Not sure what to think

anjala75 Member Posts: 7

I had a MRI for my back which stated that had a T2 hyperintense (≥7 cm) left renal lesion may represent upper pole parapelvic cysts. Consider correlation with ultrasound. Went Friday for my Ultrasound to follow up. Got these results today:

R Kidney: A complete evaluation of the right kidney was performed.
The kidney is normal in size with no hydronephrosis.
L Kidney: A complete evaluation of the left kidney was performed. The
kidney is normal in size with no hydronephrosis. #1:
complex parapelvic cyst (internal septations) identified in
the upper pole measuring 4.8 x 2.7 x 3.3 cm cm.
IVC: Visualized portions of the IVC are normal.
AO: Normal.
Blddr: The urinary bladder is normal.
Post-V_B: Post void residual was identified.

I asked my referring doctor for a CT with and without contrast. She says: Its best for you to come in for an evaluation prior to any further studies. The MRI had shown an incidental finding for which we did an ultrasound. Now a CAT scan of the same region may or may not shed light on exactly what is going on we need to correlated with what we find on the physical exam.


I am trying my best to keep positive. I have tried to google all the different things and it makes my head spin. I have been reading on your forum to try and gather information and to read the positive outcomes.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    You need a CT scan



    A CT scan is the gold standard in determining the diagnosis for a possible 4.8 cm complex cyst. Reading between the lines the doctor might need further justification for your insurance company to pay for a CT scan such as bloodwork showing microscopic blood in the Urine or blood work showing any loss of Kidney function. Additionally there is a concern with contrast dye if there is too much loss of kidney function. Go thru the motions, get the CT behind you and if there appears to be a chance that it is Cancer we can help you from there. At 4,8 cm if it is Cancer the cure rate from surgery alone is in the upper 90's percent.





  • anjala75
    anjala75 Member Posts: 7
    icemantoo said:

    You need a CT scan



    A CT scan is the gold standard in determining the diagnosis for a possible 4.8 cm complex cyst. Reading between the lines the doctor might need further justification for your insurance company to pay for a CT scan such as bloodwork showing microscopic blood in the Urine or blood work showing any loss of Kidney function. Additionally there is a concern with contrast dye if there is too much loss of kidney function. Go thru the motions, get the CT behind you and if there appears to be a chance that it is Cancer we can help you from there. At 4,8 cm if it is Cancer the cure rate from surgery alone is in the upper 90's percent.






    My insurance is tough for sure. I was hoping that was why she said that and wasnt putting of getting the CT. I also asked for blood work as the last time I got it drawn was in the middle of April.....

    WBC Count 4.8 - 10.8 K 11.9 H
    RBC Count 4.20 - 5.40 M 3.69 L
    Hgb 12.0 - 16.0 g/dL 12.1  
    Hct 37.0 - 47.0 % 35.0 L
    Albumin 3.5 - 4.9 g/dL 4.2  
    Result reflects use of Bromocresol Green Methodology.
    Bilirubin Total 0.2 - 1.1 mg/dL 0.4  
    Alkaline Phosphatase 34 - 104 U/L 85  
    AST (SGOT) 13 - 40 U/L 16  
    ALT (SGPT) 7 - 52 U/L 12  
    A/G Ratio 1.0 - 2.0 Ratio 1.8  
    Globulin   2.3  
    GFR   >60


    With this going on, I was looking at my numbers...sodium was low as well...


  • anjala75
    anjala75 Member Posts: 7
    icemantoo said:

    You need a CT scan



    A CT scan is the gold standard in determining the diagnosis for a possible 4.8 cm complex cyst. Reading between the lines the doctor might need further justification for your insurance company to pay for a CT scan such as bloodwork showing microscopic blood in the Urine or blood work showing any loss of Kidney function. Additionally there is a concern with contrast dye if there is too much loss of kidney function. Go thru the motions, get the CT behind you and if there appears to be a chance that it is Cancer we can help you from there. At 4,8 cm if it is Cancer the cure rate from surgery alone is in the upper 90's percent.






    Hubby has PKD...I never thought something like this would happen to me....I was to give him or trade mine so that he would be safe. 

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    anjala75 said:


    My insurance is tough for sure. I was hoping that was why she said that and wasnt putting of getting the CT. I also asked for blood work as the last time I got it drawn was in the middle of April.....

    WBC Count 4.8 - 10.8 K 11.9 H
    RBC Count 4.20 - 5.40 M 3.69 L
    Hgb 12.0 - 16.0 g/dL 12.1  
    Hct 37.0 - 47.0 % 35.0 L
    Albumin 3.5 - 4.9 g/dL 4.2  
    Result reflects use of Bromocresol Green Methodology.
    Bilirubin Total 0.2 - 1.1 mg/dL 0.4  
    Alkaline Phosphatase 34 - 104 U/L 85  
    AST (SGOT) 13 - 40 U/L 16  
    ALT (SGPT) 7 - 52 U/L 12  
    A/G Ratio 1.0 - 2.0 Ratio 1.8  
    Globulin   2.3  
    GFR   >60


    With this going on, I was looking at my numbers...sodium was low as well...


