Need to go for surgery to remove growth under tongue

Been having various symptoms lately after my past 6 months post treatment for NPC, like buttocks pain on one side of my leg right down to my knees, one of my ear is now clogged up again, which the doc said it’s just side effects and finally, there is a 1.5cm growth under my tongue.

Seen my ENT doc today and he was concerned with the growth however it doesn’t look threatening. Anyway he recommended immediate surgery to remove the growth regardless if it later found to be recurrent.


Therefore, I would greatly appreciate some advice and feedbacks from you guys especially, should I go for the surgery next week and if it later found to be recurrent or mets, do you think I would need additional radiation and chemo or the surgery would be sufficient?


  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    What Treatment

    Hi Ed,


    No one can really say what kind of treatment will be needed until they know what it is.  The most common type of oral cancer is squamous cell carcinoma. (SCC) It is sometimes found with along with HPV, but not always.  If it is that one, yes, chemo and rads are in order.  If it is something like I had, mucoepidermoid carcinoma, it may require surgery & rads only.  I wonder why they aren't doing a minor biopsy instead?


    It's probably for the best that they are going to remove it completely.  That way you'll know what it was and won't need to go under the knife again.  


    Good luck with it being benign.



  • edbravo
    edbravo Member Posts: 63

    What Treatment

    Hi Ed,


    No one can really say what kind of treatment will be needed until they know what it is.  The most common type of oral cancer is squamous cell carcinoma. (SCC) It is sometimes found with along with HPV, but not always.  If it is that one, yes, chemo and rads are in order.  If it is something like I had, mucoepidermoid carcinoma, it may require surgery & rads only.  I wonder why they aren't doing a minor biopsy instead?


    It's probably for the best that they are going to remove it completely.  That way you'll know what it was and won't need to go under the knife again.  


    Good luck with it being benign.



    Thanks tom. Yes, I believe

    Thanks tom. Yes, I believe regardless if its cancer or not, its advisable to remove it. That is what my ent doc said, anyhow do you think it would be good considering my conditions?

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    I would opt for a biopsy, at a minimum.

    Good luck,


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    ed, i just want to say i'm

    ed, i just want to say i'm praying that its not cancer and the removal is all you need.  i hope the ear gets better soon.  Praying for surgery to go well also.

    God bless you,


  • Sam999
    Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member

    ed, i just want to say i'm

    ed, i just want to say i'm praying that its not cancer and the removal is all you need.  i hope the ear gets better soon.  Praying for surgery to go well also.

    God bless you,


    Get the removal done by a sugeon

    if possible get the removal done by a surgeon specialized in tumour removal

  • edbravo
    edbravo Member Posts: 63
    Sam999 said:

    Get the removal done by a sugeon

    if possible get the removal done by a surgeon specialized in tumour removal

    @sam999,Good advice.Do you


    Good advice.

    Do you think my ENT doctor is a qualified surgon to remove tumor in the mouth since under his credentials are as such,

    ENT/Head and Neck Surgeon, M.Surg (ORL-HNS)...what you think? thanks



  • ongsoonan
    ongsoonan Member Posts: 10 Member
    edbravo said:

    Thanks tom. Yes, I believe

    Thanks tom. Yes, I believe regardless if its cancer or not, its advisable to remove it. That is what my ent doc said, anyhow do you think it would be good considering my conditions?

    Hi edbravo,
    i'm sorry to hear

    Hi edbravo,

    i'm sorry to hear that you may do the operation for removing a mass under your tongue.

    in my oipinion, i think it is better to have a biospy on the mass and i really hope that it is not related to the c.

    i wish you are okay and take care.





  • thennies61
    thennies61 Member Posts: 285
    edbravo said:

    @sam999,Good advice.Do you


    Good advice.

    Do you think my ENT doctor is a qualified surgon to remove tumor in the mouth since under his credentials are as such,

    ENT/Head and Neck Surgeon, M.Surg (ORL-HNS)...what you think? thanks



    When this all started for me

    When this all started for me I thought it was just a growth under tounge or the most a cyst and thought it would heal itself.When it didn't went and seen the ENT and sure enough he did the tests and was tumor .If I would of listen to my body and went earlier who knows how it might of went..

  • edbravo
    edbravo Member Posts: 63

    When this all started for me

    When this all started for me I thought it was just a growth under tounge or the most a cyst and thought it would heal itself.When it didn't went and seen the ENT and sure enough he did the tests and was tumor .If I would of listen to my body and went earlier who knows how it might of went..

    I ve got 4 days till my

    I ve got 4 days till my operations. Seems like a minor 10-15 minutes operations but as time goes by i am starting to freak out. "God oh sweet jesus, please don't let the beast out again probably not until i am 70. I just don't want to be alone up in haven"

  • edbravo
    edbravo Member Posts: 63

    ed, i just want to say i'm

    ed, i just want to say i'm praying that its not cancer and the removal is all you need.  i hope the ear gets better soon.  Praying for surgery to go well also.

    God bless you,


    Thanks debbie, you are so

    Thanks debbie, you are so sweet.

  • edbravo
    edbravo Member Posts: 63
    CivilMatt said:



    I would opt for a biopsy, at a minimum.

    Good luck,


    Biopsy sounds good. However

    Biopsy sounds good. However since my ent is aware that i already have cancer, he will probably take additional steps to remove the whole growth clean. I am putting my whole faith in him and hope god guides him. 

  • edbravo
    edbravo Member Posts: 63
    edbravo said:

    Thanks debbie, you are so

    Thanks debbie, you are so sweet.

    About less than 12 hours and

    About less than 12 hours and the growth is coming out. Really hate going back to the hospital Frown, hope this is my last operations.

  • Godskeep
    Godskeep Member Posts: 6

    Read my profile to find out more on my mouth/throat cancer and surgeries. The short of It is listen to your doctors advise and make sure you understand how they are going to do the surgery and where they are going to cut into to get at It. In hind sight I wish I had had more time to get a second opinion before I went through with my two surgeries because I'm now left with cronic nerve and jaw pain from where they cut into and down my right side neck to my collorbone, taking out lymph glands and shortening that neck muscle.I'll be on oxycontin 30's twice a day for life now how ever long that is. With out the pain meds I'm unable to eat or talk very well and my pain scale jumps from my now "normal" 5 to 7 and 8's.

    I'm not trying to scare you just be clear how and why the doctors are doing what they plan to do. And If you do end up doing any radiation treatments in the neck and mouth area make sure your loading up on Zinc vitamins to save your taste buds from the worse of the damage from the treatments.

    If not for my wife being a nutritionist and knowing what suppliments to give me I'd have no sense of taste at all after all my 47 treatments of radiation.

    Good luck and God bless. I'll be praying for you and all the others on here.