My Active Surveillance update

hopeful and optimistic
hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
edited August 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
I had a targeted biopsy last week. The doctor was able to go back, and survey  around areas where cancers had been found to determine how extensive the cancer(s) are in those areas.


I was  concerned about the results of my biopsy, since my PSA rose from 4.0 in Jan, 2013 to 5.4. Let me add that the free PSA rose to 24%



So today, I called for the results of my biopsy. 


I am pleased  with the results


  8/14/14 Targeted biopsy of areas surrounding last years positive cores. 17 cores taken, one of which showed a 3+3=6, less than five percent involvement. two cores: focal high grade prostatic intraepithelial (HGPIN) Another core showed no tissue present. 



Since there was only a small amount of cancer in one core, I decide to not have a second opinion of the pathology since I think that the feedback would not affect my active surveillance  treatment decision.


At any rate, I made an appointment for a PSA in 6 months time, and will probably have another targeted biopsy  two years from now.


It's now 65 months.


Please feel to comment.


Thanks for your input.


Listed are last years medical activities:


6/13/2013 biopsy, 15 cores, 3 targeted and 12 systematic
1 systematic positive... 40% involvement 3+3=6
2 targeted positive 10% 3=3=6 and 20% 3+3=6
Second opinion Johns Hopkins, 
1 systematic 30% involvement 3+3=6
Targeted 10% 3+3=6 (no change)
10% 3+4=7 (upgraded)
GENE TEST...Genomic Health oncotype DX low risk patient, likelihood of favorable pathology 74%, freedom from high grade disease 84%, freedom from non organ confined disease 80% ...Oncotype DX uses rt-pcr to determine the expression of 17 genes in tumor tissue. Oncotype DX is calculated from the gene expression results and ranges from 0 to 100.
The criteria for the Genomic test is based on a prospectively-designed validation study of biopsy tissue form 388 patients with localized prostate cancer meeting the NCCN Very Low, Low and Intermediate risk criteria
11/24/13 Dexa Bone Density test, for base line.
1/24/14 PSA 4.1 Free 20
8/14/14 PSA 5.4 Free 24
8/14/14 Targeted biopsy of areas surrounding last years positive cores. 17 cores taken, one of which showed a 3+3=6, less than five percent involvement. two cores: focal high grade prostatic intraepithelial (HGPIN) Another core showed no tissue present. 


Please feel to click my name for the previous history of my case that goes back to March 2009


  • Beau2
    Beau2 Member Posts: 261

    Congratulations on the 65 months ... and best wishes for continued good numbers.

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Success in AS


    I am glad for the news. These results proves that AS is right for you and the biopsy findings has provide you with a well deserved peace of mind.

    The increase of the PSA is significant even at the presence of an increased free-PSA. In any case the doubling is long and one should also take into consideration other probably reasons affecting the PSA test. The Gene test tells everything. Your Gs7 is a slow growing that may never become “toxic” and border your natural “way of living”.

    Best wishes for continued low profile and a successful AS.

    VG  Kiss

  • CC52
    CC52 Member Posts: 105 Member

    Exciting news to be sure. I'm very happy for you, and my wishes for continued good results for you.

  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member
    A Model for Active Surveillance

    Sounds like you're on top of managing your own care and could be a model for how AS should be done.  Congrats and continued good luck!

  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member

    A Model for Active Surveillance

    Sounds like you're on top of managing your own care and could be a model for how AS should be done.  Congrats and continued good luck!

    Lastest PSA Results

    PSA 4.4 , Free 18

    I was somewhat nervous for the results of my PSA, wondering what I would do if the PSA rose, well it  declined. Life is good again.

  • bob4894
    bob4894 Member Posts: 23
    Glad to Hear


    That was really good news to see this morning.  I can only hope for the kind of success you've had on AS if and when it comes time for me to make that decision.


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Decline of a higher PSA


    I wish you are always decline of a higher PSA.

    We may be confident with the way we procceed our cases but such is never enough to avoid the anxiety cause by a simple PSA test.

