If you have a general oncologist it would be worth a trip or more to be seen by an expert, An expert is one who writes published papers, is head of A University dept., things like that. I had two experts write letters. I found one expert throughvthe VA and one thru a clinical trial.
You must use a service organization to help you. Not those guys who sit at thedesk at the VA but get those guys to assign someone to you.
Finally the wording of your medical nexus letter is critical. Help hte dr.s know how to word it by searching the archives. I think it has to say something like "significantly more likely than not" . This is only my memory so please research the archives. If the dr. Says stuff like "in my opinion" or "probably" it will get kicked out. You will probably have to appeal, be sure and keep the appeals and disagreement letters timely, the whole case will be lost if you miss a filing date. And sadly in my experience the veteran had to still be alive or everything was lost. Maybe that's changed.
I hope this helps someone. I found in the end that everyone was helpful, even everyone in the VA. They ate just trying to work within the rules. My case took about three years I think.Pamelaquaz,
Can you e-mail or post your sample letters. E-mail: I had my Kidney out in Dec 2014 and am submitting claim.
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C-123 Ranch Hand mechanic
I just found this site and I had no idea there were so many others with this issue. In 2008 I came home from Afghanistan and immediately called my best friend from Viet Nam, Dan J. and thats when he told me to keep an eye on my kidneys and liver as he had lost his right kidney to renal cell cancer so I knew I wasn't the only person with this problem but I had no idea there were so many others.
In 1971 Danny and I were assigned to the 315th CAMS at Phan Rang AFB Viet Nam and worked on C123-K "Ranch Hand" aircraft that sprayed agent orange. In December of 2012 I had gall bladder surgery and my kidney cancer was found at that time. I am just now filling out my Notice of Disagreement withe the VA's finding and I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has gone throught this proccess. I am so thankful to have found this site at this time.
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Denialvfwjmartin said:Denial
Sorry Larry I hope you have luck with it but I dont think you will. I HAVE TRIED FOR 15 YEARS AND STILL DENIED. LAST REQUEST
was aug 2013. just recieved my denial 2 days ago. Good Luck.
Was denied back in Oct 2014 I am starting my appeal next week will work with a DAV service officer. I'll just keep filing sooner or later their going to approve these claims for all of us. Hopefully I'll still be around.
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Kidney Cancer...vfwjmartin said:agent orange/kidney cancer
Thank you for you information. I have been fighting for my kidney loss for 14 years, I lost both kidneys to cancer and my daughter gave up one of hers so that i may live, Anyone that would send me a copy of there disition showing that they recieved disiability and copinsation would be greatly appriciated.I am going to try and expose the va for allowing some to recieve diability while others are left to keep fighting or die trying.I am not sure how much longer i have, I am going on six years from my transplant and i will not go through dialisis again, But i will die trying to get what i am entitled too.Please forward anything that may help me in my fight. The va needs to be exposed for what they are (coruped).allowing only a few to recieve disability and not all who are sufering is irresponcible. Please contact me. Thank you for your service and God Bless.
I lost a kidney to cancer also. I have also had prostate cancer. Both the kidney and prostate removed. The kidney was turned down by the VA. Have you gotten any info that will help you?
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Kidney cancerLARRYAOVictim said:The way to win
Pamela. I went into my claims very much an inexperienced, full of excitement, vet who thought all you had to do was to send in the info and it would get stamped. I have now, 3 years later, found out what YOUO found out. It is not enough to have a Doctor say PROBABLY or I think, it has to be an expert who will outweigh the VA witness, and the more the better. And know what they are basing the decision on and GET THAT NAILED DOWN, and also READ THE LOSER CITATIONS. WHY DID THEY LOSE, or were NOT APPROVED? It is good not to make the same mistake. Don't miss a are again correct. All of your advice was correct and to the point. I went to
VA vs (add your disease) CITATIONS and read and copied every one and analized it. I have gone to every medical study site I can find the same way. And I am going to submit using all of the positives I can find and distancing myself from all of the negatives. The VA is COUNTING on the dropout rate by denial. The longer the delay, the more time they have those coffers filled with money which they know, in some %, is going to have to be paidd out, but "not yet".
I ama so proud of you. My sister did the same thing for her husband. He was a heck of a soldier, but was not on top of anything having to do with documents, claims, but he was a heck of a sniper!
