worried obout throat cancer please help me anyone please...
Look dihahadihana said:gp again
I went to my gp last evenong ask him about my worry. He said: for u cancer is only a word that came through internet to ur mind. It is not a simple word but hell on earth. Let me do my duty there are not all things on internet
internet is not know u phsycally as i. Its just an infection and tmj problems that couse it.so cool down and leave up webmd and try to belive me ur age (27)is not for cancer its for work hard and enjoy.
Hi these words are from my gp i got little relief in my mind but pain is still here.
Are anybody think that doctor is doing good for me or just relaxing mo from undetected fear .nThis group of well intended cancer patients has made the very best recommendations possible to you. Now it is up to you to decide what to do. If you don't trust your doctor, then you need to find another one, it is that simple. It does you no good to keep bouncing back and forth on this like a ball, first wanting to know what we think then going back and consulting with him, then hitting this board with the same group of soft questions as before. None of us are your treating physician, so all we can ever tell you is what has already been said. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but you are burning up a lot of emotion, while spinning the squirrel cage around and around on this, all without producing any sense of forward progress.
best to you
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Hippocratic Oathdihana said:gp again
I went to my gp last evenong ask him about my worry. He said: for u cancer is only a word that came through internet to ur mind. It is not a simple word but hell on earth. Let me do my duty there are not all things on internet
internet is not know u phsycally as i. Its just an infection and tmj problems that couse it.so cool down and leave up webmd and try to belive me ur age (27)is not for cancer its for work hard and enjoy.
Hi these words are from my gp i got little relief in my mind but pain is still here.
Are anybody think that doctor is doing good for me or just relaxing mo from undetected fear .nDoctors take this oath and it's held sacred by physicians the world over. It's a promise to treat the ill to the best of their ability. For your doctor to tell you something that isn't true (based on his experience and examinations) would break that oath. Do you think for a moment that he would have spent 8+ years of his life in school plus countless hours of study and then work in addition to probably 100's of 1000's of $$$ not to help people? In addition, rationally, do you think he would withhold bad news just to ease your mind?
In my opinion, your doctor is spot on. Infection and TMJ are the likely causes for your ailments. As with another recent poster, it's my opinion your symptoms in addition to health anxiety issues are causing the problem. Who are you going to trust? This medical professional that has seen hundreds if not more patients in real life (and one that knows you personally), or a computer algorithm?
I would speak to your doctor about getting help with your fears. He has given you a diagnosis of an infection and TMJ. Both of which cause the symptoms you're experiencing. Unfortunately, medical science cannot fix what's happening in your mind. That where mental health professionals come in. As much as you need relief from the physical symptoms, seeking relief from the mental symptoms is equally important. Spending countless hours Googling symptoms and poking and prodding yourself until your sore is not a way to live. We all battle a beast that can bury us six feet under. You're fighting a dragon that can do the same above ground.I'm not a doctor, just someone who has had this beast and seen many who fear it. As has been said in previous posts, seek the opinion of a qualified ENT if you need further peace of mind.
Positive thoughts and prayers"T"
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help onlylongtermsurvivor said:Look dihaha
This group of well intended cancer patients has made the very best recommendations possible to you. Now it is up to you to decide what to do. If you don't trust your doctor, then you need to find another one, it is that simple. It does you no good to keep bouncing back and forth on this like a ball, first wanting to know what we think then going back and consulting with him, then hitting this board with the same group of soft questions as before. None of us are your treating physician, so all we can ever tell you is what has already been said. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but you are burning up a lot of emotion, while spinning the squirrel cage around and around on this, all without producing any sense of forward progress.
best to you
Hey longtermsurviver im not thinking any of u are my doctors. I am only telling there my health problems and asking about ur and others symptoms of their cancers. Don't mind a feard person do everything to win over his fears. If u put urself to my place than what u may think about me.
one thing more u all not only cancer survivars but also human being .this is not bad ask for help from any human but its depand to other that he is agree to help them or not
there are not cancer survivars at all site so i came here fore help.
if ur thinking its wrong place for me to asking help than i am sorry to be there.0 -
fishmanpa has probably said it better than I willdihana said:help only
Hey longtermsurviver im not thinking any of u are my doctors. I am only telling there my health problems and asking about ur and others symptoms of their cancers. Don't mind a feard person do everything to win over his fears. If u put urself to my place than what u may think about me.
one thing more u all not only cancer survivars but also human being .this is not bad ask for help from any human but its depand to other that he is agree to help them or not
there are not cancer survivars at all site so i came here fore help.
if ur thinking its wrong place for me to asking help than i am sorry to be there.but to answer your question, NO I do not think this is an appropriate site for you. I think, without exception, everyone who has responded to you has sent you back to your physician, or has suggested that if you aren't satisfied with the answers you are getting from your current physician, that you seek another. There is nothing more that ANY of us can say that will give you meaningful insight into your situation.
