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  • Pixie Dust
    Pixie Dust Member Posts: 424 Member

    feeling better

    I'm feeling pretty good today, still have the swollen legs up to midcalf and face is flushed & puffy like last time.

    But I washed 5 loads of clothes. And this afternoon Lew drove me over to the mall and I shopped at a wig shop there that's run by a breast cancer survivor. I picked up one of those bands that has hair so when you wear it under a cap it looks like you have bangs and hair over your ears. Also got 2 caps and a couple stretchy bands. And had another lesson on getting my wig on straight. When I first tried to adjust it this morning my ears kept sticking out like Dumbo.

    Got my neulast shot a couple hours ago, hope that Claritin works again this time around.

    Keeping wig on straight

    Puffin, got the answer for you on keeping your wig on straight. Have Lew to use duct tape with it. Duct tape does wonders for all things. You can even buy it in different colors. LOL Pixie  Dust

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member

    essential oils

    She just gave a brief presentation so I don't know much about them either. Different fragrances were supposed to accomplish different things, like lavendar for calming, etc. I remember her saying the scent for nausea she put a drop behind each ear. Some I think she put a drop on her wrist. There was also a diffuser that could be set up in a room that put out a mist, but her husband wasn't too fond of it so she used that when he wasn't home

    Essential oils.







  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member

    Keeping wig on straight

    Puffin, got the answer for you on keeping your wig on straight. Have Lew to use duct tape with it. Duct tape does wonders for all things. You can even buy it in different colors. LOL Pixie  Dust

    Essential oil link.






  • Puffin2014
    Puffin2014 Member Posts: 531 Member

    Add me to the thrush list, Lew went and picked up my swishing medicine. Diarrhea is better, still hoping to drive to Burnsville tomorrow for Dad's birthday and the river boat cruise.

    I did get out into my yard before it got hot and picked a bouquet of flowers, and trimmed back some perennial stalks. Totally pooped me out and I've been resting in the recliner since, but nice to get some fresh air.

  • bonbondidit
    bonbondidit Member Posts: 116 Member


    Add me to the thrush list, Lew went and picked up my swishing medicine. Diarrhea is better, still hoping to drive to Burnsville tomorrow for Dad's birthday and the river boat cruise.

    I did get out into my yard before it got hot and picked a bouquet of flowers, and trimmed back some perennial stalks. Totally pooped me out and I've been resting in the recliner since, but nice to get some fresh air.

    First oncol

    Hi all,


    Well I have been through alot of changes over the past two weeks.  I did have the bilat mastectomy with all axillary box removed.  I had 4 positive lymph nodes out of them all and am a stage 3A.  I will begine chemo in the next two weeks and will have a port put into my arm (PICC?) this coming Thursday. I am looking into wigs and scarfs as I know I will lose my hair. I go to the oncol to talk chemo tomorrow. Puffin, I am so grateful for you as I feel like you are two steps ahead of me and I get to see how your path is going and helps me gear up for mine.  I am sorry that you have to have a path and that goes for all the other fabulous angels on this site as well.


    Love and hugs,


  • Puffin2014
    Puffin2014 Member Posts: 531 Member

    First oncol

    Hi all,


    Well I have been through alot of changes over the past two weeks.  I did have the bilat mastectomy with all axillary box removed.  I had 4 positive lymph nodes out of them all and am a stage 3A.  I will begine chemo in the next two weeks and will have a port put into my arm (PICC?) this coming Thursday. I am looking into wigs and scarfs as I know I will lose my hair. I go to the oncol to talk chemo tomorrow. Puffin, I am so grateful for you as I feel like you are two steps ahead of me and I get to see how your path is going and helps me gear up for mine.  I am sorry that you have to have a path and that goes for all the other fabulous angels on this site as well.


    Love and hugs,


    post chemo 2

    This second round of chemo actually went better than the first, other than the thrush, just had 2 or 3 days of being wobbly legged. Was able to drive sooner, never got nauseated. Have to pace my activity but am getting a lot done

  • Tracy Lafayette
    Tracy Lafayette Member Posts: 1
    Hi ladies. im very worried

    Hi ladies. im very worried about myself. breast cancer runs in my famiy. my paternal grandma had breast cancer in both breasts un related and lung cancer unrelated in both lungs. im not sure what kind of breast cancer she had. but she died a couple months ago. :( my paternal aunt also died from breast cancer. im 23 yrs old ive had 2 kids nursed for 3 yrs. still nursing, only daytime 3x (nap/bed times). ive had a real pain under my left arm/breast area for over a wk now. i went in thursday and had it checked, dr said it felt like lymph node. he sent me straight up to have a ultra sound. called me back that same day and has me scheduled monday morning for a mammo. it seems to hurt if i lift my arm up or hold my chid too long. :( also to take a deep breath. its a sharp stinging pain. thanks for any feedback.. 

  • Puffin2014
    Puffin2014 Member Posts: 531 Member

    Hi ladies. im very worried

    Hi ladies. im very worried about myself. breast cancer runs in my famiy. my paternal grandma had breast cancer in both breasts un related and lung cancer unrelated in both lungs. im not sure what kind of breast cancer she had. but she died a couple months ago. :( my paternal aunt also died from breast cancer. im 23 yrs old ive had 2 kids nursed for 3 yrs. still nursing, only daytime 3x (nap/bed times). ive had a real pain under my left arm/breast area for over a wk now. i went in thursday and had it checked, dr said it felt like lymph node. he sent me straight up to have a ultra sound. called me back that same day and has me scheduled monday morning for a mammo. it seems to hurt if i lift my arm up or hold my chid too long. :( also to take a deep breath. its a sharp stinging pain. thanks for any feedback.. 

    Keep breathing

    Very glad you found this site, hope the tests show it's nothing to be worried about and you can forget you were ever here.

    Be grateful you have a doctor that is taking action. Waiting is always the hardest part, and trying to keep your mind from wandering to the dark side is hard to do, but really try. Stay busy this weekend, don't go researching the internet for all the scary things it could be. Be prepared that you may not have your answer yet Monday from the mammogram either. Keep telling yourself that you are strong, whatever it turns out to be you WILL handle it, one day at a time. There are many people here that will be right there with you. I see you were in the chat room, come back in the evenings, lots of people there between 8:30 and midnight central time, we're here for you.

  • Puffin2014
    Puffin2014 Member Posts: 531 Member
    Garden Gnome

    Check out the Expressions Gallery, I posted a photo of the garden gnome I painted this weekend.

  • Puffin2014
    Puffin2014 Member Posts: 531 Member
    chemo #3 today

    Had chemo #3 today, no reaction this time! They increased the dose of my benadryl and ran the taxotere over 3 hours, during which I took a 2 hour nap. Only one more chemo left!