Radical Remission.

Nana b
Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
edited August 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1




Less stress

Eating veggies, juicing, eating more raw foods






Im trying!  


  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    I read that blending is

    I read that blending is better than juicing because juicing removes the fiber.  I've been doing shakes.  Great efforts, you go girl!  And let me know why you're picking juicing instead of blending.  I'm switching to the alkalilne water.  I just read about that and Glaciers Isle has a PH of 8.8 while Poland Spring has a 4.  Do try the brocolli sprouts, I'm obsessed with them as you can tell.  The chewing makes me feel in control even if they taste gross even with peanut butter.  Woooooooooooooo sahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  The legs on the wall pose has helped me greatly.  If you are able to do it, it's a great yoga pose that brings circulation to all of your organs at once.

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
     . . .And I don't need to

     . . .And I don't need to take that test to know!

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    Helen321 said:

     . . .And I don't need to

     . . .And I don't need to take that test to know!

    I juice in the morning when

    I juice in the morning when my stomach is empty and not working on digestion. The juice goes straight to the bloodstream. I blend my fruit in the afternoon. I also eat a salad for dinner. 


    I use


    kale, spinach, bokchoy, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, carrot Ava, celery, apples and us an organic green powder


    I blend

    all berries, apples, tangerines, Gogi Barrie's, and use a organic fruit powder


    i eat walnuts and almonds as a snack


    im pretty much full al day. I need to juice two more times and need to fit it in. 


    Google led your YouTube gerson diet 

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    Nana b said:

    I juice in the morning when

    I juice in the morning when my stomach is empty and not working on digestion. The juice goes straight to the bloodstream. I blend my fruit in the afternoon. I also eat a salad for dinner. 


    I use


    kale, spinach, bokchoy, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, carrot Ava, celery, apples and us an organic green powder


    I blend

    all berries, apples, tangerines, Gogi Barrie's, and use a organic fruit powder


    i eat walnuts and almonds as a snack


    im pretty much full al day. I need to juice two more times and need to fit it in. 


    Google led your YouTube gerson diet 

    Thanks, I'm going to check it

    Thanks, I'm going to check it out! Is that all you are eating?    I hope you are eating some meals as well.  Balance.  You don't want to lose too much weight so your body has the strenghth it needs to get through the day.  I once quit all meat for a month and got really sick.  After that I did moderation.

  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    Helen321 said:

    I read that blending is

    I read that blending is better than juicing because juicing removes the fiber.  I've been doing shakes.  Great efforts, you go girl!  And let me know why you're picking juicing instead of blending.  I'm switching to the alkalilne water.  I just read about that and Glaciers Isle has a PH of 8.8 while Poland Spring has a 4.  Do try the brocolli sprouts, I'm obsessed with them as you can tell.  The chewing makes me feel in control even if they taste gross even with peanut butter.  Woooooooooooooo sahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  The legs on the wall pose has helped me greatly.  If you are able to do it, it's a great yoga pose that brings circulation to all of your organs at once.


    I juice for the nutrition, extra callories, and not the fiber.  I get enough fiber in my diet.  We need to find a balance that works for us.  (There is NO WAY Poland Springs water has a ph of 4!!  That would burn you.  Also, unlikely that a water has a ph of 8.8 much to high.  The variance of Acidic water vs  Alakaly water is plus or minus .8 ph. 7 being neutral.  At 8.8ph your water would taste very briney.)  

    We use a RO System with a  pressure compensation switch to save water waste for our water.  Our filtration goes down to 1 miicron. Nothing living is smaller then 1.5 microns and most living microbes are larger then 3 microns.   Titan Water Pros have some of the most favorable prices for filters that I have found.  Their systems are exceptionally easy to install.


    Please be careful when ordering special water systems, or special "any contraption" for health.  Almost always they are not good products.  Also, when the Web Site is giving easily validated incorrect information, then we should be wary of their claims.  I believe people here are in good faith belieivng in what the have read.  We all need to help protect each other from the scammers.


    Best Always,  mike    

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    Helen321 said:

    Thanks, I'm going to check it

    Thanks, I'm going to check it out! Is that all you are eating?    I hope you are eating some meals as well.  Balance.  You don't want to lose too much weight so your body has the strenghth it needs to get through the day.  I once quit all meat for a month and got really sick.  After that I did moderation.

      No meat. fresh veggie

      No meat. fresh veggie soups.  Lots of raw veggies and fruit.  Never hungry but I eat. 


    No sugar but get it through fruit and white Agave. Limited carbs.  I eat beans, Seeds, Beets in all in my salads. 