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BE ASSERTIVEdihana said:help only
Hey longtermsurviver im not thinking any of u are my doctors. I am only telling there my health problems and asking about ur and others symptoms of their cancers. Don't mind a feard person do everything to win over his fears. If u put urself to my place than what u may think about me.
one thing more u all not only cancer survivars but also human being .this is not bad ask for help from any human but its depand to other that he is agree to help them or not
there are not cancer survivars at all site so i came here fore help.
if ur thinking its wrong place for me to asking help than i am sorry to be there.Hey Dihana,
I believe that Pat's post pretty much hits the heart of the matter for you. I was seen by three or four of the GP's in my GP's office, because when he wasn't there and I experienced a horrible triad attack I would see whoever was available. All of them, to a man, told me that since I had pain, that I didn't have cancer; it was the mantra that I heard repeatedly from all of them, as they prescribed meds for sinusitis. I went to my dentist, thinking that it might be an abscessed tooth (my mother-in-law had one with jaw pain similar to mine) I did have a tooth that needed a root canal dentist's treatment, but that wasn't the problem. I saw a dental surgeon, and had a molar removed, and that didn't solve the problem. I saw a neurologist who diagnosed a form of TMJ. It was exhausting, and they all repeated the mantra, "you have pain, so you don't ...." My GP finally referred me to an ENT when my wife suggested that since I was still having the same symptoms after months of treatment, that maybe I should be referred to a specialist, so then I saw my first ENT, who for several months, diagnosed sinusitis, and more meds (I've tried them all). At Diane's insistence, and just to humor her, I very reluctantly saw another ENT for a second opinion (my sister, a med-surgery nurse asked around her professional friends for the best in our area). I said to Diane, "alright I'll go, but what's he going to tell me that I haven't heard before," as I totally trusted the ENT I was seeing, and after all, he told me that I didn't have to worry about cancer because I had pain. Within 20 minutes the second ENT told me that I had something to be concerned about, and scheduled me for a byopsy, thus ended the diagnostic journey, and began the beast battle journey. I still see the second ENT for my annual check-ups. This is probably TMI, and my case appears to be way off of the charts of the ususal diagnostic experience, but I believe that it is important to recognize, that getting an accurate diagnosis is sometimes very challenging, and that not all medical professionals have the training and experience necessary to make an accurate diagnosis of the presence of cancer. All this being said, and it is more than I intened, I simply suggest, that you be assertive with your GP and ask him with all due respect for his medical expertise, that he refer you to an ENT, just to be on the safe side, or to at least to allay your anxiety, making sure that the ENT is very experienced in, well you know.... It is not an unreasonalble request. Best wishes.
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be my friendpatricke said:BE ASSERTIVE
Hey Dihana,
I believe that Pat's post pretty much hits the heart of the matter for you. I was seen by three or four of the GP's in my GP's office, because when he wasn't there and I experienced a horrible triad attack I would see whoever was available. All of them, to a man, told me that since I had pain, that I didn't have cancer; it was the mantra that I heard repeatedly from all of them, as they prescribed meds for sinusitis. I went to my dentist, thinking that it might be an abscessed tooth (my mother-in-law had one with jaw pain similar to mine) I did have a tooth that needed a root canal dentist's treatment, but that wasn't the problem. I saw a dental surgeon, and had a molar removed, and that didn't solve the problem. I saw a neurologist who diagnosed a form of TMJ. It was exhausting, and they all repeated the mantra, "you have pain, so you don't ...." My GP finally referred me to an ENT when my wife suggested that since I was still having the same symptoms after months of treatment, that maybe I should be referred to a specialist, so then I saw my first ENT, who for several months, diagnosed sinusitis, and more meds (I've tried them all). At Diane's insistence, and just to humor her, I very reluctantly saw another ENT for a second opinion (my sister, a med-surgery nurse asked around her professional friends for the best in our area). I said to Diane, "alright I'll go, but what's he going to tell me that I haven't heard before," as I totally trusted the ENT I was seeing, and after all, he told me that I didn't have to worry about cancer because I had pain. Within 20 minutes the second ENT told me that I had something to be concerned about, and scheduled me for a byopsy, thus ended the diagnostic journey, and began the beast battle journey. I still see the second ENT for my annual check-ups. This is probably TMI, and my case appears to be way off of the charts of the ususal diagnostic experience, but I believe that it is important to recognize, that getting an accurate diagnosis is sometimes very challenging, and that not all medical professionals have the training and experience necessary to make an accurate diagnosis of the presence of cancer. All this being said, and it is more than I intened, I simply suggest, that you be assertive with your GP and ask him with all due respect for his medical expertise, that he refer you to an ENT, just to be on the safe side, or to at least to allay your anxiety, making sure that the ENT is very experienced in, well you know.... It is not an unreasonalble request. Best wishes.
Hi patric im going same way that u had gone through.so i think u must feel my pain .some people there think that im an alean there and not feeling well to see me there but i i know its tuff job to be there that nobody want to do. I am sending u a friend request from my account
because i want to ask some questions from u about ur previous pains that are samiler to me.
I will not post there because it is hurting anyone there.
And also booking ent private ent next morning.
Plese accept my friend request for private msgs.
