Sorry for not posting more often...

allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member

Hi Guys,

 Didn't want you to think I've deserted the group, but things here have been very hectic for the last few months. Plus, Steve's mother passed away suddenly 2 weeks ago, so we had to go to Spokane Washington and help family with all the arrangements and moving her belongings from her apartment. Blindsided all of us as she was the picture of health...bowled on a league, and was very active and self sufficient for being 87. As far as myself...I'm still doing "watchful waiting" on the tumor in my chest and cheek. Sometime this month or first of October I should be getting a call to go in for a scan to see if the tumor in my paratracheal gland has grown any. I feel fine and have no symptoms that worry me, so I'm just trying to enjoy each day as it comes. I keep all you in my prayers and read your posts most everyday. Take care and I'll check back soon. We have company visiting from Texas all this week and next week my son and his family will be here for a week. Busy, busy, busy! Much love....Sue

(Follicular NHL-stg3-grd2-typA-Dx June 2010-age 63) Relapsed in April 2014 and doing "watchful waiting" for the time being.


  • Jeff148
    Jeff148 Member Posts: 184
    Still praying for you

    Thanks for the update!! You have been busy. I was hoping you were just busy taking another cast.


  • givingrace
    givingrace Member Posts: 161
    Hi allmost60.
    I joined while

    Hi allmost60.

    I joined while you were busy . My 2nd time around due to mass in nasophyrageal area.

    I just want to say I'm sorry for your family's loss.That is never easy no matter what. 

    Have fun with company and adventures that always seem to just happen on a daily basis. 

    Take care.  :^)



  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    You have been busy

    You're getting back to life and that's a good thing, Sue!  Good to hear from you and post when you can.

    Big hugs,


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Great to hear from you....

    I'm glad you got the time to check back in, Sue. Sorry about your mother-in-law. It's wonderful that she was healthy and well up until the end. 

    Eighty-seven years old !  I have not even dreamt of living to that age.  I'm 58 now -- thirty more years !  I live my life according to the early communist economic system, which Stalin called "Five Year Plans."   So, right now, I'm shooting to get to 63.    When I first got diagnosed with Hodgkin's at 53 I hoped and worked toward living to at least 58, since that would see my daughter finish college and my son graduate high school. I made it to that one !  

    I have a prostate biopsy in two weeks, and while there is about a 30% chance that it is cancer (based on various technical factors and test results), I certainly pray that it is negative.  You mentioned "watchful waiting," and that is very common in early or very minor (indolent) prostate cancers, so I can relate to the anxiety that the waiting must cause you.  I also am watching a nodule in my right lung, although it most likely (according to the pulmonologist) is benign. The protocol requires that it be scanned for two years, and if it has not enlarged, then forget about it.  He said it is too small to biopsy, and mentioned that even if it "took off" it would be caught early, and should be easy to cut out. 

    I too follow the "one day at a time" approach.  You seem to have a genuine peace with it.  Keeping busy with the company is also therapudic, and helps aperson avoid fixating on their worries.  May your tumor be gone on your upcoming scan !



  • Great to hear from you....

    I'm glad you got the time to check back in, Sue. Sorry about your mother-in-law. It's wonderful that she was healthy and well up until the end. 

    Eighty-seven years old !  I have not even dreamt of living to that age.  I'm 58 now -- thirty more years !  I live my life according to the early communist economic system, which Stalin called "Five Year Plans."   So, right now, I'm shooting to get to 63.    When I first got diagnosed with Hodgkin's at 53 I hoped and worked toward living to at least 58, since that would see my daughter finish college and my son graduate high school. I made it to that one !  

    I have a prostate biopsy in two weeks, and while there is about a 30% chance that it is cancer (based on various technical factors and test results), I certainly pray that it is negative.  You mentioned "watchful waiting," and that is very common in early or very minor (indolent) prostate cancers, so I can relate to the anxiety that the waiting must cause you.  I also am watching a nodule in my right lung, although it most likely (according to the pulmonologist) is benign. The protocol requires that it be scanned for two years, and if it has not enlarged, then forget about it.  He said it is too small to biopsy, and mentioned that even if it "took off" it would be caught early, and should be easy to cut out. 

    I too follow the "one day at a time" approach.  You seem to have a genuine peace with it.  Keeping busy with the company is also therapudic, and helps aperson avoid fixating on their worries.  May your tumor be gone on your upcoming scan !



    5-year plans

    My vision is much shorter. One day at a time.

  • coachmike
    coachmike Member Posts: 155
    so glad to hear from you Sue.

    so glad to hear from you Sue. Your such a positive force and a truly nice soul. Wishing you all the best

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    unknown said:

    5-year plans

    My vision is much shorter. One day at a time.

    Super !

    "Simpler is better."  -- max

  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    coachmike said:

    so glad to hear from you Sue.

    so glad to hear from you Sue. Your such a positive force and a truly nice soul. Wishing you all the best

    Hi Sue,
    It's really good to

    Hi Sue,

    It's really good to hear from you! I was thinking of you the other day and I'm glad that you got a chance to post, I was getting a little worried for you. I'm sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. I just pray for mine as well since they're in that age frame. Like Max said at least she enjoyed life to the end. Take care sweet lady and hope you're enjoying life also! (((Hugs)))




  • amanda_christy
    amanda_christy Member Posts: 60
    Hi Sue,
    So sorry about ur

    Hi Sue,

    So sorry about ur mother-in-law. It must be such a hard time for u and Steve. :-(

    Good luck with ur scan results in October. Praying for u to smah it!!

    Keep enjoying life and try to hav as much fun/entertainment as possible!!! Go crazy! lolz

    :-) remember to smile often


  • DadysGirl
    DadysGirl Member Posts: 346
    was meant to be a private message


    i didn't know how to remove it...