Labor Day Weekend

Phil64 Member Posts: 838 Member
edited August 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Thursday morning started with an appointment at UMHS Cancer Center. We met with the surgeon. this is the same surgeon who did my liver resection on 2/7 this year. He said he has studied my liver MRI images. He sees five tumors where the radiologist only reported three. He said it is operable but he is in agreement with my oncologist to treat with chemo first. If the chemo is successful in stopping the cancer then he will reconsider surgery.

I'll restart chemo soon. Probably on Thirsday 9/4. The plan is six treatments of FOLFOXFIRI + Avastin. My understanding is that this regimine basically includes all the drugs I previously received plus Avastin being the new drug. The hope is that this stronger mix with the added Avistin will have devastating results on the cancer. Without too devistating side effects.

After the appointment I drove my wife and youngest son 600 miles from Michigan to Columbia TN. We are visiting my wife's father who is now in hospice care as he is dying from pancreatic cancer. 

Yesterday morning I get a call from the older child at home. My geothermal heat pump (eg heating and cooling system) is broke. Leaking water. I have someone coming to look at it this afternoon. I'm worried that it may need replacing. 

So we will trek home this afternoon, a day earlier than originally planned...  So we can deal with the heating/cooling issue at home. 

And now, here I am at 4:00 am, parusing

Wondering if the chemo will work this time? Wondering how challenging the side effects will be. Thinking about my work and trying to wrap up some loose ends while I am able. Thinking about my father inlaw and the journey he is about to take. Wondering if I should schedule an appointment with JD Anderson in Houston TX for a second opinion. Wondering if the added Avastin will be enough to make the drugs that previously failed now work? Wondering if the heating/cooling system is done? And if that will need replacing? 

What a week end. Too much to wonder about and not enough wonder time. 

Peace be with you my friends on csn.cancer.Org



  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Wow, Phil!

    You have a lot going on. I hope it all works out for you. Hopefully the pump can be repaired at little cost. If you are having 2nd thoughts, maybe a 2nd opinion is best. That sounds like a lot of meds, but what do I know? How did you tolerate these chemo meds before? Hopefully you have an easy time. I wish you luck on your journey fighting this beast. 



  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Dear Phil

    You have a long list of things which are on you mind.  Action is the only thing to help.

    Make that call to MD Anderson and get that second opinion.  They may be able to do a review of your records and give you an idea of what they can do for you without your going there first.

    As for the chemo, only time will tell how well it will work and how the side effects will impact you.  You have to take it one treatment at a time, work with the doctors for relief from any side effects, and remain as positive as you can that you can weather it all well.

    Life can be overwhelming at times, but we can only take it a step at a time.  Worry and fear invade our minds, yet do nothing to help us.  Sometimes we just need to ask for help...for whatever is on our list.  You don't have to do it alone.

    Safe travels, easy repairs and good results are all on my list of things I wish for you.


    Marie who loves kitties


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Wondering or worrying?

    I hope 'wondering' dosen't translate too much into 'worrying', though I know it must. 

    We all know that added stresses are not good for our bodies, especially the Cancer. 

    I will pray, Phil, that you can get the easy things sorted quickly. The pump, no matter what the cost, get that out of the way. Can your church community help with that? 

    Second opinions do take time, so you will have to weigh that option up with the need to get onto the chemo. 

    I am so sorry that you are facing this additional battle. 

    My heart also aches for your wife. I know you had mentioned that she had lost her first husband to Cancer, now her father. I will remember her in my prayers alongside you. 

    Blessing be with you as you make these huge life decisions. 


  • Yolllmbs
    Yolllmbs Member Posts: 360 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Wondering or worrying?

    I hope 'wondering' dosen't translate too much into 'worrying', though I know it must. 

    We all know that added stresses are not good for our bodies, especially the Cancer. 

    I will pray, Phil, that you can get the easy things sorted quickly. The pump, no matter what the cost, get that out of the way. Can your church community help with that? 

    Second opinions do take time, so you will have to weigh that option up with the need to get onto the chemo. 

    I am so sorry that you are facing this additional battle. 

    My heart also aches for your wife. I know you had mentioned that she had lost her first husband to Cancer, now her father. I will remember her in my prayers alongside you. 

    Blessing be with you as you make these huge life decisions. 


    Lots on your plate

    I'm sorry you're dealing with so much. Hopefully, you have others that can help. I can imagine your mind is running in all directions. Somehow when things get thrown our way, we find a way to step through the adversities. My Daddy used to say a year from now this won't be important. Since I got the cancer diagnosis, decisions seem tougheR. I'm trying to flip on auto pilot and go forward. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. 



