Only temporary


I'm not going to let cancer draw boundaries for me.

Just wanna say, no matter where my journey goes in this temporary season of cancer , it's amazing the heightened awareness I have received just in this last few days. I'm truly ready to take some life changing risks . Having this temporary illness tells me life is too short. Live life how I have always wanted not what Ive settled for. I figure I've got another 40 yrs ahead of me so God willing. I'm gonna do what I've always wanted. 

Might include something like an RV and a little patch of nature. 




  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
  • Yeah!

    Go for it! I have been behaving similarly. For me it has been trips to Turkey, Vegas and such. Also after a lifetime of watching food and drink and taking vitamins etc., I now eat anything I want and have a matini whenever I want one which is seldom. I feel better, have lost a little weight and sleep better. No more holding back! Enjoy your life!

  • givingrace
    givingrace Member Posts: 161
    jimwins said:

    Wow ! That's so

    Wow ! That's so awesome! 

    Thank You for  the inspiration. 

    I think after the car accident that I shouldn't have survived and now a recurring cancer.

    My kids are young adults who have started there paths and I have had way to much stress over many years.....Yep calm, peaceful, and adventure when wanted is getting closer and closer. 

    Thanks Jim !

  • givingrace
    givingrace Member Posts: 161
    jimwins said:

    Tell me the story Jim. If you

    Tell me the story Jim. If you want.

    You look so happy!

    Good for you.

    You are so encouraging and ready to cheer everyone on in this battle of cancer.

    I was honored to be my mom's cargiver and support for three year and when she went home to play baseball in the great big joy left. Then I was diagnosed 1st time , around a year and 1 month later. I believe when our heart and minds are light we have a better chance of fighting and keeping illnesses and cancers at bay. It's time to shed my pain and fear.

    If this is supposed to be I have a God who will give me the means to make it happen.  I just have to live intentionally. 

    Thanks Jim.



  • givingrace
    givingrace Member Posts: 161
    unknown said:


    Go for it! I have been behaving similarly. For me it has been trips to Turkey, Vegas and such. Also after a lifetime of watching food and drink and taking vitamins etc., I now eat anything I want and have a matini whenever I want one which is seldom. I feel better, have lost a little weight and sleep better. No more holding back! Enjoy your life!

    That's way cool GKH,
    I  sure

    That's way cool GKH,

    I  sure get encouraged by that explanation of finally not taking things so serious and just "living free"

    Getting to see Turkey must have been just grand.

    I hope to find your free living in my very near all about living for the moment right. I enjoy things don't get me wrong I just have some junk to shed.

    Make sure you have a martini for me.

    Thankyou GKH,

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,821 Member
    jimwins said:

    Old enough ?

    Jim, I know that you and your dolphin friend are old enough to remember this one.

    Dolphins love to pace ships headed to sea; they would criss-cross back and forth in front of the sub for miles before we got out to the dive point. Amazing endurance. I don't know how long they could swim as fast as the ship, but it was a long time (20 or 30 miles, at least)

    I don't know if they behave similiarly with surface ships; perhaps they thought the sub was their mama ?


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107

    Old enough ?

    Jim, I know that you and your dolphin friend are old enough to remember this one.

    Dolphins love to pace ships headed to sea; they would criss-cross back and forth in front of the sub for miles before we got out to the dive point. Amazing endurance. I don't know how long they could swim as fast as the ship, but it was a long time (20 or 30 miles, at least)

    I don't know if they behave similiarly with surface ships; perhaps they thought the sub was their mama ?


    Hey Max

    When we got our first color television ( a console I think), I believe that was the first color show we watched on it.

    I'm sure you remember this:


  • amanda_christy
    amanda_christy Member Posts: 60
    This 2 shall pass

    We are often told that delaying gratification is the adult thing to do and we forget to live.......

    Stay strong. Stay positive. Ur a fighter. But hey, hav a good cry whenever the mood strikes u 2 :-)

    Praying for u xx

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,821 Member
    jimwins said:

    Hey Max

    When we got our first color television ( a console I think), I believe that was the first color show we watched on it.

    I'm sure you remember this:


    Yes !

    Jim, we watched every episode of Wild Kingdom.  It was always a joke (even on late night talk shows) that Marlin (the old man) always stood way back and gave orders to the young guy (Jim), but Marlin acted as if he was doing everything.

    "While we enjoy this local dish provided by the village women, Jim will go look in the wild lion's mouth, and see if it needs dental care. He will need to hurry, since the sedative seems to be wearing off."

