Could this be Lymphoma???

So for well over 2 years I have had a pea sized lump located right along my jaw line. When I initially noitced it my primary Doctor sent me to a Maxillofacial Surgeon thinking it might be a salivary gland the surgeon did a panoramic xray and said it looked like a cyst but to be sure I had to have it biopsied. I declined the biopsy when he said I could end up with damage to my facial nerve based on the location and worse case scenario have a cock-eyed smile.  I still have it 2 years later it doesn't cause any pain or hasn't grown. I'm getting nervous because other things have happened since I noticed this the first being intermittent pain in my clavicle it comes and goes but when it comes it lasts for only a few hours to days and it may not appear again for months at a time. The pain gets worse with every breath I take. The second thing that has been happening for about 6 months now is this intense pain whenI drink even so much as a sip of alcohol the pain occurs in the bottom of my throat it lasts for only 5 to 10 minutes and then goes away after I've had a little more to drink. The third thing that most recently started happening to me is a faint feeling...the first time was less then a month ago and the best way to describe it is that I felt nauseous to the point I was going to vomit and even loose control of my bowel I then became dizzy, couldn't see, my vision was blurry and my ears started ringing then my legs started jerking like they were going to give out on me and I was going to pass out. I sat down for a good 10 mintues and slowly started feeling better, since that time its happened to me 2 other times. The only time I ever experienced anything similar to this was 12 years ago during my pregnancy and I atrributed to that at the time. At this time I'm not pregnant and theres no chance of it. I'm just really nervous what prompted me to look into all this and now I'm frightened to death is a friend of my fiances was just diagnosed with Non hodgkons lymphoma we were talking about it just today and how terrible we feel and I happened to be looking things up the internet about it when I came across an article about pain associated with drinking alcohol as being a symptom...then I started thinking about all these other weird things that I have been going through that kind of got me thinking, What If Soemthings Wrong?? I have recently had normal bloodwork results CBC WBC etc. but not much else....Any one have any input on this???


  • linz112284
    linz112284 Member Posts: 6
    sorry for all the typos and

    sorry for all the typos and run on sentences

  • Sten
    Sten Member Posts: 162 Member
    See a doctor

    I think that you had better let a doctor examine you to determine what causes your troubles.

    Good luck!


  • linz112284
    linz112284 Member Posts: 6
    Sten said:

    See a doctor

    I think that you had better let a doctor examine you to determine what causes your troubles.

    Good luck!


    Yes thank you I'm planning on

    Yes thank you I'm planning on it, I'm a Nurse so I tend to overreact I'm hoping it's all non related and I'm fine

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    Sure, it "could" be...

    Not a single symptom you have descirbed sounds anything like what I have experienced. And, unless that node has been checked by a doctor, it may not even be a node. It could be a cyst, or a common lipoma. So, the first thing I would do is stop worrying and the second is: make that call. 

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    po18guy said:

    Sure, it "could" be...

    Not a single symptom you have descirbed sounds anything like what I have experienced. And, unless that node has been checked by a doctor, it may not even be a node. It could be a cyst, or a common lipoma. So, the first thing I would do is stop worrying and the second is: make that call. 

    Totally agree

    Most of what you describe sounds neurological to me. I would get a workup from a different doctor and go from there.  None of this suggsts lymphoma as a cause to me as a layman.

    Dizziness, near-fainting, blurred vision, spasms in your legs:  Not something to ignore. I would ask the doc to rule out neurological problems as soon as I met with him.