Side effects

      I was diagnosed with stage 4 tonsil that had spread to lymph nodes on the right side of my neck. I had 7weeks of Chemo/radiation and have been NED for the last year. so far my taste buds have not returned, neck spasms even after 3 months of physical therapy with shoulder pain for some reason and since this all happened the newest is acts of vertigo with my blood pressure dropping drastically. I was just wondering about how long it was until I start to return to normal?


  • edbravo
    edbravo Member Posts: 63
    Hi. I am sure there is no

    Hi. I am sure there is no precise answer for this question because every cancer patient is different, the treatment as well. It also depends on the technollgy used for radiation treatment.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    i have no taste for cancer


    For most of us it is about getting by and trying to understand and find happiness with a “new normal” my normal set sail the first day of rads.

    While I still see incremental improvements at 2y6m, I am diminished in taste, saliva and speech to name my big three.  I have reacquired enough taste to find enjoyment; I had pork ribs tonight which were great.

    I wish you luck with your new normal.


    PS  I did not eat normally (new normally) for 7 months.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    What is Normal?


    Don the body heals slowly sometimes, so everyone’s normal if different; it is learning to live with what your new normal is that is hard sometimes. For me not being able to swallow or take anything through the mouth is normal and I live with it as being that. Sometimes with taste it could be a month or years all depending on what nerves were affected by your treatment. The main thing is to do all you can to continue to be NED then little by little as the body’s heals things will start to come back but never the same as it once way.


    Congratulations on the Ned

    Tim Hondo   

  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member
    Kiss Normal Good-bye

    While HNC is very survivable, it comes at a price.  That price is a set of side effects that is unique to each person in what symptoms they have and how severe they are.  Some of the side effects are temporary, and some will be with you for the rest of your life.  Some might not even appear for several years.  The best you can do is monitor them and get them treated as soon as possible before they get worse.

    Chemo and rads are the gifts that keep on giving.  They can save your life and in the process can change your life forever.  I doubt that anyone who has had chemo+rads ever gets back to 'normal'.  Figure out what the 'new normal' is for you, and keep on truckin'.



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    omnedon, congrats on a year

    omnedon, congrats on a year of NED!!  I am just now starting to get spasms in my neck directily under my chin.  they don't last long and i just rub them and they come out.  the pain is real though.  just wanted to say i'm praying that all works out for you and you are at your "new" normal very soon.

    God bless you,


  • omnedon
    omnedon Member Posts: 10

    omnedon, congrats on a year

    omnedon, congrats on a year of NED!!  I am just now starting to get spasms in my neck directily under my chin.  they don't last long and i just rub them and they come out.  the pain is real though.  just wanted to say i'm praying that all works out for you and you are at your "new" normal very soon.

    God bless you,


    thank you

    I wanted to say thank you for all comments. I work in a physical demanding job and I can tell that my new normal is nothing close to what the old was come home drained everyday. I had one more question do you have trouble formulating your thoughts and getting words to come out right.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    omnedon said:

    thank you

    I wanted to say thank you for all comments. I work in a physical demanding job and I can tell that my new normal is nothing close to what the old was come home drained everyday. I had one more question do you have trouble formulating your thoughts and getting words to come out right.

    thoughts and words


    Only in as much as my vocal cords were cooked and I do not enjoy talking.

    The thoughts remain, the words unformed, but I am working on it.