    Something like that could always be heard coming from Marlin...


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,821 Member
    unknown said:


    Go for it! I have been behaving similarly. For me it has been trips to Turkey, Vegas and such. Also after a lifetime of watching food and drink and taking vitamins etc., I now eat anything I want and have a matini whenever I want one which is seldom. I feel better, have lost a little weight and sleep better. No more holding back! Enjoy your life!



    The guy who owns a series of RV dealerships across western NC and Upstate SC has a motto:

    "Wer're not promised tomorrow; let's make those memories today."

    Nothing stays the same:  With its extensive use of the old Super 8 home movies, and looking back to youth, to children now grown up, this video moves me profoundly. Plus, so beautifully sung.  Such magnificant lyrics.  It may touch someone here... About getting old, about moving on.

    A more "Southern" take on things: "Daddy's in the ground, beneath the maple ttree..."


  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member

    This 2 shall pass

    We are often told that delaying gratification is the adult thing to do and we forget to live.......

    Stay strong. Stay positive. Ur a fighter. But hey, hav a good cry whenever the mood strikes u 2 :-)

    Praying for u xx

    Hi Guys

    I've been enjoying your conversation.  Jim, it took me awhile to realize who the guy was with the dolphin.  I always thought there was thinning gray hair under that ball cap Laughing You look ten yrs younger than I thought.  I remember in the 50's the neighbor kids invited us over to see their color tv.  They had gotten a red plastic sheet (probably sent away for it from a cereal box) and they had put it over the screen so everything was red.  Remember the last thing before the sign off circle for the nite?  It was an Indian chief.  Loved the videos Max, very meloncholy.  

    All we can do is hang on,


  • So true!

    Hi Grace,

    I love how you call your illness temporary. And you are so right about life being too short. From the moment I was told I have cancer I never focused on what can go wrong but what can I do to take advantage of life. I said this before, too bad we have to get cancer to appreciate what we have or could have. I wake up happy and enjoy every day. When I go for walks with my baby boy I think I look around just like him as if I never saw the beauty of nature before. After I finish my treatments my husband and I and of course my son are going on a trip to Europe. Even though I'm from Eastern Europe I have never visited Italy but always wanted to, so I'm finally going to cross out another thing from my bucket list. I also decided not to go back to work after my maternity leave is over. I'm thinking of starting something on my own and something I'll be passionate about. I don't want a career anymore, I want to have more time for myself and my family and no more useless stress about things that don't matter. I'm still guilty of wanting to look good because it makes me feel good. I used to be slim and fit but after giving birth and having a C-section, then starting cancer treatment with steroids I can't lose the rest of the extra weight and it bothers me more than it should. At least I'm not gaining any weight as my doctor predicted but I'm not losing any either. As you all know, exercising is hard while feeling weak and tired. especially when I can't even do the usual chores. Maybe I'll eventually accept it and once I'm done with chemo I will then try to get back in shape.





  • Jeff148
    Jeff148 Member Posts: 184
    Like how you think


    My high school budies plan a trip every other year. This is from a 3 years back when we met in Oregon and spent three days on the river camping along the way. Very spiritul time. A few scrapes and broken bones, but we survived. Your plan is awesome!



  • givingrace
    givingrace Member Posts: 161
    Jeff148 said:

    Like how you think


    My high school budies plan a trip every other year. This is from a 3 years back when we met in Oregon and spent three days on the river camping along the way. Very spiritul time. A few scrapes and broken bones, but we survived. Your plan is awesome!



    Hi to all the free spirits

    Hi to all the free spirits out there,

    It has been driving me nuts the last few days because i have wanted to respond back to all of you about living life with no boundries and telling cancer it is  only temporary. From swimming with dolfins, getting lost in 80s music.(by the way I got so lost, I ended up on u tube watching 70s and 80s music till 2am...Thank you very much Max!).Jims smile on his face is so genuine and big.That speaks volumes. Then with the girls also cheering my thoughts on, with a whole lotta valadation.

    I love all the responses.I still cant get over the fact that I thought I was being silly for writting what I wrote but its been such a big part of me not letting cancer get a stronghold.

    Not only do I enjoy watching and hearing other ppl celebrate life but I am now getting my ducks in a row to join in the happy little game of having some substance and joy in life.Don't get me wrong my life has been full of joy, and an a crisis here and there.My kids have given me a priceless happyness.But they are growing up and I want to enjoy being grandma when those days come.