Larry, I am also a Agent Orange Army Vet. Did you have any good results in your attempt for assistance?
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Sorry guys but I worked on those damn spray birdsrstever said:C-123 Ranch Hand mechanic
I just found this site and I had no idea there were so many others with this issue. In 2008 I came home from Afghanistan and immediately called my best friend from Viet Nam, Dan J. and thats when he told me to keep an eye on my kidneys and liver as he had lost his right kidney to renal cell cancer so I knew I wasn't the only person with this problem but I had no idea there were so many others.
In 1971 Danny and I were assigned to the 315th CAMS at Phan Rang AFB Viet Nam and worked on C123-K "Ranch Hand" aircraft that sprayed agent orange. In December of 2012 I had gall bladder surgery and my kidney cancer was found at that time. I am just now filling out my Notice of Disagreement withe the VA's finding and I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has gone throught this proccess. I am so thankful to have found this site at this time.
I don't think they were spraying AO at the time as it was in '70-'71 when I was there, but I was an avionics tech at the time and worked on them.
I just found this site because I went looking for VA and kidney cancer. I have just been diagnosed with cancer in my right kidney. Had a ureterscopy with tissue taken for a biopsy at the Tampa VA hospital yesterday.
I am meeting with the Doctors on October 1 for a plan of action.
I don't know if you guys keep up with this site, but if you do any advice would be helpful. Anything I should know before this meeting would be helpful.
I am already 60% disabled with Ischemic Heart Disease an AO scheduled illness.
Thanks for the help
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Lost Right Kidney to Cancer
I have just filed initial claim for AO exposure. Was told upfront claim would be denied, so am already planning next stage. I served at Udorn RTAFB, 1966-1967. I had first bladder tumor removed in Oct, 2010 and a second in May,2012. In Nov, 2010, I had 40% of my colon removed with a large pre-cancerous tumor, (just good luck as doctor said another 6 months and it would have different). In Sept, 2012, I had right kidney removed with a grade II, clear cell papillary tumor. I am trying to track down cases already finalized successfully with the VA. I agree with all I've read that there is mounting evidence, even within the VA's own files, regarding a link between AO and kidney cancer. Some of this concern dates back to the VA Agent Orange Review of August, 1990 and the study at VAMC Shreveport a few years ago.
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I am truly sorry for late
I am truly sorry for late response, but I have just joined this site, my husband is a kidney cancer survivor, He was soaked from agent Orange when his unit went into rescue pows, (he served as demolition man and squad leader) he only has 1 kidney left, but lately NEW issues have reared their heads.
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left kidney cancer
I was just denied a VA claim for kidney cancer. I had my left kidney, gallblader, ureter, renal vein thrombosis and a large portion of my liver removed because of Renal Cell carcinoma. I am still taking chemo. I started a petition in to have kidney cancer included in the Agent Orange list. Here is the link
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totally agreeicemantoo said:Proving a connection.
Many of us have had RCC with no AO connection. I think that to prove this connection you need a randomly selected group of vets (over 1000) and compare their incidence of RCC with the general population of the same age. I beleive at least the VA would have the information to do such a study.
The only way this study is going to take place is to drive Congress crazy with thousands of petitions. I have started a petition to include kidney cancer in the list of diseases caused by Agent Orange. See and get all your friends to sign.
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kidney cancer
We have to be smart about this. Only when Congress gets lots of petitions regarding kidney cancer will VA get any pressure to change.
I have started a petition for Congress to look into this question.
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Kidney cancer and Vietnam Veterans.
Dear Friends:
I am resending this Veterans' petition with a better link. Many have told me of difficulties with the original. If you have signed it I thank you
on behalf of many Vietnam Vets who are suffering from or have died from kidney cancer. If you have not signed, you can be part of the solution by
signing it. If you have any questions e-mail me at or you can call me @ 305-342-1062. I can assure that the incidence of renal cell
carcinoma (kidney cancer) is much greater in the Vietnam Vet population than the population at large. This petition will go to Congress and they
can put pressure on the VA. The way VA is handling this is "DENY, DENY UNTIL YOU DIE." Vietnam Vets you could be next, I am also a Vietnam Vet who
suffers from this disease,join this effort. says is 100% safe. Do not hesitate to sign.
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