luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member

CT Scan from last week turned out good. My Dr. and I discussed being able to take up to a 4 week break from the Cisplatin if the CT result was favorable. I arrived Yesterday and the break was "A Go" until I showed him my right foot which I cut 8 days earlier and ends up the foot was full of Staph and Cellulitis. I took an hour drip of Vancomyacin and sent home with oral antibiotics too. Good news is, next week if the foot is on the mend, I will most likely take one more Cisplatin, and then take a break.




  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member

    On your continued success Mike.  I took my first cisplatin three weeks ago, wound up 8 days in the hospital.   You are a tougher organism than I!




  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Congrats on the CT

    Congradulations on the good CT results. Hope you get that staph undercontroll.

  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    wmc said:

    Congrats on the CT

    Congradulations on the good CT results. Hope you get that staph undercontroll.


    Mike, hoping you get that break mate, G

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    A Foot Up..

    Stay at it bro..., you are one tough dude...

    Hoping you get that break you are looking for...


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    mike, praying that the foot

    mike, praying that the foot heals well and you get a much deserved break.  keeping you in my prayers.

    God bless you,


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    congrads Mike !

    But sorry to hear of the infection.  Hopefully will heal quickly for you.  Keep on keeping on you !  Hugs sent !  katie

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Whoo Hoo on the scan, Mike!!!

    you are amazingly tough!  Sorry about the infection....damn, cellulitus and staph in a foot must hurt a lot!  Ah, but a break from chemo coming up....something to look look forward too.

    I'm smiling big, here!


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    break time



    Ouch, that sounds good!  I never would have thought to injure my foot,




  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    watch out..

    Gotta take of all the body parts dude! Sure don't need you to get totally infected and have your foot fall off, especially since you been through all the hard stuff. Glad to hear all is well.

  • Goyca
    Goyca Member Posts: 220
    Hoping for a break soon :)

    Hoping for a break soon :)

  • polystone2014
    polystone2014 Member Posts: 59
    good, congradulation

    It is a good news for you. Hope everythig well with you in the future.

  • michdjp
    michdjp Member Posts: 220
    Good news


    That is great to Hear and I hope the foot continues to heal.  Hopefully, your feeling better soon!

    all my best, Michelle



    im sorry to hear about the hospital stay,  My dad spent 5 days in the hospital after his first cisplatin, it dried out his kidneys. 

    i hope all goes better for you. All my best, MichelleMichelle


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    michdjp said:

    Good news


    That is great to Hear and I hope the foot continues to heal.  Hopefully, your feeling better soon!

    all my best, Michelle



    im sorry to hear about the hospital stay,  My dad spent 5 days in the hospital after his first cisplatin, it dried out his kidneys. 

    i hope all goes better for you. All my best, MichelleMichelle


    Good for you!

    Sorry to hear about the cellulitus. You can kick that then on to a much deserved break!

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Congrats on the scan result.

    Congrats on the scan result. Praying that foot heals quickly.



  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    break time



    Ouch, that sounds good!  I never would have thought to injure my foot,





    I have had Staph/Cellulitis 6 different times earlier in this journey, but my last case was 2 years ago. I got complacent by that, and with my blood counts low, I developed another this time.