We all are sons of god .in my case my father GOD is not with me and im alone like son without parents and brothers.0 -
wellfishmanpa said:Hippocratic Oath
Doctors take this oath and it's held sacred by physicians the world over. It's a promise to treat the ill to the best of their ability. For your doctor to tell you something that isn't true (based on his experience and examinations) would break that oath. Do you think for a moment that he would have spent 8+ years of his life in school plus countless hours of study and then work in addition to probably 100's of 1000's of $$$ not to help people? In addition, rationally, do you think he would withhold bad news just to ease your mind?
In my opinion, your doctor is spot on. Infection and TMJ are the likely causes for your ailments. As with another recent poster, it's my opinion your symptoms in addition to health anxiety issues are causing the problem. Who are you going to trust? This medical professional that has seen hundreds if not more patients in real life (and one that knows you personally), or a computer algorithm?
I would speak to your doctor about getting help with your fears. He has given you a diagnosis of an infection and TMJ. Both of which cause the symptoms you're experiencing. Unfortunately, medical science cannot fix what's happening in your mind. That where mental health professionals come in. As much as you need relief from the physical symptoms, seeking relief from the mental symptoms is equally important. Spending countless hours Googling symptoms and poking and prodding yourself until your sore is not a way to live. We all battle a beast that can bury us six feet under. You're fighting a dragon that can do the same above ground.I'm not a doctor, just someone who has had this beast and seen many who fear it. As has been said in previous posts, seek the opinion of a qualified ENT if you need further peace of mind.
Positive thoughts and prayers"T"
Well fishmanpa i thanks for ur bitter but truthfull reply that i didnot ask from anyone i only asked about symptoms of survivals there of their diaeses and told them my symptoms. Anyway thank u for taking some time to me from ur costly movements.
some people there realy helped but some are thinking that im only an odd person.
Thank u for all here who helped me.0 -
Find an ENT who doesphrannie51 said:Sounds like an infection
to me also. Viral probably, since antibiotics didn't touch it (some Drs. hand out antibiotics to make the patient feel better emotionally...kinda dumb if ya ask me).
I had a lump in my neck, and a pain on my brestbone.....a type of referred pain with the type of throat cancer I had. If I'd gone to the Dr. with that, he'd have checked my heart
Glad you're seeing an ENT so he can put your fears to rest.
Find an ENT who does endoscopic diagnosis and has the equipment in their office. Ask when you make the appointment ask if they have the equipment, if they don't move on to someone who does. This simple painless procedure shows far more than a normal exam without the endoscope. They can see places that are hidden from sight and can't be seen with the mirror.
I wasted 8 weeks with an ENT who didn't have the equipment and apparently didn't know where to find one. I was getting worse by the day and finally talked to my PCP for another ENT referral, the ENT with the scoping equipment was right next door to tp my PCP ! It took him about three minutes to diagnose the probable cause, Laryngeal Cancer. He sent me for a PET scan immediately, then did a needle biopsy, trachesotomy and put in a PEG tube feeder.
The endoscope is a wonderful diagnostic tool, but not every ENT is equipped to do the prodecure.
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God is with you Always!
Dihana, What people here are trying to tell you in a nice way is that no one here can give you a diagnosis. Anyone here will help you if you are confirmed to have cancer. You are welcome to come on this website for answers but the answers you are seeking need to come from a doctor. If you are lucky, the pains you are having will not be cancer, only a doctor will be able to confirm one way or the other. No one hates you and we ALL wish nothing but the best for you.
God Bless, Homer & Connie
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TIME for New Doctor
This group can not diagnose you. With the white patches on tongue I would suspect Thrush. Antibiotics will make it worse. See an ENT who can put your fears to rest
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ent and ct scan
Ent visit last monday. He saw my throat with mirror from his head and found nothing. He ordered me simple ct of neck . That is clear no tumors.
He put me on amox 500 capsules with zentac and fluconazole tabs. And said if did not got relief than pet ct will be ordered.
Now one question for there: are small ulcers type tumors always visible in simple ct scans or pet ct is always necessary to detact them if show nothing in simple cts?
Plz tell me anyone.0 -
ent and ct scan
Ent visit last monday. He saw my throat with mirror from his head and found nothing. He ordered me simple ct of neck . That is clear no tumors. He put me on amox 500 capsules with zentac and fluconazole tabs. And said if did not got relief than pet ct will be ordered. Now one question for there: are small ulcers type tumors always visible in simple ct scans or pet ct is always necessary to detact them if show nothing in simple cts? Plz tell me anyone.
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Hopefully nothing....dihana said:ent and ct scan
Ent visit last monday. He saw my throat with mirror from his head and found nothing. He ordered me simple ct of neck . That is clear no tumors. He put me on amox 500 capsules with zentac and fluconazole tabs. And said if did not got relief than pet ct will be ordered. Now one question for there: are small ulcers type tumors always visible in simple ct scans or pet ct is always necessary to detact them if show nothing in simple cts? Plz tell me anyone.
Hopefully nothing will show. It's not unusual for the ENT to attempt antibiotics, since he is trying to rule out an infection. My loved one and many on here have followed the same route with trying the antibiotics. Be patient and soon you will have the answers.
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