
Here I sit here in the chemo chair getting my e bureaux I will see the Dr. After this I hope he is going to get another scan to see if this crap, is shrinking. My chemo takes about 3hrs. To drip into me, how long does any of yall take. This is my 5th. Treatment. 


  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    When was last scan?

    Whne my onc puts me on a new chemo, he usually waits at least three months before he takes a look at it with a CT Scan.  My present day chemo takes two hours for the first chemo, two hours for the second chemo and for the third they connect me to a take home chemo with pump, so that chemo is being pumped into my port for 22 hours then I go back and get disconnected the next day.  I've been doing chemo for 4 1/2 years with a few breaks here and there so I've lost count of how many chemo treatments I've gotten.  I go every week now with a week break every four weeks.

    Winter Marie

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Too many scans

    My Onc didn't like to do to many scans too close together, and I didnt get scanned at all during  treatments. 

    sometimes 'patience is a virtue' as they say.

    My Chemo took around four hours, and then home with the pump for 46 hours.

    good luck!

    Sue - Trubrit 

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    They drip

    It in slow cuz that poison will kill you if they inject it in all at once! I used to sit there for 4 hours, I got the Benedryl early and it would knock me out so I'd sleep for most of it. I also took a 2 day pump home. I envisioned it as a cleansing fire racing through my system taking out the cancer cells like lava. I told myself it's harshness meant it was working! However, I understand what you're going through, despite my romantic imagery it totally sucked lol Hang in there!


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Easyflip said:

    They drip

    It in slow cuz that poison will kill you if they inject it in all at once! I used to sit there for 4 hours, I got the Benedryl early and it would knock me out so I'd sleep for most of it. I also took a 2 day pump home. I envisioned it as a cleansing fire racing through my system taking out the cancer cells like lava. I told myself it's harshness meant it was working! However, I understand what you're going through, despite my romantic imagery it totally sucked lol Hang in there!


    My in chair drip takes about

    My in chair drip takes about 2 1/2 hours and then I take the bottle home. I've just had one follow up treatment so far, seven more to go. I took a book for it and ended up there all day while they cleaned out my port due to lack of blood draw.

    I'm not liking the prickly feeling in my mouth when I drink something cold or the same feeling when I touch comething cold but I haven't had nausea so far, knock on wood. Definitely weak some days, though, like yesterday. I feel like the straw man in the Wizard of Oz some days.


  • Yolllmbs
    Yolllmbs Member Posts: 360 Member
    4-6 hours

    generally 4 but sometimes 6 then home with the 46 hour bottle. I've had 10 of 12 Folfox treatments. I meet with my oncologist every treatment before they start. In fact, there is some talk that I'm done. We will make that decision Tuesday. Janjan, I was told from the beginning room temperature drinks and keep hands and feet warm to minimize neuropathy. 


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Yolllmbs said:

    4-6 hours

    generally 4 but sometimes 6 then home with the 46 hour bottle. I've had 10 of 12 Folfox treatments. I meet with my oncologist every treatment before they start. In fact, there is some talk that I'm done. We will make that decision Tuesday. Janjan, I was told from the beginning room temperature drinks and keep hands and feet warm to minimize neuropathy. 


    Thanks Yolanda. It's weird,

    Thanks Yolanda. It's weird, isn't it? It feels like grabbing a thistle. The other day I was walking my dog and my hand was exposed and it got all prickly. It wasn't even cold out, just cool. I'm still not used to it and keep forgetting to make sure I wear gloves.

  • Yolllmbs
    Yolllmbs Member Posts: 360 Member
    JanJan63 said:

    Thanks Yolanda. It's weird,

    Thanks Yolanda. It's weird, isn't it? It feels like grabbing a thistle. The other day I was walking my dog and my hand was exposed and it got all prickly. It wasn't even cold out, just cool. I'm still not used to it and keep forgetting to make sure I wear gloves.

    The cold

    I have been impacted by the cold since the beginning. I'm yearning for ice tea, a cold salad with a scoop of ice cream. I've just never been able to eat or drink anything cold. My hands send sensations every time I touch anything now



  • Steve444
    Steve444 Member Posts: 105 Member

    Mine is about the same duration every two weeks.  I start with 30 mins for anti nausea, followed by Fusilev for 2 hours (used to be combined with Oxaliplatin before I stopped due to side effects), followed by Avastin for 30 mins, then the 5-FU pump for two days.  I've had 13 treatments so far and am still weighing stopping it all since I'm currently NED (from stage IV).  I never had surgery, but the chemo and/or everything else I was doing on my own shrunk the tumors from 9cm down to undetectable.  I've gotten used to the 4 hour cancer center visits, but am still not used to the home pump as I like to sleep on my stomach and can't with a needle in my chest.  Hang in there.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    As Sue "trubit" stated my onc didn't want to scan during treatment also and did weekly CBC and montly complete labs.  Sometmes scans can be not very accurate as the chemo/radiation has to work before making a final decision.   My treatment was about 4 1/2 hours and then pump for 2 days at home.  I'm sure that your doctor will scan when necessary and if he doesn't within 6 months then ask him for one.  Good luck and hope you get through this with much success.


  • DD3
    DD3 Member Posts: 136 Member


    As Sue "trubit" stated my onc didn't want to scan during treatment also and did weekly CBC and montly complete labs.  Sometmes scans can be not very accurate as the chemo/radiation has to work before making a final decision.   My treatment was about 4 1/2 hours and then pump for 2 days at home.  I'm sure that your doctor will scan when necessary and if he doesn't within 6 months then ask him for one.  Good luck and hope you get through this with much success.



    My wife's was about 4 hrs.  Seemed a whole day to me.  Once they "hooked" her up to her port and the chemo started flowing it was time to walk.   She would grab her I.V. stand and walk laps around the "ward." for one hour.  Of course, I accompanied her on the walks.  Then it was home with the pump for 48 hrs. 


    No scans during treatment.  Did check her CEA about three times during chemo treatment along with the weekly cbc blood work.  Matter of fact her first scan wasn't done until the one year mark after surgery, which was four months after adjuvent chemo. 

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    Mine used to take two hours,

    Mine used to take two hours, that's a pretty long day for you including waiting time.  How many treatments are you doing in total?  Too bad we don't have a chat room, it would be good to have chat on here and not just posts.  My doctor will only scan me once a year because she says the drink that you drink for the scans will kill you.  It's nerve racking in the beginning not to have the scans.