Need effective treatment options ASAP!!!


My husband Matt was diagnosed with bile duct cancer in January 2014.  He underwent chemo with cisplatin, with no positive results.  Cancer has now spread to liver, bone and peritoneal cavity.  His last chemo was June 2014.  He has bile duct stens that need replacing every 4 weeks, which sets back his chemo schedule.  Doctors have given him 2-6 months.  He was evaluated and deemed ineligible for HIPEC and CSR due to extensive peritoneal solid tomors and free floating cancer cells.  We are starting IVC today, but at a low dose until his bloodwork results come in.  He is also battling 3 major intra-abdominal infections as a result of his last ERCP for stent replacement 2 weeks ago.  Doctors recommend hospice, but we are not ready to stop fighting this.

What has worked for others at improving quality and quantity of life?  My husband is only 45 and I'm not ready to lose him!  Please help


  • stella65
    stella65 Member Posts: 152
    So sorry

    Hi, I havent been on here for a while but have just popped in!.......... I have no advice for you re treatment but wanted to ask you not to turn away help from a hospice, now I know they are not all the same but our local hospie is incredible, when the doctor first mentioned it for mum we were as you say, "not ready" You will be in a better place to fight if you have the help and advice from a good hospice, they are fantastic at pain management should your husband need it, my mum went in on a few occasions to get back on her feet, we lost her in the end, she couldnt cope with the chemo but I dont know how we would of coped without the hospice, they kept her comfortable and at the end she was able to be at home, I hope you will get some advice on here about treatments and I wish you and your husband all the very best X

  • seatown
    seatown Member Posts: 261 Member
    Wishing you the best

    Hello . . . 

    I too have no treatment suggestions to offer. Just wanted to say that I wish you & your husband the best, & I admire your determination to soldier on. I have been battling primary peritoneal cancer, stage IV, for over 2 years, fortunately with good results from platinum chemo at times. When there is a new hurdle, sometimes I wonder how long I will have the will to fight. So it's good to hear from a family member that they're ready for the fight.

    The sister of a friend was diagnosed with bile duct cancer, so I am somewhat familiar with the specific issues your husband faces. You are both very brave. Best wishes for the best possible outcome.