Another operation, 14 November, but a good one this time!

Have just been to clinic. On 14 November, Mr P. is going to:

1. Remove this lump on my trachea, "to put both our minds at rest".

2. Stitch together the two front ends of my "tongue" - which are straying apart.

3. Debulk the width of the "tongue".

This should give me better function and comfort, and it will be very nice not to have this trachea lump to worry about!

He says it'll be a general anaesthetic, but I wont need a tracheotomy (thank heavens, I never want another one of those!) And I wont need a night in hospital. Will be a week off work, and then I should be fine :)


  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    sounds like

    a great plan.  Especially those plans that knock off several problems at the same time are good. 


    be well



  • josh r.
    josh r. Member Posts: 264 Member
    edited February 2024 #3
    Great news!












    While another surgery is not something that anyone wants this sounds like you are going to really bennifit both physically and mentally from this one. Here's to a really "Happy Thanksgiving". All the best, and not just on the 14th of November. josh r.








  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    That is good news

    That is good news. It sounds like they will all help to make things so much better for you. Thanks for shairing.

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    edited February 2024 #5
    wmc said:

    That is good news

    That is good news. It sounds like they will all help to make things so much better for you. Thanks for shairing.

    Sounds like a great plan. Anything to make this journey a bit easier is worth it. Wishing you the best.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    edited February 2024 #6

    Sounds like a plan and glad you will be getting the fork tongue stitch upJ. I just hope and pray that everything will go well for you and that you will heal fast and get back to living life once again.

    Tim Hondo

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    edited February 2024 #7
    sounds like they

    sounds like they have a good plan and are going to fix all problems at one time, awesome!!  i know all will go well and you'll be back to work before you can even be



  • Anonymous7/6/2023
    Anonymous7/6/2023 Member Posts: 176
    edited February 2024 #8

    sounds like they

    sounds like they have a good plan and are going to fix all problems at one time, awesome!!  i know all will go well and you'll be back to work before you can even be



    Thanks everyone; your support

    Thanks everyone; your support means so much.

    Is thanksgiving on that day? 14 November? If so happy thanksgiving to my American friends xxx

  • Kritter
    Kritter Member Posts: 147
    edited February 2024 #9

    I love your attitude !  You are so positive and I am so happy things are going well for you. Thanksgiving is actually the 27th of November. I wish you all the best!

    Prayers and Hugs,


  • Anonymous7/6/2023
    Anonymous7/6/2023 Member Posts: 176
    edited February 2024 #10
    Kritter said:

    I love your attitude !  You are so positive and I am so happy things are going well for you. Thanksgiving is actually the 27th of November. I wish you all the best!

    Prayers and Hugs,


    Kritter - thank you baby x x x

    Thank you for your lovely friendship. I just know we'll get through all this!

    Radio is really hard, honey, I'll be honest. Please, please keep coming on here and talking to us all. I don't mean to sound bossy, sometimes I have to remind myself I'm a cancer patient, I don't have to be in "nurse" mode all the time! I'm just a big, gobby nurse Tongue Out

    I wish none of us had this illness. How long do you have to have radio for? Mine was 6 weeks, 5 days a week. I had 60 greys, which I think is about the average dose.

    The first two weeks of radio, I had NO ill effects at all. Then the effects kicked in. Again, I believe this is the average way it goes for people. Week 4 was hard, then the week after radio finished (week 7) was hard. After that, it's been a slow, steady healing process. I can't wait for you to come on here telling us you're starting to pick up and heal. And that WILL happen.

    Use the first two weeks to bolster yourself up, stock up on some of the things I said in that other post (scars/radio). Get your supplement shakes in. Do you have a PEG?

    Stock up with your creams, lipsalve, painkillers, mouthwashes. Then during radio, it's all about just taking one day at a time, getting yourself to and from radio, and REST, REST, REST. Sleep as much as you can. Get your fluids and supplements in.

    Timescales? My radio was through February, and half of March. My burns had healed by mid-april. My mouth took longer, (but I had grade 4 mucositis, MOST people don't get it that severely). By the end of March I was pottering around the house. By mid-April, I was able to potter around the shops for an hour or so. But I was still sleeping a lot. I had my PEG out and taking oral liquids the first week in June. And I started back at work on 18th June.

    So I went from wiped out mid-March, to back at work as a nurse, mid-June.  So about 12 weeks or so.

    I still get tired, but pain isn't really an issue nowadays. One thing I will say - (sorry lads for bringing this up) - many women their periods stop. My periods stopped entirely from February until May, so don't be surprised if that happens. Mine came back, which I was slightly miffed about. I was hoping I'd seen the last of them LOLOL!!!

    Hey, sending you best love, and keep in touch. If you're on facebook, please add me ok, [Content removed by CSN Support Team] is my name x x xx

  • Kritter
    Kritter Member Posts: 147
    edited February 2024 #11

    Kritter - thank you baby x x x

    Thank you for your lovely friendship. I just know we'll get through all this!

