CEA Test Result

Randy33 Member Posts: 69 Member

I got my CEA Test result yesterday. It was 2.5 my lowest amount ever. That makes it over 5.5 years NED. I read the book Nana B recommended Radical Remission. Most of the stuff I have been doing is the same as what others did to beat cancer. I remember 5 years ago when I asked my onc what the chances for recurrence were and he said 95%. I asked him what the other 5% did to prevent recurrence and he said he didn't know. I couldn't believe it that with all the studying that people have done on cancer that no one had surveyed the people that had survied. Well finally some one has and the results are in this book Radical Remission. I was lucky that I developed a program that appears to be the right one in preventing recurrence. I urge everyone to check this book out. I am continuing with my program and will probably keep doing it for the rest of my life. Besides preventing recurrence it has helped me keep the weight off and I rarely get sick. I think I have had only one mild cold the past 5 years.


  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    That's great Randy. Isn't it interesting how much that book talks about our minds? I totally believe in the power of our thoughts and attitudes affecting our health. I think that plus a plant strong diet are key. 5 plus years out for you is awesome, I hope to join you!
  • sdp
    sdp Member Posts: 181
    Would be great if U can


    Would be great if U can share what all you have been doing and how have U kept doing it for the past 5years without getting complacent and bored with the routine etc
  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Go Randy! Go Randy!

    And out come the Dancing Manimage.

    Woo hoo!

    We'll do the Spinning Man too, because its been over five years image.

    I have read Radical Remission. It really is a good book. I just need a bit of dicipline so that I can get rid of no, cut radically down on, some of the treats of life. I will NEVER cut out the treats, never. 

    I am so glad that this is working for you, and may you see five, five, and five time five more years. 


  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member

    That's awesome news!

    I wish my brother would change his diet, but he is set in his ways. He won't eat veggies at all and loves him meat. You can lead a horse to water...

    Anyway, it's great to hear some good news for a change!


  • Randy33
    Randy33 Member Posts: 69 Member
    sdp said:

    Would be great if U can


    Would be great if U can share what all you have been doing and how have U kept doing it for the past 5years without getting complacent and bored with the routine etc

    My Program

    My program is as follows;

    1. Exercise-3 hours/day as follows

        MWF am-1 hr walking + 1/2 hr yoga

                pm- 1 hr weightlifting + 1/2 hr walking

        TThS am-1 hr walking + 1/2 hr yoga

                pm- 1 hr jogging + 1/2 hr walking

        Sun am- 1 hr walking + 1/2 hr pilates

              pm- 1/2 hr walking

    2. Diet- I eat a Mediterranean diet. Lots of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, yogurt, green tea and tumeric. Avoid sugar,refined grains, red meat, and sat. fats.

    3. Supplements- aspirin, multi-vitamin, fish oil, C0-Q10, resveratrol, grape seed extract, curcumin. and vit. D3.

    4. Avoid stress

    5. prayer

    6. Visulize my anti-bodies attacking cancer cells.

    I am able to stay on this program because the exercise is addicting, my wife keeps me on my diet and reminds me to take my supplements and staying alive is a great incentive. If you do try this start out slow with the exercise also I think you will find after a couple of months you will lose your craving for sugar and processed foods. Good luck!



  • Randy33
    Randy33 Member Posts: 69 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Go Randy! Go Randy!

    And out come the Dancing Manimage.

    Woo hoo!

    We'll do the Spinning Man too, because its been over five years image.

    I have read Radical Remission. It really is a good book. I just need a bit of dicipline so that I can get rid of no, cut radically down on, some of the treats of life. I will NEVER cut out the treats, never. 

    I am so glad that this is working for you, and may you see five, five, and five time five more years. 


    Thanks Sue.

    Cutting back is a great start. I cheat once and a while myself. Love the dancing and spinning man.


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    That is awesome news.  Thanks for sharing that.  We all need to hear success stories on this board. 


  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member

    That's good to hear! Keep up the good work!




  • sdp
    sdp Member Posts: 181
    Randy33 said:

    My Program

    My program is as follows;

    1. Exercise-3 hours/day as follows

        MWF am-1 hr walking + 1/2 hr yoga

                pm- 1 hr weightlifting + 1/2 hr walking

        TThS am-1 hr walking + 1/2 hr yoga

                pm- 1 hr jogging + 1/2 hr walking

        Sun am- 1 hr walking + 1/2 hr pilates

              pm- 1/2 hr walking

    2. Diet- I eat a Mediterranean diet. Lots of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, yogurt, green tea and tumeric. Avoid sugar,refined grains, red meat, and sat. fats.

    3. Supplements- aspirin, multi-vitamin, fish oil, C0-Q10, resveratrol, grape seed extract, curcumin. and vit. D3.

    4. Avoid stress

    5. prayer

    6. Visulize my anti-bodies attacking cancer cells.

    I am able to stay on this program because the exercise is addicting, my wife keeps me on my diet and reminds me to take my supplements and staying alive is a great incentive. If you do try this start out slow with the exercise also I think you will find after a couple of months you will lose your craving for sugar and processed foods. Good luck!