  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    Helen321 said:

    I read that blending is

    I read that blending is better than juicing because juicing removes the fiber.  I've been doing shakes.  Great efforts, you go girl!  And let me know why you're picking juicing instead of blending.  I'm switching to the alkalilne water.  I just read about that and Glaciers Isle has a PH of 8.8 while Poland Spring has a 4.  Do try the brocolli sprouts, I'm obsessed with them as you can tell.  The chewing makes me feel in control even if they taste gross even with peanut butter.  Woooooooooooooo sahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  The legs on the wall pose has helped me greatly.  If you are able to do it, it's a great yoga pose that brings circulation to all of your organs at once.

    Sauté brussels sprouts in

    Sauté brussels sprouts in olive oil, season with salt and pepper, then add fresh garlic, continue to sauté until garlic gets a warm color. Squeeze some lemon in, just a bit. My fav way to cook them. 

  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Good for you!

    I wish I could convince my brother to eat vegetables, nevermind do juicing. He has avoided veggies his whole life and refuses to eat them. I have tried everything, even hiding them, but he won't eat anything with veggies in them. I love my veggies, but haven't tried juicing yet. My daughter and husband have been juicing for a while and really enjoy it.


  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member

    Good for you!

    I wish I could convince my brother to eat vegetables, nevermind do juicing. He has avoided veggies his whole life and refuses to eat them. I have tried everything, even hiding them, but he won't eat anything with veggies in them. I love my veggies, but haven't tried juicing yet. My daughter and husband have been juicing for a while and really enjoy it.



    On advice of my naturopath I bought a a breville  juicer, but use the " left over" in salads soups and in the cake" I bake.

    i juice twice a day, and so far NED for over 3 years I am stage III. I eat chicken, Turkey and fish but do cheat  every week with some meat. I bake my own high fiber bread. I found salads hard to digest, but eat veggies at night.

    i was told to eat almond butter instead of the whole almond because they could get stuck behind the ridges of my colon, left after my resection. For sweetner I use raw honey, also in my baking. I only use coconut oil.

    But juicing is still my main meal of the day, also blueberries and a piece of dark chocolade, very high as antitoxant, same with cinnamon.

    it works for me. 

    If you want recipes let me know

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    thingy45 said:


    On advice of my naturopath I bought a a breville  juicer, but use the " left over" in salads soups and in the cake" I bake.

    i juice twice a day, and so far NED for over 3 years I am stage III. I eat chicken, Turkey and fish but do cheat  every week with some meat. I bake my own high fiber bread. I found salads hard to digest, but eat veggies at night.

    i was told to eat almond butter instead of the whole almond because they could get stuck behind the ridges of my colon, left after my resection. For sweetner I use raw honey, also in my baking. I only use coconut oil.

    But juicing is still my main meal of the day, also blueberries and a piece of dark chocolade, very high as antitoxant, same with cinnamon.

    it works for me. 

    If you want recipes let me know




    free on line 

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    thingy45 said:


    On advice of my naturopath I bought a a breville  juicer, but use the " left over" in salads soups and in the cake" I bake.

    i juice twice a day, and so far NED for over 3 years I am stage III. I eat chicken, Turkey and fish but do cheat  every week with some meat. I bake my own high fiber bread. I found salads hard to digest, but eat veggies at night.

    i was told to eat almond butter instead of the whole almond because they could get stuck behind the ridges of my colon, left after my resection. For sweetner I use raw honey, also in my baking. I only use coconut oil.

    But juicing is still my main meal of the day, also blueberries and a piece of dark chocolade, very high as antitoxant, same with cinnamon.

    it works for me. 

    If you want recipes let me know

    I'm finally researching the

    I'm finally researching the water today and going to watch the video you attached.  Glacier Isle says 8.88pH naturally alkaline water.  I'm going to google to see if there is any despute, otherwise how would I find out?  I guess a pH stick like they use at the doctors?  I'd love some recipes for healthy eating so if you have any I'll take them.  I've mastered snacking (taking the m&ms out of my trail mix was hard).  My meals are better.  I gave up all bbq after reading that the temps make food carcinogens.  Got organic down. 

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    Helen321 said:

    I'm finally researching the

    I'm finally researching the water today and going to watch the video you attached.  Glacier Isle says 8.88pH naturally alkaline water.  I'm going to google to see if there is any despute, otherwise how would I find out?  I guess a pH stick like they use at the doctors?  I'd love some recipes for healthy eating so if you have any I'll take them.  I've mastered snacking (taking the m&ms out of my trail mix was hard).  My meals are better.  I gave up all bbq after reading that the temps make food carcinogens.  Got organic down. 


    They have Ph sticks at the drugstore and pet store ( aquariums.) I took mine by sticking it in my mouth and I peed on another. I'm basic so I guess that's good. My Hotsy totsy oncologist thought it was funny. Be careful, there are alkaline water systems out there for thousands of dollars a month. I don't know if it's worth it or not, just be careful.
