checking in

katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
edited August 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hey everyone,

Been crazy here trying to get ready for my son's upcoming wedding.  Aug. 30th.  So excited to be a part of it !

My brother is doing pretty good after his tx's.  About 3 mo's out.  (almost)  He's lost around 65 lbs though.  They maybe pulled the peg a bit too soon.  Doing the supp's is helping keep his labs in order though.  They did  more work on his jaw just recently.  Had all his teeth removed before tx's started.  Area of concern where a bone was sticking through in the upper jaw.  They drew blood before the procedure, and drew the platlets out to use on the site before they put the stitches in.   He had asked me if I had heard of this newer way of doing things.  I was stumped....never heard of it before.  weird ?  Keep him in your thoughts through the next few months til we hear NED for him please.

For myself, needing to go in and have a spot removed from just under where my resect was done a few yrs ago.  (2011)  Termed a subcutaneous nodule.  Popped up relatively quick, thought nothing about it.  Not wanting a biopsy done, they can look at it after they remove the darn thing.  (these usually are just under the skin)  And after researching kind of common for some of us with this dx.  Should be able to have it outpatient.  But not even going to worry about this until after the wedding.  This ACC is a strange duck.  Quak, quak !

Wishing everyone only the best, and wanting to thank you all for being here for each other.  Many hugs sent out to all !  Katie     


  • ratface
    ratface Member Posts: 1,337 Member
    Son's wedding

    Sounds like your priorities are straight.  If you are anything like my wife then giving your son away is going to be  harder than all this cancer stuff. You are an awsome woman indeed! Immerse yourself in the wedding day. Congrats to your son and your new daughter-in-law! 

  • LumpinmyThroat
    LumpinmyThroat Member Posts: 98

    Have a great time at the wedding!  Dance your feet off!!!!!

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Katie, I am still praying for

    Katie, I am still praying for your bother to recieve NED and I pray your nodule is nothing. Emjoy the wedding and may you witness many more.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    so much going on


    Enjoy the wedding!

    Hug your brother. That H&N diet nailed me  for 43 pounds.

    Now you are sure you heard quack, quack from the duck?  Because (I think) that means not to worry even after the wedding.

    Take care sweet one,


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    kate, i'm keeping you and

    kate, i'm keeping you and your brother in my prayers. enjoy the wedding and congrats on gaining a daughter.

    love, hugs and prayers,


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Katie

    Will keep him in prayer that is all gone. This week-end Aug 4th is my 40th anniversary, wow 40 years with the same woman. She was and still is a God sent to me, never left my side through both my treatments. I just don’t know if I could have done it with out her being there. I hope and pray for your Son to have a woman like that as his partner in life.


    Tim Hondo

  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    Glad your brother is doing ok

    Glad your brother is doing ok Katie!  My dad got his peg out a few months ago and that was a year after treatments- he is doing well though.  He had trouble drinking ensures so he started putting it in milkshakes and coffee and does much better.  Is that somethig that your brother can try?  Praying for you and hoping that your son's upcoming wedding is a blast!  Dance your worries away! 

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    CherieLW said:

    Glad your brother is doing ok

    Glad your brother is doing ok Katie!  My dad got his peg out a few months ago and that was a year after treatments- he is doing well though.  He had trouble drinking ensures so he started putting it in milkshakes and coffee and does much better.  Is that somethig that your brother can try?  Praying for you and hoping that your son's upcoming wedding is a blast!  Dance your worries away! 


    Enjoy your son's wedding and happiness! Celebrations like that are why we have fought so hard. Prayers for your family

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    So many things on your plate

    Katie....and you keep on quacking (or is that supposed to be ticking???) :).....I keep trying to follow your lead on the worrying....I'll keep working on it.....I want to be like you when I grow up!!!

    Good news on your bro.....keeping him in my thoughts.  Congrats on your new daughter....I'd tell you to dust off your dancing shoes, but I know they've never gathered any dust since I've known ya.


  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710

    So many things on your plate

    Katie....and you keep on quacking (or is that supposed to be ticking???) :).....I keep trying to follow your lead on the worrying....I'll keep working on it.....I want to be like you when I grow up!!!

    Good news on your bro.....keeping him in my thoughts.  Congrats on your new daughter....I'd tell you to dust off your dancing shoes, but I know they've never gathered any dust since I've known ya.



    Katie, don't upstage the bride now! And regards to your brother, G.

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Thank you everyone !

    I will probably cry at the wedding.  (just an old softy)  I have been struggling with preps for the big day.  It's going to be a old fashioned bean feast.  My husband instructed me on how to use an electric saw the other day.  Oh my, we're re-making the arch for the kid's to be married under.  And I'm making the runner and personalizing it with their names and date on it.  Now some of you know my breathing isn't the best, and my hubby is legally blind.  So this has been a hoot !  Ten minutes of work, 20 minute breaks in between.  But it's something we wanted to do for our son. 

    We are having it in a little town that my great-great grandparents settled in back in 1877.  I told the kid's we've certainly come full circle !  So I'm incorporating a bit of the plaid in memory of our Scottish ancesters.  My brother will be in attendance, along with my other siblings.  (which is rare we're all together in one place)  This will be forever etched in my heart as one of the memories I fought so hard to get to and enjoy !

    I don't think I'll be dancing a whole lot, as the 02 is a bear to carry.  But it's coming off for the dance with my son !  I thank you all for the kind words.  And I will let my brother know what decent people have him in their prayers.  Hugs !  Katie   

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Hondo said:

    Hi Katie

    Will keep him in prayer that is all gone. This week-end Aug 4th is my 40th anniversary, wow 40 years with the same woman. She was and still is a God sent to me, never left my side through both my treatments. I just don’t know if I could have done it with out her being there. I hope and pray for your Son to have a woman like that as his partner in life.


    Tim Hondo

    Happy Anniversary !


    Your lady sounds like a wonderful woman !  Have the best day ever !  Hugs, Katie

  • Goyca
    Goyca Member Posts: 220
    congrats for ur son :):) ur

    congrats for ur son :):) ur brother is in our prayers.