    Thanks randy

    Thanks randy 


    I can do the diet and the supplements but find it very difficult to do the exercise

  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member
    Thank you for sharing! 


    Thank you for sharing! 

  • traci43
    traci43 Member Posts: 773 Member
    More awesome news!!

    And it just keeps coming.  Hope to someday to be able to post 5 yrs NED!  Congrats Rangdy and keep it up. 

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    traci43 said:

    More awesome news!!

    And it just keeps coming.  Hope to someday to be able to post 5 yrs NED!  Congrats Rangdy and keep it up. 

    I'm so glad that you got the

    I'm so glad that you got the book. It's such a great reinforcement that we are doing something right. Be sure you are using turmeric with BioPerine or pepper. It helps it absorb. 


    Im taking



    C, 1000

    D3, 5000

    calcium, 600

    B12, 2500 mcg

    milk thistle 200 mg x 3

    Curcumin 500 with BioPerine 

    Perma Clear x 2

    E, 400

    Super immune Booster. X2

    bromelain 500 mg. 

    superdigestive enzymes 

    baby aspirin

    I drink kombucha No coffee, drink green tea or lemon in hot water

    cayenne pepper in my food. 

    No desserts, but I have  been known to have a skinny cow icecream. No white sugar. I may have bread, but it's organic and sprouted. 

    I eat a little cheese, because I like it with my fruit platter. Mostly fresh mozzarella.  

    i juice ice each morning, have  a smoothie for lunch and a salad daily. I also eat lots of fruit, nuts, and will eat a small plate of food, but. I don't eat red meat, limited chicken. Organic eggs and fruit and veggies.  I'm never hungry. Lots of water 



  • Randy33
    Randy33 Member Posts: 69 Member
    Nana b said:

    I'm so glad that you got the

    I'm so glad that you got the book. It's such a great reinforcement that we are doing something right. Be sure you are using turmeric with BioPerine or pepper. It helps it absorb. 


    Im taking



    C, 1000

    D3, 5000

    calcium, 600

    B12, 2500 mcg

    milk thistle 200 mg x 3

    Curcumin 500 with BioPerine 

    Perma Clear x 2

    E, 400

    Super immune Booster. X2

    bromelain 500 mg. 

    superdigestive enzymes 

    baby aspirin

    I drink kombucha No coffee, drink green tea or lemon in hot water

    cayenne pepper in my food. 

    No desserts, but I have  been known to have a skinny cow icecream. No white sugar. I may have bread, but it's organic and sprouted. 

    I eat a little cheese, because I like it with my fruit platter. Mostly fresh mozzarella.  

    i juice ice each morning, have  a smoothie for lunch and a salad daily. I also eat lots of fruit, nuts, and will eat a small plate of food, but. I don't eat red meat, limited chicken. Organic eggs and fruit and veggies.  I'm never hungry. Lots of water 




    i'm impressed. That is quite the list of supplements and it sounds like your diet is excellent. I think you are doing a better job than me. I do mix my tumeric with black pepper. How did you come up with your list of supplements? Keep up the good work!


  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    Randy33 said:


    i'm impressed. That is quite the list of supplements and it sounds like your diet is excellent. I think you are doing a better job than me. I do mix my tumeric with black pepper. How did you come up with your list of supplements? Keep up the good work!


    Randy see parenthesis

     I'm trying all I can to fight these small lesions, I'm not on chemo so fighting this way. Lesions weren't growing, but I will find out in October how I'm doing. 



    C, 1000.  (Vitamin C is given in the gerson therapy in larger amounts)

    D3, 5000 ( I was low and it boosts the immune system and helps you absorb vitamins) 

    calcium, 600. (Keeps bones healthy)

    B12, 2500 mcg.  (A vitamin B12 test measures the amount of vitamin B12 in the blood. The body needs this B vitamin to make blood cells and to maintain a healthy nervous system.)

    milk thistle 200 mg x 3. (Helps keep cancer cells from growing) 

    Curcumin 500 with BioPerine (cancer fighting)

    Perma Clear x 2 (from my naturopath, has Glutimamin, stomach lining replaces it self every 3 days, helps absorption of vitamins and minerals and fixes issues caused by chemotherapy)

    E, 400. (Helps skin fight affects of chemo)

    Super immune Booster. X2.  (self explanatory)

    bromelain 500 mg.    (helps with inflammation.  Bromelain also contains chemicals that might interfere with the growth of tumor cells)

    superdigestive enzymes (probiotics, helps stomach) 

    baby aspirin (per my ONC)

    I drink kombucha.  No coffee, drink green tea or lemon in hot water

    cayenne pepper in my food. 

    No desserts, but I have  been known to have a skinny cow icecream. No white sugar. I may have bread, but it's organic and sprouted. 

    I eat a little cheese, because I like it with my fruit platter. Mostly fresh mozzarella.  

    i juice ice each morning, have  a smoothie for lunch and a salad daily. I also eat lots of fruit, nuts, and will eat a small plate of food, but. I don't eat red meat, limited chicken. Organic eggs and fruit and veggies.  I'm never hungry. Lots of water