    I am choosing land and RV living and posible Tiny house movement as my quest. When I was very little up till around 15yrs old My family and extended family & friends were always camping. My parents were pretty poor when I was growing up and nomatter what my Dear Mom always made sure we had  packs of hot dogs ,cans of soda ,marshmellows and the car was loaded up and we traveled with others in the family that had Rvs and boats. We had a blast every weekend and summer. I became very much a country gal who loved fishing . making meals over a campfire and taking walks to see nature and find a boatload of adventure.

    After growing up and having my own kids I discovered when leaving town and going camping fishing or just a Sunday drive into the mountains I became a happy, no stress person. I enjoy Gods creation and city life I prefer not. So my ducks are being placed in a strategic way. I am doing all my research & investigations on making some new choices and lifestyle changes tomake my enviroment energize me instead of drain me. Also I have some military kids so I can hook up the RV and go visit for few weeks when they are state side and no one has to really make room cuz Ill just bring my house with me.

    Thanks to everyone I am encouraged by you all !



  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member

    Hi to all the free spirits

    Hi to all the free spirits out there,

    It has been driving me nuts the last few days because i have wanted to respond back to all of you about living life with no boundries and telling cancer it is  only temporary. From swimming with dolfins, getting lost in 80s music.(by the way I got so lost, I ended up on u tube watching 70s and 80s music till 2am...Thank you very much Max!).Jims smile on his face is so genuine and big.That speaks volumes. Then with the girls also cheering my thoughts on, with a whole lotta valadation.

    I love all the responses.I still cant get over the fact that I thought I was being silly for writting what I wrote but its been such a big part of me not letting cancer get a stronghold.

    Not only do I enjoy watching and hearing other ppl celebrate life but I am now getting my ducks in a row to join in the happy little game of having some substance and joy in life.Don't get me wrong my life has been full of joy, and an a crisis here and there.My kids have given me a priceless happyness.But they are growing up and I want to enjoy being grandma when those days come.

    I am choosing land and RV living and posible Tiny house movement as my quest. When I was very little up till around 15yrs old My family and extended family & friends were always camping. My parents were pretty poor when I was growing up and nomatter what my Dear Mom always made sure we had  packs of hot dogs ,cans of soda ,marshmellows and the car was loaded up and we traveled with others in the family that had Rvs and boats. We had a blast every weekend and summer. I became very much a country gal who loved fishing . making meals over a campfire and taking walks to see nature and find a boatload of adventure.

    After growing up and having my own kids I discovered when leaving town and going camping fishing or just a Sunday drive into the mountains I became a happy, no stress person. I enjoy Gods creation and city life I prefer not. So my ducks are being placed in a strategic way. I am doing all my research & investigations on making some new choices and lifestyle changes tomake my enviroment energize me instead of drain me. Also I have some military kids so I can hook up the RV and go visit for few weeks when they are state side and no one has to really make room cuz Ill just bring my house with me.

    Thanks to everyone I am encouraged by you all !




    Hi GG,

         You'll find with us, all we need is a slight nudge and we're on it (our goofy side).  Loved your camping stories.  Same with us, think I was about 5 when we started, and never quit.  Our son was potty trained by hitting the trees and rocks while we were camping Smile.  When Bill and I were first married we couldn't afford a tent so we slept on the ground.  Now we have 5th wheel and insist on all the necessities ie "no tv! we'll have to find another park!" It's called being old farts but it's fun and we deserve it.Undecided

    Hang in there, Becky

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    illead said:


    Hi GG,

         You'll find with us, all we need is a slight nudge and we're on it (our goofy side).  Loved your camping stories.  Same with us, think I was about 5 when we started, and never quit.  Our son was potty trained by hitting the trees and rocks while we were camping Smile.  When Bill and I were first married we couldn't afford a tent so we slept on the ground.  Now we have 5th wheel and insist on all the necessities ie "no tv! we'll have to find another park!" It's called being old farts but it's fun and we deserve it.Undecided

    Hang in there, Becky

    Old ?

    There's nothing like the "flatulence of antiquity", Becky.  Wink

    I'll write more later - been out of town helping my niece move (as much as I could) - exhausted. 



  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    jimwins said:

    Old ?

    There's nothing like the "flatulence of antiquity", Becky.  Wink

    I'll write more later - been out of town helping my niece move (as much as I could) - exhausted. 




    My new description, flatulence of antiquity, sounds intelligent Laughing I love it!