    Congratulations on this reduced result.

    (Another excuse for a drink) Cheers

  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member

    Decline of a higher PSA


    I wish you are always decline of a higher PSA.

    We may be confident with the way we procceed our cases but such is never enough to avoid the anxiety cause by a simple PSA test.

    Congratulations on this reduced result.

    (Another excuse for a drink) Cheers

    No excuse needed

    Vasco, may I suggest Casa Ferreirinha 2004 Barca Velha Red (Douro).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Bob, let's try Verite 2007 La Muse Red (Sonoma Count), or even a two buck chuck.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         For  others who read this, please join us.    



  • bob4894
    bob4894 Member Posts: 23

    No excuse needed

    Vasco, may I suggest Casa Ferreirinha 2004 Barca Velha Red (Douro).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Bob, let's try Verite 2007 La Muse Red (Sonoma Count), or even a two buck chuck.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         For  others who read this, please join us.    



    Great Year


    2007 was a great year in Napa and Sonoma but you can never go wrong with a La Muse regardless of year.  Good to see that you are a wine connoisseur and that you'll be enjoying wine from your cellar for years to come.  I'll be toasting you with a 2007 Ramey cabernetSmile

  • CC52
    CC52 Member Posts: 105 Member
    I'll drink to that!

    Great news!!   Cheers everyone!

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    Decline of a higher PSA


    I wish you are always decline of a higher PSA.

    We may be confident with the way we procceed our cases but such is never enough to avoid the anxiety cause by a simple PSA test.

    Congratulations on this reduced result.

    (Another excuse for a drink) Cheers

    Joining You


    Like many Americans, I am more of a "beer guy." Popping open a Pabst Blue Ribbon at your statement.

    Pabst is a strong lager, somewhat harsh. Not a subtle beverage. I do not know if it is sold in Europe...


  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member

    Joining You


    Like many Americans, I am more of a "beer guy." Popping open a Pabst Blue Ribbon at your statement.

    Pabst is a strong lager, somewhat harsh. Not a subtle beverage. I do not know if it is sold in Europe...


    St Patricks Day

    Max, Since we are all Irish today, how about  a Guinness Black Lager  Money MouthFoot in MouthTongue Out

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    St Patricks Day

    Max, Since we are all Irish today, how about  a Guinness Black Lager  Money MouthFoot in MouthTongue Out

    WIll do

    Will go get some, Hopeful.

    Irish is a big, big thing in South Carolina. The Hibernian Society is huge, especially in Charleston and on the coast.

    A good friend is Irish, and in a local Celtic band (he is their bassist). I can hear Danny Boy being sung now.....



  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    CC52 said:

    I'll drink to that!

    Great news!!   Cheers everyone!

    I also drink beer (when wine is not available)

    Living in Asia just made that natural to me. Long ago in Japan, there were no good wines on sale and beer was the traditional “aperitive” before the food and any other drink. The typical “cheers” were toasted with a Sapporo beer. The same occurred at close countries like the 333 in Vietnam, the Tiger from Singapore, Singha in Thailand and the San Miguel at the Philippines. I have enjoyed them all.
    My neighbour friend is Irish and he loves the Portuguese Sagres beer. Usually he drinks about seven jars against mine two glasses of red. In the end we may have consume the same quantity of alcohol but he enjoyed more.

    Cheers to everyone.


  • Old-timer
    Old-timer Member Posts: 196
    Good job!

    Congratulations, Hopeful.

    Great party you guys are having. I am with you in spirit. It's a sip of Jack Daniels for me.

    Best wishes to all of us. Life is good.

    Old Timer

  • ralph.townsend1
    ralph.townsend1 Member Posts: 359 Member

    With all this cancer around us, we need to take in life, the season, and every thing we touch. I was letting the cancer control me, but now I'm taking back my life. I will fight it, and use the all latest drugs to kill it. At the same time smell the roses and injoy Ice Cream, since I can't drink cause of the Medicine.