Natural Way of Healing Cancer?

karrenn18 Member Posts: 12
edited September 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hi everyone :)

I have a question? Is there a natural way to cure cancer? Like taking herbal supplements?

My mother and I are both taking xanthone supplements plus moringa....

we are taking it 1 cap, three times a day...

hope it can lessen the tumor of my mother on her neck...according to her ENT friend, it is just lipoma...

and as for me, I am have 5 swollen lypmh nodes on my left neck. Hoping that it is due from the common cold that i am experiencing today. 



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    The only way I'd decide to "go natural"

    to cure cancer.....rather than the tried and true routes, is if I was told they couldn't do anything more for me.....that dying was my only option.....THEN I'd give the natural methods a go.


  • ErthWlkr
    ErthWlkr Member Posts: 60
    Karrenn -
    My own opinion -

    Karrenn -

    My own opinion - don't be your own doctor. Not if you're dealing with the type of growths you've mentioned. If you don't know what it is, you can't treat it - herbally or otherwise.

    If the growths do turn out to be cancer - which can only be confirmed on biopsy - then you can make your own decisions on how to approach it. Same goes if they turn out not to be cancer.

    Did you raise the issue because there is a history of cancer? Even more reason to go professional before you go herbal.

    Nothing wrong with herbs and supplements - I'm a believer in the support they can provide. Sometimes a necessity.

    That being said - doctors aren't perfect. Even doctors will tell you that. But you know enough to pay attention and ask questions. Beyond that, it's up to you...

    - Jeff

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    The only way I'd decide to "go natural"

    to cure cancer.....rather than the tried and true routes, is if I was told they couldn't do anything more for me.....that dying was my only option.....THEN I'd give the natural methods a go.


    What She Said...

    As for cancer that is....

    Have you been diagnosed by a MD, or are you self diagnosing....?

    Not something that you want to play around with, or take advice from non-cancer treating medical professionals...


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    which way to go?


    Eat and live a healthy life style.

    Seek tried-n-true (successful) methods for fighting cancer!

    Good luck,


  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503

    I can only add, and perhaps the most famous example, is that Steve Jobs tried it and, in the end admitted that it was a terrible mistake as they found his disease early, when it was of a kind that was often curable by traditional therapy.

    Good luck,


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    I do my experimenting in the kitchen and in my yard and garden. Like Phran stated the only way I experiment with cancer is by not having any other options. You used hope and hoping in you post. In the event you have cancer I HOPE you seek proven treatments for the best chance of kicking some butt.

    My $.02


  • aemnoca
    aemnoca Member Posts: 17
    Not a good idea as far as I am concerned.

    I lost both my Mother (breast cancer) and my sister (colon cancer) to cancer they both refused the commonly accepted treatments and went with the "alternative" treatments. My mother survived less than a year and my sister went through agony for about 2 years, both died due to thier choice of "treatment".

    My cancer was SCC BOT with 2 lymph nodes, needless to say I went with the tried a true methods and it is looking really good for me, 2 have received 2 NED at this time and I will have a PET Scan in just over a week. Hopefully the scan will comeback clean - but it is looking good so far.

    best of luck to you no matter what you choose,


  • karrenn18
    karrenn18 Member Posts: 12
    Skiffin16 said:

    What She Said...

    As for cancer that is....

    Have you been diagnosed by a MD, or are you self diagnosing....?

    Not something that you want to play around with, or take advice from non-cancer treating medical professionals...


    I have not been diagnosed by

    I have not been diagnosed by an MD, but my mother is a GP.

    She said that I have nothing to worry about my lymph nodes. 

    I am just searching the internet for answers, and the answers that i have found only terrifies me. 


  • There is nothing hypothetical

    There is nothing hypothetical about cancer.

    Cancer is not a game.

    Cancer will not wait for you while you experiment with herbal remedies. If you do have cancer, it will be growing and infiltrating tissue every single day you don't do something to stop it.

    Get yourself tested properly.

    A General Practitioner cannot diagnose/rule out cancer.


    (I speak in quite a stern way, because one of the few tools we have on OUR side is TIME: getting diagnosed early so treatment can commence).

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Karrenn

    I do a lot of different herbal stuff I even have two morings trees growing in my back yard and eat the leaves right off the tree. I also do a lot of praying asking God to help me and all my friends, pray is very importance part of healing. But before you try to heal yourself I would at least try what the Doctors tell you. Cancer is nothing to play with, as it can grow very fast is not treated correctly. If you find out you don’t have cancer and just want to keep in good health then yes there are a lot of good herbal stuff you can take. But beware of the internet because everyone is offering a cure and it is nothing more than a money racket and legal way to steal your money.


    Tim Hondo

  • karrenn18
    karrenn18 Member Posts: 12
    Hondo said:

    Hi Karrenn

    I do a lot of different herbal stuff I even have two morings trees growing in my back yard and eat the leaves right off the tree. I also do a lot of praying asking God to help me and all my friends, pray is very importance part of healing. But before you try to heal yourself I would at least try what the Doctors tell you. Cancer is nothing to play with, as it can grow very fast is not treated correctly. If you find out you don’t have cancer and just want to keep in good health then yes there are a lot of good herbal stuff you can take. But beware of the internet because everyone is offering a cure and it is nothing more than a money racket and legal way to steal your money.


    Tim Hondo

    Thank you

    Thank you for your comment...

    i have also read your personal message to me...i will read your blog :)

    Prayers, they are the ones that Could give us comfort...yes, our communication with God is really important...

    I will pray to you and your friends to have good health and a long life, because with God nothing is impossible...

    i am also praying for me and my mother is not willing to try treatments involving chem etc...she just wants a healthy and natural way to cure...(by the way, my mother is a GP..hehe)


  • polystone2014
    polystone2014 Member Posts: 59
    natural way

    Firstly, cancer should be diagonised by MD. Second, treatment has mutiple depending on person. Some people can use natural way, for example, herbs, to alleviate sympotom. The god treatment is a good method to keep you from stress and anxiety so that improving your health.  

  • hrowe
    hrowe Member Posts: 57
    Short answer.

    Short answer. No!





    Head and neck cancer is highly curable.