    Radio is really hard, honey, I'll be honest. Please, please keep coming on here and talking to us all. I don't mean to sound bossy, sometimes I have to remind myself I'm a cancer patient, I don't have to be in "nurse" mode all the time! I'm just a big, gobby nurse Tongue Out

    I wish none of us had this illness. How long do you have to have radio for? Mine was 6 weeks, 5 days a week. I had 60 greys, which I think is about the average dose.

    The first two weeks of radio, I had NO ill effects at all. Then the effects kicked in. Again, I believe this is the average way it goes for people. Week 4 was hard, then the week after radio finished (week 7) was hard. After that, it's been a slow, steady healing process. I can't wait for you to come on here telling us you're starting to pick up and heal. And that WILL happen.

    Use the first two weeks to bolster yourself up, stock up on some of the things I said in that other post (scars/radio). Get your supplement shakes in. Do you have a PEG?

    Stock up with your creams, lipsalve, painkillers, mouthwashes. Then during radio, it's all about just taking one day at a time, getting yourself to and from radio, and REST, REST, REST. Sleep as much as you can. Get your fluids and supplements in.

    Timescales? My radio was through February, and half of March. My burns had healed by mid-april. My mouth took longer, (but I had grade 4 mucositis, MOST people don't get it that severely). By the end of March I was pottering around the house. By mid-April, I was able to potter around the shops for an hour or so. But I was still sleeping a lot. I had my PEG out and taking oral liquids the first week in June. And I started back at work on 18th June.

    So I went from wiped out mid-March, to back at work as a nurse, mid-June.  So about 12 weeks or so.

    I still get tired, but pain isn't really an issue nowadays. One thing I will say - (sorry lads for bringing this up) - many women their periods stop. My periods stopped entirely from February until May, so don't be surprised if that happens. Mine came back, which I was slightly miffed about. I was hoping I'd seen the last of them LOLOL!!!

    Hey, sending you best love, and keep in touch. If you're on facebook, please add me ok, [Content removed by CSN Support Team] is my name x x xx

    Hey Gurl !..


    You are so welcome.. I don't have a Facebook account.. one of the hold-outs I guess, but family wanting me to start one so they all know what is happening as soon as I find out. As soon as I get it up I will add you.. my name is D.J. Scranton.

    This diagnosis really threw me for a loop, at times I still don't believe it. I have always been a caregiver to others. First my Grammy with her pancreatic cancer, then my Mama with her Lung cancer , and also my my Mom-in-law with her colon cancer. I wished I had found this site years ago. 

    I was diagnosed in late July of this year and it's been one test after another.. seems they love poking and taking blood, oral contrasts, ct scans, MRI's etc. At first it was only in my upper face, in my Nose. More tests showed into my Ethmoid sinus, and now into my neck. The Doc's say stage 4a due to size of the tumor. They should know this week how long my treatments will be. Before they found the neck issue it was to be 35 rads and 8 chemo. Chemo 1st time. will be 2 hours, after that 1 hour, once a week along with the rads. 

    They are talking about the Erbitux, told me I wouldn't lose my hair.. but radiation told me I would in the area radiated. I am so allergic to so many meds, so this is scary to me. I will be driving myself as long as I can, then hubby will take me when I can't. Only have around 40 miles each way to drive. 


    Stocking up on things I will need and yes I have a Peg.. and it is a pain!.. Also pulled all my lower teeth, they weren't so good anyway.. and now worried about my scars I received as a child. I have a shower chair to sit in for my showers, and my Sis-in-law gave me a little walker with a built in seat if I want to go somewhere so I can sit down. 

    I haven't had the monthly issue since I was 24.. so no worried on that end.. 


    I will try to get on each day, or get my nephew to post for me so the updates will get posted. I have always been pretty tough, so I am hoping I can get through this easy. 


    I hope you get back to 100% soon and I bet you are a very caring and fun nurse.   


    Prayers and Hugs! 


    P.S. I read where you are haing your tongue stitched back together, over here where I live teen-agers are actually getting their tongue split apart on purpose. They think it looks cool to have a * snke* tongue.. crazy in my opinion.. but I try to never judge people. 

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Praying all goes well with

    Praying all goes well with surgery and the lump is nothing. Stay strong and positive.



  • edbravo
    edbravo Member Posts: 63
    Wish you the best too...will

    Wish you the best too...will say a pray or you tonight Smile

  • edbravo said:

    Wish you the best too...will

    Wish you the best too...will say a pray or you tonight Smile

    Thanks my lovelies :)

    Thanks my lovelies :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Goyca
    Goyca Member Posts: 220
    edited February 2024 #15
    :) best of luck for

    :) best of luck for the surgery... It's good that u r solving 2 problems at once.

    keep smiling :)


  • Anonymous7/6/2023
    Anonymous7/6/2023 Member Posts: 176
    edited February 2024 #16
    Goyca said:

    :) best of luck for

    :) best of luck for the surgery... It's good that u r solving 2 problems at once.

    keep smiling :)


    Ah yeh, I have pretty high

    Ah yeh, I have pretty high hopes for it xxxx