Nausea 3 weeks post surgery

Hi all, 

I have been reading posts for about a week but have not seen anyone say anything about nausea. I had a radical nephrectomy to remove kidney,  lymph nodes, adrenal gland and 9 cm tumor. 6 days in Hospital was easy thanks to epidural;  no pain until they removed it day 4 and then 1 night of bad pain. Used pain meds at home for a few days and only at night for another few days. Thankfully I had a vain doctor who understood my vanity and after telling me he would need to cut me from back and around the front, was able to give me a beautiful 6 inch incision diagonally across one war wound and I will wear it proudly.

My biggest issue and now question is about the nausea; I feel sick to my stomach all the time. Not enough to lose my appetite, but just annoying enough. If anyone has had a similar situation,  I would appreciate the response. It is easy to feel alone and scared that your symptom is unique or something else.


Thank you!



  • sblairc
    sblairc Member Posts: 585 Member
    What meds are you on?

    Tramadol makes me horribly horribly sick to my stomach but I can tolerate Percoset, Vicodin and Codiene not problem. It might be your pain meds. 

  • Positive25
    Positive25 Member Posts: 6
    sblairc said:

    What meds are you on?

    Tramadol makes me horribly horribly sick to my stomach but I can tolerate Percoset, Vicodin and Codiene not problem. It might be your pain meds. 

    Nausea and no pain meds

    Hello and thank you for the reply. I stopped the pain meds after 2 weeks so I'm not taking anything.  

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Not typical, but it happens



    You just had major surgery. Your tumor was a little larger than most. You took pain meds for more than a few days. Usually you are not nausus at 3 weeks, but a few have rported that. Make sure you report this to your doctor so that other causes can be ruled out. Things should get better a little every day although not necessarily in a straight line.



  • Positive25
    Positive25 Member Posts: 6
    icemantoo said:

    Not typical, but it happens



    You just had major surgery. Your tumor was a little larger than most. You took pain meds for more than a few days. Usually you are not nausus at 3 weeks, but a few have rported that. Make sure you report this to your doctor so that other causes can be ruled out. Things should get better a little every day although not necessarily in a straight line.



    Thank you!

    Thank you Icemantoo! I will give my Doctor a call on Monday to discuss the nausea. It has been comforting to read posts from others regarding their experience.  My Husband and 10 year old son keep reminding me I had major surgery, but it still seems surreal. The diagnosis and surgery all happened so quickly and almost instantly your life changes. Everday I feel stronger and other than the difficulty finding a comfortable position to sleep and the nausea, I have no complaints.

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

    Thank you!

    Thank you Icemantoo! I will give my Doctor a call on Monday to discuss the nausea. It has been comforting to read posts from others regarding their experience.  My Husband and 10 year old son keep reminding me I had major surgery, but it still seems surreal. The diagnosis and surgery all happened so quickly and almost instantly your life changes. Everday I feel stronger and other than the difficulty finding a comfortable position to sleep and the nausea, I have no complaints.


    There are always a few things that people complain about after nephrectomy. Some are the same. Some are a bit different. Nausea is not uncommon. Even 3 weeks out. Just thinking about this surgery will make alot of people sick to their stomachs. At this time , your doctor will probably only suggest an antacid. Just try to slowly keep getting better. The nausea will go away as your life adjusts to the "new" you.

  • Positive25
    Positive25 Member Posts: 6
    foxhd said:


    There are always a few things that people complain about after nephrectomy. Some are the same. Some are a bit different. Nausea is not uncommon. Even 3 weeks out. Just thinking about this surgery will make alot of people sick to their stomachs. At this time , your doctor will probably only suggest an antacid. Just try to slowly keep getting better. The nausea will go away as your life adjusts to the "new" you.

    Thank you!


    Antacid is a good idea and will definitely try that. I went to the mall today and walked for an hour, so that could have upset my stomach even more. This was my first real outing since the surgery 3 weeks ago.