  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    Yolllmbs said:

    Lots on your plate

    I'm sorry you're dealing with so much. Hopefully, you have others that can help. I can imagine your mind is running in all directions. Somehow when things get thrown our way, we find a way to step through the adversities. My Daddy used to say a year from now this won't be important. Since I got the cancer diagnosis, decisions seem tougheR. I'm trying to flip on auto pilot and go forward. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. 



    Avastin hopefully does the

    Avastin hopefully does the trick. Sorry you have to do chemo again but with 5 tumors it's probably a good idea. Kill any microscopic cells that may be out there. Just need to make sure you don't get lung mets or the surgery will be out. "Maybe a second opinion on that. I can get surgery now with only liver mets, what if they go to my lungs then surgery may not be an option, should I have surgery first."


    Hope things gets better for you. 

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    That's tough Phil

    Sending you all the positive energy I can. I'm all for second opinions. I've been told opposite things from different doctors so there certainly are opinions in the medical community that differ. I can think of 4 different methods of dealing with liver mets off the top of my head. You should feel comfortable with the advice you're receiving and it's the best thing for your situation. If not, seek a second opinion. If your doctors are good they'll welcome it. If you're comfortable with your guys go with their plan and trust you'll come out ok. I know a 16 year survivor that had mets to liver and lung. Whatever you decide I'm in your corner, good luck, stay positive!


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Easyflip said:

    That's tough Phil

    Sending you all the positive energy I can. I'm all for second opinions. I've been told opposite things from different doctors so there certainly are opinions in the medical community that differ. I can think of 4 different methods of dealing with liver mets off the top of my head. You should feel comfortable with the advice you're receiving and it's the best thing for your situation. If not, seek a second opinion. If your doctors are good they'll welcome it. If you're comfortable with your guys go with their plan and trust you'll come out ok. I know a 16 year survivor that had mets to liver and lung. Whatever you decide I'm in your corner, good luck, stay positive!


    16 years 16 years 16 years

    That is music to my ears. 

  • Phil64
    Phil64 Member Posts: 838 Member
    Easyflip said:

    That's tough Phil

    Sending you all the positive energy I can. I'm all for second opinions. I've been told opposite things from different doctors so there certainly are opinions in the medical community that differ. I can think of 4 different methods of dealing with liver mets off the top of my head. You should feel comfortable with the advice you're receiving and it's the best thing for your situation. If not, seek a second opinion. If your doctors are good they'll welcome it. If you're comfortable with your guys go with their plan and trust you'll come out ok. I know a 16 year survivor that had mets to liver and lung. Whatever you decide I'm in your corner, good luck, stay positive!


    Thank you for the


    Thank you for the positive energy and the excouragement. It is truly appreciated. I'm riding home from TN right now and preparing for a positive week and effective treatment. Positive energy back to you too.



  • Phil64
    Phil64 Member Posts: 838 Member
    Nana b said:

    Avastin hopefully does the

    Avastin hopefully does the trick. Sorry you have to do chemo again but with 5 tumors it's probably a good idea. Kill any microscopic cells that may be out there. Just need to make sure you don't get lung mets or the surgery will be out. "Maybe a second opinion on that. I can get surgery now with only liver mets, what if they go to my lungs then surgery may not be an option, should I have surgery first."


    Hope things gets better for you. 

    I'm truly hoping the Avastin

    I'm truly hoping the Avastin will make a difference. We will also look into that second opinion as well. Love and light to you and thank you for your encouragement.

  • Phil64
    Phil64 Member Posts: 838 Member

    Wow, Phil!

    You have a lot going on. I hope it all works out for you. Hopefully the pump can be repaired at little cost. If you are having 2nd thoughts, maybe a 2nd opinion is best. That sounds like a lot of meds, but what do I know? How did you tolerate these chemo meds before? Hopefully you have an easy time. I wish you luck on your journey fighting this beast. 



    I'm home from TN. I will

    I'm home from TN. I will start dealing with house issues tomorrow. And I will take everything one day at a time.

  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Phil64 said:

    Thank you for the


    Thank you for the positive energy and the excouragement. It is truly appreciated. I'm riding home from TN right now and preparing for a positive week and effective treatment. Positive energy back to you too.




    A positive attitude means so much. I think my brother does as well as he does because he has a positive outlook on everything! Best wishes for great results with the chemo. I'm pulling for you to kick cancer's butt!