    Blood work


    The only thing that stands out  to me (I am a retired attorney, not a doctor) is that your GFR (a measure of kidney function) is over 60. That is good. That being said your Creatine level is probably ok for the contrast, but they will check that. In addition they are going to want current bloodwork, not 6 month old bloodwork.  Good luck. Keep us posted.



  • anjala75
    anjala75 Member Posts: 7
    icemantoo said:

    Blood work


    The only thing that stands out  to me (I am a retired attorney, not a doctor) is that your GFR (a measure of kidney function) is over 60. That is good. That being said your Creatine level is probably ok for the contrast, but they will check that. In addition they are going to want current bloodwork, not 6 month old bloodwork.  Good luck. Keep us posted.




    Creatinine 0.7 

    Osmolality Calculation (serum) 275 - 300 mOsm/Kg 266 L

    I will...I am happy I have something to compare with. I got tested for fatigue. I had neg ANA Neg lyme neg RF Neg CRP neg Thyroid good...I have no energy. I go for Epidural shots next week for my back issues. I know from reading on here that growth is usually slow...but I am ready to get some answers. I really am not loving my insurance company. Hubby had brain surgery in 09 and they would not approve contrast for a one year follow up because he was not having was a fluke after a car accident that his two aneurysms were seen. 

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    anjala75 said:


    Hubby has PKD...I never thought something like this would happen to me....I was to give him or trade mine so that he would be safe. 




    Your Creatine is fine and from everything I know you should not have a problem with contrast. They also do a bun creatine ratio before a CT scan with contrast, but I doubt this will pose a problem with such a low Creatine level. Most of us after losing a kidney have a higher than normal cretine level and yours is low normal.


    Sorry about your husband's PKD. I suspect you will unlikely to be able to be a donor even if your cyst is benign.



  • anjala75
    anjala75 Member Posts: 7
    icemantoo said:




    Your Creatine is fine and from everything I know you should not have a problem with contrast. They also do a bun creatine ratio before a CT scan with contrast, but I doubt this will pose a problem with such a low Creatine level. Most of us after losing a kidney have a higher than normal cretine level and yours is low normal.


    Sorry about your husband's PKD. I suspect you will unlikely to be able to be a donor even if your cyst is benign.




    Not being able to donate for him is worse that possible Ca.... :( After 12 years of planning on giving him life. 

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    anjala75 said:


    Not being able to donate for him is worse that possible Ca.... :( After 12 years of planning on giving him life. 


    Please don't bite off too much to fret about.  I re-read your info, and at this time, I'm not seeing anything that says cancer; only the word cysts. That is good.

    You have been given a variety of tests, and for a CT to be effective, you can't have had any other type of test within 2 months that uses anything radioactive.  And the other part is the insurance, which probably is forcing the doctor to justify ordering any more tests.  I doubt that a few months wait will cause a medical problem for you, although stress and anxiety cannont be factored in.

    And I do understand your anger about the potential of not being able to donate a kidney to your husband.  When my husband was Dx'd with kidney disease and seemed to refuse to understand the connection to what he was eating and what it was doing to his kidneys, I was furious.  When I had to have a cancerous kidney removed, I remeber thinking that we were the same odd blood type, and if my one failed, maybe he could donate one.  We got beyond that, he know watches his foods, and I am also more careful.

    Be your own advocate, but also be patient when you need to.

    All best wishes.


  • anjala75
    anjala75 Member Posts: 7
    donna_lee said:


    Please don't bite off too much to fret about.  I re-read your info, and at this time, I'm not seeing anything that says cancer; only the word cysts. That is good.

    You have been given a variety of tests, and for a CT to be effective, you can't have had any other type of test within 2 months that uses anything radioactive.  And the other part is the insurance, which probably is forcing the doctor to justify ordering any more tests.  I doubt that a few months wait will cause a medical problem for you, although stress and anxiety cannont be factored in.

    And I do understand your anger about the potential of not being able to donate a kidney to your husband.  When my husband was Dx'd with kidney disease and seemed to refuse to understand the connection to what he was eating and what it was doing to his kidneys, I was furious.  When I had to have a cancerous kidney removed, I remeber thinking that we were the same odd blood type, and if my one failed, maybe he could donate one.  We got beyond that, he know watches his foods, and I am also more careful.

    Be your own advocate, but also be patient when you need to.

    All best wishes.



    The MRI was without contrast...does that mean I am ok for the CT? I go Mon to get the physical exam and talk about bloodwork etc. Thank you for helping me remain optimistic. I have other symptoms but with my major back issues, it is hard for me to say if it is because of my back or my kidney :/