CT Scan Tomorrow

knolltop Member Posts: 56

Going tomorrow for another Chest CT Scan.  This time with Contrast and the slices of the scan are 1 - 1 1/2mm and over lapping .75 - 1mm .    I think they are usually slice around 5 mm.   Pulmonologist requested this type of slicing.    Interesting  - - didn't know about the slicing.    With the last two scans, showed 2 small spots on lower right lobe of lung.    Been playing the waiting game since May.   Will go on Monday to see the pulmonologist.   At night, I am experiencing a little bit of anxiety with the wait.   I wish they can biopsy spots .... but they need to be a certain size.

I remember when it met to my liver - they were able to biopsy it.   And I went after it with resection and chemo.   

Pray for all of you on forum.    Have all in our Sunday prayer book too at church.




  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    You will be in my prayers.  I can imagine your anxiety and can understand why a biopsy would be your preference.  Biopsies are usually definitive and forthcoming with answers--scans not so much and leave some things up for question.  While the next few days will probably not pass very quickly for you, I'm just glad it's not a longer wait.  I hope your pulmonologist can give you some answers and a plan to take care of whatever is there.  I hope it will turn out to be something insignificant and no longer a worry for you. 

    Thank you for keeping us all in your prayers.  Please know that many of us here are praying for good news for you.


  • sephie
    sephie Member Posts: 650 Member
    thinking of you

    hoping all will be fine ..... it is soooo hard to go thru all of this testing...... hugs to you.....sephie

  • knolltop
    knolltop Member Posts: 56

    Thank you so much for always being there and for everyones prayers.

    As a caregiver to John, it can be so overwhelming at times with him.  We just celebrated our 10 anniversary last week....sadly 9 of them is dealing with his major stroke and parkinson and 4 with my cancer.   i don't want to conplain, but with him and my health...sometimes all I can do in the quiet of the night is cry, especially when CT's show a possiblity of trouble.    It's crazy....I can cry at times, yet I do have an inner peace.  


  • knolltop
    knolltop Member Posts: 56

    thank you for your hugs and concerns.    Need them tonight.


  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    knolltop said:


    Thank you so much for always being there and for everyones prayers.

    As a caregiver to John, it can be so overwhelming at times with him.  We just celebrated our 10 anniversary last week....sadly 9 of them is dealing with his major stroke and parkinson and 4 with my cancer.   i don't want to conplain, but with him and my health...sometimes all I can do in the quiet of the night is cry, especially when CT's show a possiblity of trouble.    It's crazy....I can cry at times, yet I do have an inner peace.  



    I too will have you in my thoughts and prayers. Funny thing how sometimes our tears bring us around to that place of inner peace but we need to swim through them first.

    Thinking of you........


  • sandysp
    sandysp Member Posts: 868 Member
    knolltop said:


    Thank you so much for always being there and for everyones prayers.

    As a caregiver to John, it can be so overwhelming at times with him.  We just celebrated our 10 anniversary last week....sadly 9 of them is dealing with his major stroke and parkinson and 4 with my cancer.   i don't want to conplain, but with him and my health...sometimes all I can do in the quiet of the night is cry, especially when CT's show a possiblity of trouble.    It's crazy....I can cry at times, yet I do have an inner peace.  


    God bless you

    I can't imagine the burden you carry. But I understand what you mean about the stillness, the inner calm that can be found in the midst of life seemingly spinning out of control. 

    I think a good scan ordered by a terrific doctor is part of the planning for a biopsy. That's the way it was in my case. Without the right picture, he could not determine the exact way to proceed. It sounds like you have a good doctor.

    I am praying for you and your husband. You probably are getting lots of prayers and that's why you feel that stillness. It's like being carried.



  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    knolltop said:


    Thank you so much for always being there and for everyones prayers.

    As a caregiver to John, it can be so overwhelming at times with him.  We just celebrated our 10 anniversary last week....sadly 9 of them is dealing with his major stroke and parkinson and 4 with my cancer.   i don't want to conplain, but with him and my health...sometimes all I can do in the quiet of the night is cry, especially when CT's show a possiblity of trouble.    It's crazy....I can cry at times, yet I do have an inner peace.  



    I'm sure it can be very overwhelming at times.  My husband has some health issues that are a concern to me, but he seems to be in a state of denial.  His hands shake pretty bad anymore and I am worried that he may have Parkinson's like your husband, or some other neurological problem.  His father had Parkinson's, although I realize that only a small percentage of cases are considered hereditary.  He is also overweight, which has caused sleep apnea.  Diabetes runs in his family, so the weight issue is a huge concern.  The good news is he has a complete physical next month with a new doctor, who I hope will get in his face and tell him he HAS to lose some weight!

    My heart goes out to you, as I know you are dealing with so much.  I certainly hope the CT scan will give you good news and take one of your worries away from you.  Take care and may God bless.


  • nicotianna
    nicotianna Member Posts: 209
    knolltop said:


    thank you for your hugs and concerns.    Need them tonight.



    Thinking of you & hoping for a good report!


  • qv62
    qv62 Member Posts: 434 Member

    Just sent some prayers your way, may you have peace to fill your heart and good news to fill your head. Wishing you the best results, keep us posted.

  • pializ
    pializ Member Posts: 508 Member

    Wishing you all the very best. It's a difficult time to put it mildly, but we are all here holding your hand.
